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Grand New Flag

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Everything posted by Grand New Flag

  1. The play-on game style was only seen in the dying last weeks of Neeld tenure. It was a desperate attempt to save his job. Neeld attempted to install the 2010 Collingwood game plan. Good coaches look at the list a develop a game plan that plays to the strengths or the natural ability of the list. Neelds copied an old game plan, that teams knew how to defeat, which played to our weaknesses. Defending this is defending the indefensible for a senior coach.
  2. Too many people had absolute blind faith in Neeld for far too long. He did not have the personnel skills or motivational skills to be head coach. His lack of personal skill was painfully obvious from almost his first press conference; this should have been picked up in the interview period. He made some horrible errors, pushed a game plan that was out dated, was easily defeated and completely inappropriate for the list we had. Neeld lost the players big time, oversaw the walkout of 2 of our best players (Moloney and Rivers), failed to develop any players. He took our club back 5 years. Statistically the worst coach in AFL/VFL history. I believe these statistics tell the horrible truth. A monumental mistake that has put the MFC on it knees. I don't think Graig is that good, I think its Neeld was that bad. Neeld should have been fired at the end of last season, perhaps if the board had fired him when they should have they would not be now tendering their resignations.
  3. I would not be so sure. We will see.
  4. You must pre-purchase. High number of MCC members for both Hawthorn and Geelong.
  5. Mate, don't want to get into a political or ideological debate, but can't let BS like this go unchallenged. I will not respond to any further comments on this in a sports thread. In society, by definition socialism rewards those who do not produce for society while punishing those who, study hard, work hard, risk their money, employee people and most importantly produce for society. Therefore by definition socialism cannot succeed in society as it takes away incentive to produce for society and thus society is poorer. As a result those countries that have embraced socialism have poor economies and poorer standards of living for all residents. This has occurred in every example since this ideology was invented about 100 years ago. Just compare the difference in standards of living in socialist v capitalism societies. I am all for a safety net and some sort of support for the unfortunate via a capitalist system, however socialism has never and will never work in general society. History has proven this absolutely. The reason socialism works in a micro environment of a sporting completion is that the "reward" given to the less fortunate does not reduce the incentive to produce for the strong. The illusive premiership and glory of winning maintains motivation and incentive. There is no drop off in production (effort) despite the socialist reward to those who fail.
  6. I totally agree, I also think that Roos is holding out to see what sort of assistance the AFL will dish out to the MFC. I can confirm that the AFL is very keen on Roos coaching us. He is the AFLs choice. IF the AFL want a strong MFC, that becomes self sufficient then rapid on-field improvement combined with a high profile coach and President is required. No team can afford to be cellar dwellers for 7 consecutive seasons. Other teams and supporters will hate that we will be rewarded for breathtaking incompetence. No we do not deserve help, our pain is very much self inflicted. However, for the strength of the competition, no team can be as redundant as the MFC for such a long period. It costs the entire competition and the AFL. The competition desperately needs to become more even, the introduction of the new teams combined with free agency have created a 2 tier competition. This is very unhealthy and weakens the competition and brand badly. The AFL know this. I am certain that over the coming years the AFL will go to great lengths to re-even the competition. I expect that other 2nd tier teams will also be rewarded for failure in the coming years. The AFL have stated that they do not want to create a EPL situation where the premiership is always and only split between the biggest 5 clubs. I hate socialism but it is required in the AFL for the health of our sport.
  7. A number of Demonlanders have been in contact to ask if I know more about Roos. The answer is: I do not. What we know remains the same: Roos is seriously considering us, I don't believe a decision has been made, I don't expect a decision to be made until after our club finishes its administrative sweep out and replacements have been found. Saying that the commentary from Roos most importantly not ruling himself out of the gig, confirms to me that he is indeed seriously considering and that what I have heard about this since early in the season is accurate. For the record $1.80 is probably a fair bet. I put money on at $7 but the maximum bet was $20.
  8. I put money on Roos, the maximum bet was $20!!!!!!!! This is not a real market, it is simply publicity for the betting agencies. I usually watch the bookmakers, but in this instance, not being a genuine market, it means absolutely nothing.
  9. This is all very true, except Roos will not take the job unless his heart is in it. There is no chance that we will be Blighted Roos is seriously considering his future, if his heart is in it, and his wife is happy to move to Melbourne, he will coach us next season. If it is not, someone else will get the job. People need to stop expecting any further short term movement on this issue. Roos will make his decision over the coming months, he will not make a decision while the club is restructuring, has no president, and an unconfirmed board. People need to settle down, take a deep breath and let things take there course.
  10. I think it will ONLY come down to whether Roos has the drive, motivation and heart to take us on. The great news is he will not take the job unless he has that burning desire to rescue our club and the required drive. I am hoping.
  11. Agreed. The IOOF bloke is called Chris Kelaher. Has to be a chance, as does Don Argus.
  12. Quality names on Demons' board list
  13. Very interesting, I was not aware of this article. I will find it and read it now. The article further confirms the situation...... but I guess there is a chance that we have the same source.
  14. Not Rumour, big news. The AFL has, for all intensive purposes, taken over the MFC. The AFL alone will determine who will be Coach, President and CEO (Jackson). In my opinion this is a good thing. The AFL/MFC have had further discussions with Roos and the MFC in conjunction with the AFL will make him a very lucrative offer which will include full power over the football department and priority or mini draft picks. The AFL/MFC are currently working on the offer after feedback from Roos and have informed Roos that the role is his if he wants it. The AFL/MFC are confident enough that they will not look at other coaches until Roos rejects the offer. I understand that the AFL/MFC feel he will likely accept the offer and consider him a better than 50/50 chance. Make no mistake, If we land Roos it will be our Chris Judd moment (aka Carlton). I would argue this would be even bigger than Carlton's moment. Interestingly the AFL have rejected Kennett, Stockdale and Freeman as President. All have had meetings with Demetrio, all have been told they don't have AFL support. Although the AFL can't stop these people standing and winning, the AFL has let the MFC know that getting their choice in President is part of the rescue package and if their choice does not get the role the AFL support can't be guaranteed. It is understood they have their own very high profile President in mind. Still no word on who this is. Again this is all confirmed and not rumour. It comes from the same sources as my previous comments (for those who have been following)
  15. I always though we should have got Williams last time around. Contrary to comments on this thread he was available and keen. What an error!
  16. You can't rule out Craig. If he turns the team around in the 2nd half of the season and wins say 3 - 5 games with significantly better performances it will be difficult not to give him the role. Perhaps only Roos would get nod in front of him if this was the case. Neeld was a cancer, the players hated him, he put in place an out-dated inappropriate, copied game plan, players were not allowed to play their natural game, went into their shells and lost self confidence, self belief and thus the ability to play. Honestly Neeld should have been sacked at the end of last season. The writing was well and truly on the wall last season. If confidence can be restored, performance could turn around quicker than people think. I am expecting a much better performance this weekend and through to the end of the season. It is my hope that there will be a slow improvement through to season ends. The job will go to one of: Roos, Williams, Eade or Craig
  17. I like our current emblem. Not everything Schwab did was bad. Our current emblem was the work of Stynes as much as Schwab.
  18. I always believed that would be the case. If he turns the club around in the second half of the season it would be difficult to say no to him.
  19. Mate, I am not guaranteeing that we have him. Just confirming that the board has been working hard at getting Roos for at least 2 months and Roos has interest. By the way, I am no fan of the performance of the board, despite knowing one of the members personally. Ultimately they were responsible for MN hiring and the mess we are in now. No doubt there will be further departures to try and rectify this.
  20. The board member is a personal friend. I don't think he knows I have loose lips, he would not be happy. I am the one in the wrong sharing this. Nevertheless, he has been much harder to get info out of for the last month or so. I spent time with him on the weekend and there was no mention that Neeld had been sacked, even though I complained about Neelds performance and lack of board movement on him.
  21. A confirmed rumour, directly from a current board member, and confirmed via a current player/coach manager. This person does not look after Roos but is connected into the Roos camp. I said this was the case about 2 months ago.
  22. The club has been working hard on Roos since early in the season (fact). Naturally Roos could never admit this considering we had another coach under contract. Things are much further advanced with Roos than is being admitted. Roos is seriously considering a move to the Dees. The bookmakers have odds of $5, the club considers the true odds to be more like even money. Roos is the AFLs choice and no doubt they will help getting him over the line. How the club restructures itself, what personnel are recruited to the admin team will have an influence on his final decision. Fingers crossed!!!!
  23. No doubt a combination of both issues, but they are connected. I am sure that if Neeld had not lost the players, we would have performed better on field. Neeld really was the worst coach I have ever seen. He will leave senior coaching with the worst on-field performance of any coach in history. He deserves it. Questions must be asked on how he was chosen, it really was amateur hour under his tenure. How could we pick a coach that was missing the interpersonal skills required. This is perhaps the most important trait of a successful coach. The fact Neeld still can't see or admit he made errors and said he would do it all the same again given the chance is staggering. Surely a proper interview process would have unearthed these personality issues. Good riddance!
  24. I just want to take a quick swipe at those on this forum who abused and questioned my honesty and integrity in the "Time to go Mark Neeld" thread. I note that the main reason given by Peter Jackson for the sacking of Neeld was the need to retain our players and show them that Melbourne FC was a place they could have a successful career. He essentially said MN had lost the players. I was given plenty by many on here when I said that this was the case and a walk out of players was on the cards come seasons end. I even said where I had heard it, a current player manager, and from feedback directly from players. I said it was not rumour and even mentioned players names. Yet still I received abuse and accusations of lying, and scaremongering from many. Let me make one thing clear, if it is rumour, I say its rumour, if it is a fact I say it is fact putting my reputation on the line. I feel somewhat vindicated. Now what I am about to say I have also said before. My understanding is that we are much closer to getting Roos than is being admitted. There have already been many communications prior to yesterdays sacking. Obviously Ross could only deny while we had another coach. Roos is very seriously considering a move to the Dees. The book makers have Roos at $5. At these levels this is an outstanding bet. The clubs view is closer to even money.
  25. All very true. I would like to add that having a President and CEO who are non Melbourne people is exactly what we need. We need the view of those outside the club looking in, rather than from inside the club being blinded. Jeff’s credentials are outstanding, he will increase our club profile, will increase interest and media attention. This leads to more media, higher sponsorship, more members and interest in our club from outside players. It is my view Jeff would be a godsend to our club. Another successful business man like Freeman with no experience in sport or media is not the answer. If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got. In MFC case this is FAILURE. Its time to step away from our failed model we have followed for 50 years. Bring on Jeff. I will vote for him.
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