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Posts posted by montasaurus

  1. And to top it all off, the Windies held off England again for another draw, meaning they've won the series 1-0!

    Where does that put england in the pecking order, below NZ+WI?

    Rough World standings....... - any thoughts?










  2. I'd be more concerned that there's a smartarse St Kilda supporter working where they are packaged and thinks its funny to sabotage our memberships.

    being that there are a couple of these cases I would suggest contact the membership department and put the above to them!

    Maybe we can invoice the SFC for advertising!

  3. In regards to The Age sub, well I dont think that actually starts until the season proper. So perhaps next week?

    mine took about 1.5 months to start but have had it since early jan. Even though you have paid the club, its the local news agent/age that organise delivery so it may not be the MFC fault.

    Re the sitckers, I'm sure you will have them replaced and if you look at the bright side you have been given some free toilet paper in the mean time (might be a little glossy though)!

  4. Aussies look home despite Brad Haddin, who's not a keeper's a#sehole.

    Gilchrist was a freak because he was a great keeper/batsman. But unless another Gilchrist comes along, I'd rather have a keeper who only averages high 20s low 30s like Healy did, than a batsman/keeper like Haddin. Give him a game in the shorter form of the game, but that's it.

    Hopefully they take Wade to England as the 2nd keeper.

    I think your being a touch harsh, haddin is a international class keeper who can bat. My biggest concern is still no specialist spinner in the side. Mcgain has to play the dead rubber as a lead up to the ashes.

    How good has it been watching johnson and siddle intimidate one of the "best" batting line ups on a "good" track. SAT night was one of the best sessions of fast bowling i have watched!

  5. I think he will be a reasonable player for Carlton. He will be better than Sylvia. People forget that if it wasn't for the father\son rule he would definately have been a top 10 pick. I'm disappointed that he's gone but I think we have a pretty good replacement for him in Grimes. I'm not sure if I'm happy with the deal we got, Jurrah seems to be a fair way off from playing AFL footy and may never make it. If he begins to show something then I may be happy with the situation but he has to do something first.

    Will be a better player then sylvia????? He was lucky to be in the best 22 with melbourne, likely to be the same at Vi$y. Lets see where they are both at in 12mths time. The fact we got nothing out of the deal is a reflection on CJ and Carltank. I hope the football gods strike them both down!

  6. Melbourne could do a sponsorship deal with Pacific Brands. Would certainly get Melbourne some front page news exposure which would be a good thing for the club. Plus Melbourne already has some links with China.

    Apart from the fact they are laying off 100's of workers to save $$$ and then go and take a major sponsor ship? I think they could well get a lot of publicity for the wrong reasons doing this. Therefore this would not be in the picture

  7. How on earth did St. Kilda allow itself to lose a foothold in a region where the population will double in the next 15 to 20 years?

    Its their loss, but I have asked myself the same question many times looking for the negative that we are yet to see from our dealings. I keep coming up with nothing. It doesn't make any sense. Casey as a club seem only too willing to assist their "parent side" with playing roles etc, the casey council seem only too willing to be involved. Potential membership base, top quality facilities, potentially future home ground for smaller games etc etc etc.

    They can be a very strange club at times the saints? So rather then asking why they left this opportunity, is there maybe something they are getting at sandy that we did not? Its hard to believe that you could be better off with the saunter football club then the scorps!

  8. Interesting to see newton was BOG fri against bris. In horrid conditions, I would have thought he would be one of the 1st to suffer due to the conditions and his style of play.

    This could be the biggest positive to take out of the match. Without seeing any of it, I would have to suggest there has been a big turn around in his endevour and attack on the ball to be named BOG in these types of conditions. Lets hope this form continues, if it does this could well be the biggest positive to come out of the PS. We must have another tall option to help bate and miller! Looking very forward to SAT game v doggies to see how he goes

  9. lets cross our fingers, i did read that he was progessing better then expected but they did make a point of stating that it was a 9 mth min injury. Even if he is going well it still may mean he wont play for a couple of months. Last thing we want is to rush him back ala DS.

  10. To suggest changes to india tours + 20/20 tournaments at this stage is over reacting a little IMO. I understand the dangers within india ATM, but it is not pakistan either. Lets face it, there is risk even touring in england this year so should we call off the ashes?

    We have seen the last international in Pakistan for a long time but I think india there is a different set of issues, some similar but still different. It will force a re-think as to travel arrangements/security but ultimately the show will and should go on.

  11. Injury list- Jamar--- all of which i hope will get plenty of game time this year.

    I would be hoping we see a fair bit of spencer ahead of MJ at this stage if the PS games are anything to go on so far.

  12. So who will our ruckmen be in Round 1? Jamar's injured, Meesen's crap, Spencer's a rookie. So it's PJ and who?

    I think rhino is right, big chance spencer could be elevated just before rd 1. This then allows robbo 11 weeks to get right and maybe play later in the year. I really hope meesen goes well tomorrow night and makes the selection process difficult.

  13. This made Visy an estimated $700 million.

    How the person in question escaped hard time is beyond me. If I was to defraud a bank of 700mil I'm sure it would be a case of don't forget your tooth brush. 2 sets of rules. Same seems to be true at AFL house.

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