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Posts posted by montasaurus

  1. Dean Bailey's Press Conference is well worth watching....

    He cops his fair amount of $hit from a few of the clubs supporters, but he is so down to earth it isn't funny (hence why he's not overly funny himself :P )

    Honest, To the point and realises where the club is currently at and where they want to end up....

    When asked why he did not join the team after the match to sing the song he replied "The game is about the players. What do I do?? They are the ones who train for six months, they are the ones who lift the weights, so it is only fair that they celebrate together. It is just great to sit back and watch them celebrate a win after working so hard for so long. But let's not get ahead of ourselves"

    Dean Bailey may not be the man that coaches our next premiership side.... But he will have had a massive input in the lead up!!

    Go Dees!

    Great insightful press conference.

    The only thing that bugs me a little is his use of the word "COMPETITIVE". I can understand answering questions using this word after a 100pt thrashing as to not be drawn ala haves into player/club bashing answers, but when describing the second quater he called it a "competitive effort".

    He must have been watching a different game as i thought we wiped the floor with the insipid tigers in the 2nd? Maybe a phase "our attack on the ball was excellent"..... something like that would have been a bit better.

    So lets all come up with a better response for DB next time he is asked....

    What do you think of the dees 2nd term?

    DB response - Well its hard to judge as we were only playing the Yr10 girls team from MSC......... Actually I apologies for making the yr10 MSC team seem so bad as I'm sure they are better then terrys list! :lol:

  2. I don't know what the fuss is with Wallace. Has anyone seen how the Dockers are being coached lately?

    hence why pagen was asked the other day if he would coach freo if asked.

    To this he responded with something like: If I get the call I'm on the 6.30pm flight out of tulla Tonight!

    I really think it is an even money bet b/w terry and have's who goes first. lets not forget harveys media effort after we beat them last year!

  3. Alternatively, there will need to be an assessment of the playing group (mid year) to determine strengths and deficiencies and how we improve that through the draft. MFC will need to plot and plan how use the rest of the season to test younger players, transition out older players and develop a final position on borderline players.

    The worst thing IMO that can happen this year is 5 or 6 wins, 4 or less and there is a prize, 7 or more and the group gets a bit of pride and confidence.

  4. I was surprised that it reached 40,000. Before the game I didn't think it would get to 35,000. And we weren't outnumbered either. Good effort from both supporter groups I think.

    For an away game I actually thought we out numbered the toig? suggest a split of 23k vs 17k our way in support. Did anyone else notice this or was it just the fact of sitting in the ponsford with the mcc to the left packed with MFC support?

    It was almost like a home game for us! great to see the MCC packed at ground level! Also the cheer squad must have enjoyed the many of us that would normally have members reserve seats elsewhere sitting with em and making plenty of noise!

  5. At the start of the year I would have said win win win, a winning culture is just as important as draft picks - refer richmond, they have a very good list on paper and where are they ATM?.

    However 4 games in has changed my mind some what. If we can string together 4 or more wins by mid season I still think we should go for it and see if we can get another 6 in the second half and be knocking on the door. However if we have less then 4 wins at mid point play for the draft picks!

  6. for me messen had one of the best games I have seen by a mfc ruck man, but I was sitting a lot further away then usual. Great to see, our hardness at the ball all over the park was excellent - you could have been excused to think that it was the dees in the medias sights all week.

    Just waiting for the replay on fox ATM

  7. Totally agree.

    couldn't have happened to a better bloke today. I for one can't stand wallace and believe he sould resign tomorrow. Did anyone else catch his press conference, what a joke, the whole time explaining how badly his tigs played, how about being a little more gracious in defete terry? Good riddens he wont be coaching in 2010 and thats the best thing that could have happened today!

  8. theres only one bloke who bleeds red and blue more and thats beamer. Miller has one of the biggest engines of any tall in the game. Just can't wait for him to be able to play a bit further up the park when robbo is back (hopefully next week)

  9. pardon me if its already been said but what exactly did he do?

    broken jaw? cheekbone? nose?

    Cheekbone and jaw was reported on 3AW after the game. 6-8 weeks. Very sad as he has been the heart and soul of this side for a long time now. With valenti BOG yesterday he would have to be a chance for next week.

  10. Top draftee faces spectre of jail time

    One high-profile Victorian club is very angry at one of its star draftees. And it’s not over something trivial like a push and shove in a bar or nightclub. It is alleged that the star recruit was involved in a gang invasion of a house where baseball bats and machetes were used. It happened in his home state before last year’s draft and my contacts in that state tell me the courts have been extremely harsh in judging similar cases. He is likely to be charged with assault and in all probability may go to jail. One insider at the club told me that if the club had known “we would have gone down a different track and recruited someone else”. Maybe the AFL should demand full disclosure form draftees in future. It would be pretty crook if you were to draft somebody and he was to suddenly say “I’ll see you in 18 months when I get out”.


    The issue here is that he has not been charged with anything at this point so how can the afl or any club for that matter pass judgement, let alone do a background check?

    Geez - I hope its carlton! would serve those cheats right!

  11. Completely agree! In the absence of Wonna at the moment Melbourne need to play Davey close to goal where he can potentially kick 2-3 goals a game and assist in a similar amount. Our forward line is struggling at the moment at that is where we need him most. Once Wonna returns then by all means move Davey to the half forward flank or onto the ball.

    The flip side of this is that while we are being badly beaten having davey as a deep forward is at times a waste because no touches in the forwardline is worse then creating run off half back with 30 odd good touches. In a ideal world FP is the best position for davey, but for MFC where ever he can get 30 touches ATM is best. Sadly this is not around the forwardline

  12. Was one of the shining lights down back on a truly pathetic MFC performance. Some of his contested marking was top shelf and he won the praise of Malcolm Blight.

    Totally agree BBP, but at half time I was guttered that he was named at FF yet failed to play a minute there.

    Have been calling for it for ages.... MEMO TO DB - give him a go in the forward line!

    Great chance this week to show us what he has got as a forward with port only really have WT as a tall forward. Warnock can cover him and even have Petterd off HB if need be. Try something different! It should have happened last week in the final term!

  13. I'm thinking we might need a VISY type company for support, so we can recruit a Matthew Pavlich. So we'll need an endless pit of money, much like Carltank.

    Maybe he can be the good will spokesman for the MCC???

    The was talk off season of the PAV not being so happy at freo. I wonder if CS and CC are putting their power point presentation together allready!

    potentially overnight captain of the club I would suggest for 2010. I think he is or atleast was out of contract this year.

  14. How can such a positive thread disintegrate into this!?

    Worst 5 players?

    When your first thought is to inverse a positive question you have become, perhaps, irredeemably cynical and bitter.

    The thread is Top 5 melbourne, not best, not greatest.

    Could also be toughest , best forwards, defenders, orange boys etc etc.

  15. what about the top (worst) 5? of the modern era

    1/ Brent Gergic - Nothing more needs to be said (ND's love child?)

    2/ Luke Molan - injury & unluckiest player in a long time

    3/ Neil Blame - probably years ahead with game plan, lack of understanding of players capabilities

    4/ Nick Smith - Promising tall, delivered nothing

    5/ Paul Gardner- Run the club to the wall in a time of economic prosperity, but always painted a positive picture

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