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Posts posted by montasaurus

  1. Might as well put 200cm Martin in the Forward line, Rocca ain't playing.

    Also davey named in the FP next to him. With pettard and miller contesting I would suggest davey might be in for a busy day being frount and centre

  2. If you're referring to the incident with Drew Petrie, right after he closelined Jnr, then he is right on the money giving Petrie a spray, it was unruly and stupid, and he was sticking up for his captain.

    While he may not have won a flag or a B+F, he is in that exclusive club of Rising Star winners.

    No free kick,

    No report

    No Goal Cost

    Well done JR for flying the flag without "going outside" the current rules. what he did was 100% OK and many other players would have given a free and even 50 away as a response. It was right in-front of us and we saw 2 or 3 of the best jumper punches I have seen in a while. Seeing 3-4 melbourne players run at petrie after our captain was layed out was fantastic. Refer 1st 3 points.

  3. Whilst I understood your logic, I don't think that Scott Clayton will be setting his sights that low as to draft Miller as an uncontracted player.

    GC17 have access to draft up to 16 uncontracted players. Given that they'll have a core group of young talent on low salaries, they can utilise their salary cap benefits to target some high priced recruits. Clayton has stated that they won't be specifically targetting ex-Queenslanders.

    Potential captain as well?

    I cannot see any club not having their "stars" in water tight new deals by the end of the year locking GC17 out. (eg G Ablett)

    So assuming they don't have any stars recruited who will captain them. All of a sudden a player like miller looks a lot better.

    so once again assuming that all clups sign up their start forwards (NR etc), I am sure that the 2nd tier forwards like miller will be looked at. So I agree with what you are saying that SC will be initially setting sights higher but none the less if there are no star forwards they are still going to require a couple of established tall forwards until the young-ins come through.

    Also there is room for trade so while SC has stated they will be targeting young talent I wonder how MFC would feel about a low 1st round for a player like miller if he has a similar year to last year? I for one hope that we keep him as when players like watts and jurrah start coming through we still need 1 or 2 strong bodied players to lead.

  4. I saw an article on the new gold coast team targetting ablett and riewoldt as recruits. Down the bottom it mentioned a few others from the GOld Coast that would be targeted and Petterd was named. If they do target him what are our chances of keeping him and how much would losing him hurt the teams development.

    I have had a feeling for some time that miller is the one they will chase as he is out of contract next year and is an ex QLD boy. Tall KPP cannot be drafted at 18yrs and expected to fill a key role.

  5. Sponsorship opportunities??

    Surely more then co-incidence, did anybody notice the qty of signage from our sponsers on the Sthern stand. Surely the MCC have had a hand in the signing of our sponsers.

  6. Whilst they did a few good things I think both Bennel and Jetta need more time to develop at casey. Grimes and wonna straight back in when they are fit. Otherwise much better just need to sustain the 1st 2 quaters for a full game.

  7. I am not sure why you made a point of mentioning it. Its not worth its weight in torn up 2009 Tiger membership tickets


    i hope they had security around the membership tent after the game for those looking for a refund!

  8. bugger, 1 game in and already 1 player short. Grant for the doggies and sidebottom for the filth both not picked for rnd 1. leaving 1 emg (schonmakers) to come in. Not a good start!

    Need a good rookie that will play rd 2 in the forward line and has to be under 100k if sidebottom and grant don't get a gig.

  9. Its interesting that a lot of us have had garland/martin as a possible forward in the interim for us yet on the eve of rd 1 all are in the back line or may not even get a game (martin).

    Seems very strange, but this tells me that the club has faith in pettard as a perm marking forward for us. After his 1st half v the doggies there is a lot to look forward to. I think he may really get under the radar of a few clubs early on in the year if all goes well. Contests well, 2nd efforts are great and no body could doubt his courage. Newton may well have played his last snr game for MFC based on form up to this point.

  10. Make no mistake Dees fans, we are every bit the favorite to finish 16th.

    Have a quick read down at bomber blitz. Already good for a few laughs! They are turning on themselves, knights and are predicting that they are sure to finish 16th. Brightens up a friday arvo!

    And this is after they have been rubbishing the MFC!


    Its good to see Arron Davey is getting plenty of game time over the weekend :lol:

  11. Our Future does not depend on the Failures of others- i didn't say that. All i said is i do not think North will survive within 5 years. They may regret that they did not relocate at all, or else they will leave the building as North Melbourne, or they will prove me wrong & thrive but i seriously doubt it.

    I don't Hate North i just don't think they will survive. Last year they received a bucket load of sympathy Memberships. This year the reality of the supporter base kicks in.

    Don't Forget 2 years ago only 25,000 rolled up to a Final that the Kangas played in. That is unsustainable.

    I still say their is Room for only one melbourne in this city.

    WYL - I think your right. Deep down I would hate to see any of the current sides to go/relocate the same as fitzroy and Sth, but facts are facts at this stage. The simple facts are Nth struggle for a crowd ATM while they are enjoying some level of success. Nth has the worst facilities by a long way now we have casey/MCC deals at various stages and they simply have a terrible supporter base. Lets face it when we are winning we have 30k Melb supporters turning up. When nth are winning they are lucky to have 10k of their own turn up to home games.

    like you said currently - "thats unsustainable". I really think Nth got it wrong by backing out of the GC deal. I would hate to see them die a slow death ala fitzroy and be forced into a take over rather then standing as your own. I now think western sydney could well be where they are headed which would be the worst outcome possible for them.

    But enough of that, back on us...

    If we are capable of achieving 30-35k this year is it possible to crack 40k by 2010 if we start having a little success? if we have a champion in the making come out of this crop (JW?) maybe 40k is not such a far dream?

  12. Bailey said that if Sylvia trained hard enough he'd play, so if Bails is true to his word Sylvia is either injured or he didn't train hard enough. If it's the latter then his future must be in serious doubt, if he can't get himself together after his type of incentive from his coach then I doubt he ever will.

    It's a shame because I believed he'd be able to finally prove himself

    I think your right on the money Jarka, the only thing that crossed my mind was that he was being taught a lesson this week regardless. So if in 7 days he is in the same position his future has to be questioned and it may be a long road back for him.

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