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Grand New Flag

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Posts posted by Grand New Flag

  1. Roos will sign a contract either thursday or friday and press conference will be called friday.

    I can now rest easy! :-D

    Interesting that is exactly the same feedback I was given by my friend on the board.............................. who I may add went very silent on Roos after being adamant we were going to get him in May or early June. Clearly the board and administration smartly kept their mouth shut. This may have been a test......... so to speak. Certainly the old board and admin would have leaked this all day everyday and the deal would have been lost. The point is that no body knew how close things had got, despite obvious and clear on-going communications between the club and Roos. Well done to the club (assuming no last minute fcuk up!).

    I asked my "friend" who was going to be coach a month ago after Roos had sort of said no publically, and he told me they were still confident in getting Roos. I reported this here at the time but it seemed few believed. I had even lost confidence.

    • Like 12
  2. I do not think that this will happen...

    Mike Sheahan on OTC gave his 'Dream Team' that he must have thought about all of the hour before taping and Lynch was 'List Manager.' That's where this comes from - Mike Sheahan's rear end...

    Jackson has intimated that List Management should be overseen by the head of the FD.

    Perhaps, but if not list manager another role for Lynch?

  3. On insider they just asked Lynch about being the new list manager of Melbourne, he seemed to talk the list up with that big cheesy grin he does, pretty much said its 100% for Roos to coach us.

    Watched it closely, it would seem that Lynch will indeed be our list manager next year.

    For the record, on this one I have no inside info, simply a view from Lynch's response. Admitted he had been in discussions with Roos re our list, did not deny he would be part pf the Roos team dispite being dirctly asked.

    • Like 1
  4. I find this all very interesting. My understanding from within the club (those who really care who can stroll through 177 pages and read my previous posts) is that Paul Roos has indicated to the club that he will be our coach next season. It is also my understanding that he has not yet signed. I know as a fact the Roos has been in communications with MFC since R2 and that despite what he has said publically has remained in communications with the club during this time. That's almost 6 months! I believe Paul Roos is a man of outstanding character, but it is clear from the charade that he is not speaking as absolutely and out-right honestly as he claims. For example it is a fact that he publically said he had no interest in coaching Melbourne whilst in discussions with PJ................. but knowing this he always left the door just a little open. As I have said before PJ and the board has always maintained confidence they would get their man.

    The reason for the final delay is interesting. It could be Roos waiting for final confirmation of AFL assistance, it could be fine details on the structure of the club and his ultimate power, it could be family as stated (however I don't believe so), it could be a respect thing with Craig and the season that has been, it could be details on his contract. Nevertheless, I don't believe for one second that this master of the press would have knowingly rehashed this story if he was not intending to take the role.

    All I am saying is don't take his words on face value, with Roos you need to read between the lines and the writing between the lines reads positively.

    • Like 11
  5. I spoke to Judd's manager (Jake) after he met with the Dees and was told he wouldn't be coming to Melbourne, although he was impressed by Bailey at the time. The reason they even interviewed with Melbourne was because of Connor's (Jake) respect for Craig Cameron. (And no doubt because of our ladder position and the needed to wedge West Coast)

    Not Jake, Lucy Mills. Lucy has now left Connors and is running her own boutique. She managers a host of females including Bec Judd, plus Adam Goods and Jimmy Bartell but no longer Chris Judd.

  6. If Roos becomes coach as expected. Watts will resign, Watts will not be considered for trade.

    Watts is confused on when he should attack the ball and when he should stand on the edge of a pack as an outside player. He is our best user of the ball and has been told to be an outside players as this is who we want to see with the ball. Roos will fix this confusion up. Remember Green was soft in the first half of his career and turned into a mongrel.

    • Like 3
  7. Grand New Flag, glad to see your info is all panning out and thanks for your info throughout. :rolleyes:

    Thank You.

    All indications are that Ross will coach us. I am hearing this from player managers to board members with whom I speak. Melbourne has always been confident they would get their man Roos and this is now close to reality.

    However, he has not signed yet, things can still go wrong. I remember the Lyon situation last season. Or the Mich Clark situation if you were a Freo supporter. Or the Judd situation where his manager told me after the interview with Melbourne that he was coming to the Dees only for Juddy to change his mind in the following days. As such I am still cautious, a deal is not a deal until the ink has dried.

    • Like 6
  8. It kind of just occurred to me that if we didn't sack Neeld and the Don etc when we did we would never have been a chance to get Roos.

    This is going right to the line (thank god we have had all this time to restructure the club)

    Here, here!

    This was my argument in the "Time to go Mark Neeld" Thread.

    • Like 2
  9. A certain manager of a certain high profile, high draft pick who's contract is up, has told me that it has been confirmed to him by our club that Roos will be coach.

    This story has played true since I first discussed it on here in May. Now I am waiting to collect my winnings from the dam bookmaker who would only let me bet $20 @ odds of $8. Hope a few others here took my advice.

    When confirmed this is the best possible news for our Football Club.

    • Like 24
  10. These developments are entirely consistent with what I have been saying for 3+ Months.

    Melbourne has been in discussions with Roos since R2.

    Melbourne in confident Roos will coach from 2014.

    No decision will be made until admin, board etc are in place.

    No decision will be made until after AFL assistance is confirmed.

    The AFL wants Roos to coach Melbourne

    None of this should be a surprise! Roos is very short odds to coach us. I say $1.20 would be a fair market.

    • Like 15
  11. He's too slow, seems to have lost his zip, strength in his legs as well as penetration on his kick.

    Looks like OP but, I am sure the club would not be playing him if this was the case. A shadow of the player he was in his first 2 seasons.

    However, he reads the play very well, is a superb tackle. He looks the same sort of player as McLean. I am sure that if you put a champion mid-field around him he would be a very useful and dangerous player as the 5th midfielder who is thus not tagged. Just like McLean.

    Unless he regains speed and strength he will never be more.

    • Like 6
  12. Melbourne believe they are still in the running for Roos. Roos has not made a decision on if and where he will coach. AFL equally supportive of Roos coaching Melb or Brisbane as Brisbane financially is a basket case which only success will cure. This is not in our favour.

    Roos has told Melbourne he will not consider Melbourne's contract/offer further until the President, Board and Administration are finalised (as he said in the HS two weeks ago). I suggest we hurry up and sort this out.

    Personally I would prefer Roos but would be happy with either Roos, Williams or Eade.

    Just saying the club still has confidence, however probably fair to say not as high confidence as a month ago.

  13. Look mate, who bloody knows haha

    last i heard was that he was on the coaching shortlist, imo that wouldn't happen if he hadn't shown some form of interest behind closed doors, i highly doubt PJ would bother if he was totally out of the picture,

    having said that Adam Simpson didn't make the short list at all and i have heard more people talking about him coaching us this last 3-4 days than anyone ever for any job so i guess it's a waiting game, shame GNF isn't around at the moment, he seems to be able to give an insight into the Roos situation

    Thanks Demonfan26,

    I have been on holiday for the last week, and have not had a chance to get the latest re- roos or any other coach for that matter. I will see if I can find out where we are at over the next few days.


    • Like 4
  14. Appears to be more than rumour. Resign or be forced out by the AFL for bringing the game into disrepute.

    Hird lost me when he sold out on Evans last week. He should have resigned himself and protected his Chairman, who from all reports had absolutely no idea that the "substitutes" were more than vitamin injections.

    Hird needs to leave the game for a few years like Carey had to.

  15. Here's a different spin on Roos' article. It is part of his interview process with Peter Jackson, given that Jackson pitched to him on the Monday night via On the Couch.

    Just so they don't waste time down the track. Brilliant! They are using the media to conduct the interview process! :)


    • Like 1
  16. The article was a statement confirming almost everything that I have been hearing. He has stated clearly what needs to happen for him to take the job. He seemed confident that we will get PP at #1 (interesting), the importance of Watts and essentially outlined his 100 day plan. (I am also told Watts signature depends on Roos signature.)

    Roos again could have added a couple of paragraphs saying that although the coaching job was tempting and he believed we had the foundations of a good team, due to family reasons, and media commitments he was unable to take the offer, but in his opinion ........... or ........... had the right skill set and should be pursued.

    The facts are he again had a perfect opportunity to politely let us down. BUT HE DID NOT.

    Clearly this is an open letter to members, board members and the AFL of what his requirements are. He wants to coach us, but these things are non negotiable.

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