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Grand New Flag

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Posts posted by Grand New Flag

  1. The best thing that can happen to MelbourneFC is that James Aish plays best on ground in the SANFL GF this weekend, there by upping his value. Aish was the youngest EVER player to debut in the SANFL at just 16, won the Premiership last year with Norwood and is headed for back to back this year. I am not concerned by his light frame. He has played fantastic football at a senior level for 2 seasons. If he can dominate at the senior level skinny, imagine how he will go when he puts on some mussel. Just so we are all clear, he is talked as the best player to come out of SA in a generation, a one in 1000 player, and is well in front of Gibbs at the same age.

    I would be disappointing to let Aish go, it will have to be one hell of a good deal for us. Swallow maybe? Whatever the case we will be trading out a potential superstar and this must come with serious currency. If this does not come forth we should stick with Aish.

    Looking forward to watching him on the weekend!

    • Like 3
  2. A few of you are making the assumption that Roos will be a good coach for us and the extra year will be good. Doesn't always work out that a coach being good at 1 club will mean they are good at another club.

    ie. Dennis Pagan, John Northey, Robert Walls to name a few.

    Not saying he won't be, merely saying, he hasn't coached a game yet and we don't have any wins on the board :)

    Mate hate to break it to you, but even if Roos disappoints he will still be 5 fold better than Neeld and significantly better than Bailey. Neeld was the worst possible appointment. He was the wrong man, at the wrong time who did not possess the required skill set and was hopelessly out of his depth at a basket case of a club. Its a big difference being a assistant coach at a super club under the best coach in the game to being head coach at a 2nd tier club with massive internal problems. He could not coach, he could not develop, he could not install confidence and self belief and he had no idea how to deal with the internal politics and issues.

    At the very least Roos has experience, is a master motivator and a legendary player developer. We have our man.

    • Like 5
  3. http://afl.com.au/news/2013-10-03/dew-still-a-chance-for-dees?utm_medium=RSS

    Would you be happy to wait for Dew or should we get someone who is available straight away?

    This is the sort of "A Grade" play our club has been sadly missing for a long time. This is playing the Swans at their own game. We can't lose from this. There is a high likelihood that this will flush Dew out in the coming weeks. With this comment, all it takes is for Dew to tell the Swans he is intending to leave for the Dees at the end of his contract and he will be released. I suspect he will be in Red and Blue before pre-season training starts.

    • Like 5
  4. Seriously, anyone who thinks that we are about to trade pick 2 for a 28yo with issues with pick 10 thrown back is on drugs. Where is the benefit of that? Pick 2 is there for us to secure quality. Shaw being 28 with issues is worth a 3rd or 4th round pick, and if we trade for Shaw we will use an appropriate pick.

    Interesting commentary about GWS. With Buddy, Boyd could well become pick 2. If this is the case we should take Boyd and trade Clark to Freo as previously suggested or keep Clark and trade Boyd to Freo. We should be able to get two A Grade Mids, one young, one old for Boyd.

    • Like 8
  5. If Colin was particularly excited to have Roos on board he would have signed by now. No, I suggest he fully intends to open the door and have a look around first. he might be disappointed as to his options.

    Im really totally apathetic towards this player now. Stay, go , whatever. I'll trust the clubs judgement ( now)

    Col has been overseas since the day after Roos signed. Let wait and see where things are on his return. He had no opportunity to sign before he left.

  6. GNF - given your connections with some at the MFC, an I appreciate you keeping us updated where possible, I have to disagree with most of your post, sorry!

    Mate, happy for anyone to disagree with anything. That's the entire point of these opinion based blogs. I expect argument on opinions.

    • Like 2
  7. What are you talking about? It was a terrible result for us. We lost 2 of our top 5 players (Rivers & Maloney) due to nothing more than horrific management and poor interpersonal skills of Neeld. What a dud he was. Neither of these players were replaced by someone who moved into our top 5 (or anywhere near it) and as such this left a massive hole for us. Pettard was a disgraceful delisting that angered me as was the forced retirement of Green. Pettard was judged off the back of an injury riddled year where he was played not 100% fit. Neeld was a moron for letting this talent go, and I am happy but not surprised that Pettard had an excellent year at Richmond where he locked down a spot and played finals.

    I agreed with the other delisting's in 2012 except I thought Gysberts was worth keeping. Why recruit a project player if you are not prepared to develop him? More crazy stuff from Neeld. I still think Gysberts can make it and would welcome him back to the MFC.

    I agree with all delistings so far in 2013.

  8. Who the hell would want to take that job when they have to make way in 12 months for that pathetic loser James Hird

    Alhough i reckon theres about a 5% chance Hird ever comes back to the AFL in any way

    Pretty sure Hird will never coach again. ASADA and further complications will end his career.

  9. Talking of conspiracies, I'm surprised that no-one has raised that which is most obvious to me: that members of the board have been in touch with Roos for 6 months (according to GNF) laying the groundwork for this Roos-coup and the it has gone off so successfully while other members of the board flailed away and sank. I think it less likely that the board acted in a coherent and effective fashion on this topic. Somewhere, a group of suits has plotted a way out of the Neeld mess, seen off the Stynes legacy board members and shoved the club away from the Hollywood Boulevard influences within and without.

    If true, (perhaps a big if) this is the biggest successful political maneuver at the MFC to be good since..well, since I've paid attention...

    All without leaks (except you, GNF).

    Now THERE"S a conspiracy theory!

    You are on the right track timD. I guess you should look at who has remained on the board.

    In late July things went very quite from my source, I was told Melbourne remained confident they would get Roos and that is all. I did not hear anything more until Roos said he was 50/50. In hindsight I probably should not have talked early. Will probably work against me next time.......

  10. yeah lets blame the club for everything...its a buy one get one free, size fits all get out of jail free excuse !!

    But it's not. There are those that will do their utmost irrespective of the mire they find themselves in and there are those that continually look to the externals as to causativity.

    Im not even suggesting Jack is but many here are. There is only one person in this whole world responsible for Jack....thats jack.

    Just like the good ( bad ) ol days at the JO.... weights are just weights, theyre weights.

    Potential not only has to be developed it has to be exercised. Again only one can do this , the person themselves.

    Wattever is holding Jack back ...in from within, its not the club.

    Thanks Belz,

    I understand your point, and I like everyone on here have been frustrated with Jack. However, I think it should be remembered that Watts was not recruited as a ready made AFL footballer. He did not come hardened going through the under 18s, state league system. He was recruited as a 17yo, still growing, KPP from the soft APS system. Everyone knew he was not ready made, that he needed developing. He is no leader and needs guidance, mentoring and proper developing. Sadly we have provided him very little.

    Other personalities can find their way through this, in Jacks case he has struggled to develop without the right environment around him. This does not make him a bad person, that he does not want it badly enough or mean he can't be a superstar, it is just who he is. Provide the right environment for Jack and I think you will find he strives. Jack knows himself and knows what he needs to develop. I have no problem with him endevouring to find that right environment to further his career, I am happy that it would seem he feels he can find that at Melbourne under Roos.

  11. Its great that we have met Jack's demands.

    I don't think this is fair.

    Jack has every right to want to leave an inept Melbourne FC. We have not lived up to our part of the bargain. The MFC has been atrocious, having won very few games in C Grade time slots since Watts arrival. Watts has been absolutely terribly developed with a lack of senior players, and mentors around him. He has served under 4 coaches in just 5 seasons and has constantly been thrown from one position to another, unable to be left to settle and grow into any role. Watts was brought in as a 17yo who had played in the APS system and was played too early as a marketing tool in his first game, further multiplying the pressure on him. In recent years he has been unfairly dropped and publically hung out to dry by Neeld on many occasions. Neeld was the single worst person to be coaching Watts, Neelds interpersonal skills were appalling. Neeld seemed to be jealous of Watts ability and no doubt frustrated he could not get more out of Watts but did everything wrong in his approach and development of Watts. Watts has been told be a receiver and then abused for not going hard into the pack. The failure of the coaching staff seemed to leave him confused on when to go hard and get his own ball and when to stand outside of the pack to receive as told. Then after all of this Watts is booed by his own supporters.

    My friends, Watts has every right to leave, I would have left if I was in his shoes, we are very lucky to have kept this under performing talent. Full marks to Watts for staying and showing loyalty to what seems like a lost cause. Good work by Paul Roos to install some belief in the MFC.............. hell we really do not deserve to have kept him. Now as supporters I expect a higher level from you just as I expect a higher level from Watts in 2014 and beyond.

    • Like 6
  12. He is exactly what we need in everyway except culture. I would think Martin was the last player a list needs who is trying to create good culture and thus this is a big NO to me. However, if Roos thinks differently I will trust Roos.

    Surely Martin fails the no [censored] policy.

    • Like 5
  13. I thought it was pretty poor that the AFL even mention that other clubs weren't happy and that that should not even be an issue. As if any other club is going to want to compormise their own draft position for another side. The AFL should grow some and forget what anyone else says and make their own decisions. When AD was talking about that he also mentioned that the AFL were set to lose over 1 million because of the way certain games went week 1 of the finals. This seemed to me like a very strange thing to say and could be heavily scrutinised. Why should money even be mentioned with the winners of finals. Those teams have just as much right to be in the finals as the ones that lost. It stinks of bias from the AFL and it seems they would do any thing to make a buck.

    I was thinking about this over the weekend. A very poor thing for AD to say, and says much about where the competition and AFL are at. The introduction of Free Agencies is a further risk to the smaller clubs. It risks making the minor clubs into no more than talent feeders to the big clubs. This competition and perhaps the future success of this sport is now at the cross roads. Does the AFL capitulate to short term money and the big clubs and allow the AFL to become a mirror of the EPL where only a handful of wealthy teams can win, or does it look to the longevity of the completion and try to maintain an even competition? The later may cost more in the short term, but is the fabric of success in the long term........... particularly as AFL is ONLY played in the country. The decision of the AFL in the PP matter will speak volumes on which way this competition is headed.

    As for the AFLs loss of $1 Million because the wrong teams won, this Million will be made up 10 fold if Freo and Port Adelaide can become stronger and gain news supporters from their finals wins.

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  14. No we don't deserve one, yes we should get one. Of course the other clubs will say "no way"........... what else are they going to say?

    Simply it is terrible for the game to have a team completely uncompetitive, season after season. Statistically over the last 2 seasons Melbourne has been the worst team since Fitzroy in 1994 & 1995. In other words a 1 in 20 year event. I would have thought if ever a PP should be given it should be in this instance.............. otherwise the rule should be scrapped all together.

    Despite Roos Melbourne will win the wooden spoon next season. We will however improve, GWS will improve dramatically and the likelihood is we will again be along way behind the rest of the competition. For the strength and good of the competition the difference between the bottom and the top teams must narrow dramatically. After 7 years at the bottom of the ladder, interest in the Dees is at rock bottom, the supporter base is drifting, we are reliant on welfare on and off the field. It is in the AFLs best interest to help us become competitive as quick as possible, to get us off life support and so we can become independent, strong and proud once more. Another season like the last two would almost finish us off. In dollar terms a PP will save the AFL significantly. It will also be to the financial advantage of every other club. Who wants to watch a smashing?

    The AFL must take care of its competition and in particular the minors or we will end up with a EPL situation. No body wants to see this. Another season of little hope and less than 4 wins will be another dagger to the completion and our club....... despite Roos. Hope needs to be restored. When you take the rose coloured glasses off, the reality of our list in the broad daylight is horrifying.

    I urge the AFL to present the MFC with #1 PP, for the good of the completion. Despite what we want to dream, realistically Melbourne is years away from challenging for the top 8. Getting smashed week in, week out is bad for everyone who loves AFL.

    • Like 3
  15. One more piece of uncut, confirmed news.

    MFC wanted 5 years, but Paul Roos would not commit. However, Paul Roos verbally said he WILL coach beyond 2 years and beyond 3 years if all is going well. Roos wanted an out should admin, board etc fail to maintain the structure and standards he requires.

    This should keep the entire organisation in line.

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  16. To all on here, STOP HYPERVENTALATING!

    Roos made it very clear that he would not interrupt the celebrations of the 2013 season by formalising his appointment before the B&F. No doubt WC will put in a phone call but as WC expect he will politely immediately reject their invitation. The reason for this is that he has already decided to coach Melbourne. Roos is not motivated by money or a better list, he wants to coach Melbourne because he sees us as the ultimate challenge, he believes he can resurrect us and do this quickly. If he succeeds he will become the absolute legend of the modern era.

    An announcement will be made before Wednesday but probably before this. I am told the club is aiming for tomorrow, but this will depend on whether Roos is ready and all fine details on the contract concluded. Roos has been actively recruiting his team, I understand it includes Ling and a couple of other beauties. Roos may want to wait for his family to be back before the big announcement as he has suggested, in which case Tuesday, but he will be coaching us.

    Now take a couple of deep breaths, smoke a fat one if you have to, and enjoy a good nights sleep.

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  17. What is going to happen if there ain't no presser called tomorrow guys and gals?

    Don't think I could live through another day like these last few.

    Relax, if not tomorrow over the weekend.

    Confirmation of a Liberal Landslide and Roos to Dees would make an awesome weekend for me!!!!!!!!!!!

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  18. Positive? That we will trade I hope!

    In the Hearld Sun article in early August where Roos outlined his plan on how to turn Melbourne around, he considered Watts our most important player moving forward and vital for any new coach to re-sign. Under Roos Watts will not be traded unless he askes to be and the chances of that under Roos are slim. Interestingly in the article Roos also expected Melbourne to receive #1 draft pick as a Priority Pick. Irony aside Roos stated he would put this pick (Boyd) or pick 3 up for action for an elite midfielder or 2, A Graders aged between 22 -24yo.

    I expect we will receive Pick 1.


    After re-reading this article it was clearly a 100 day plan, outlined to the board and PJ.

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