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Posts posted by montasaurus

  1. I think its a bit odd we are promoting Valenti immediately. Is there room for him in our midfield? Isn't it a waste of money unless he will slot right into our 22?

    The upside is it will create competition for midfield spots which can only be a good thing.

    if the LTI is true then absolutely it makes sense to promote valenti. Re Competition I think this answers your first question.

  2. There's only a 16k difference between Grimes and Petterd in SC. I'll make that trade.

    But it's a shame. I was really looking forward to seeing him out there. Hopefully it's just a few weeks.

    i have both! might wait and see. BUGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Demons with permission to play for Casey Scorpions against Box Hill on Saturday at Casey Fields - Liam Jurrah

    This alone adds a lot of interest to the game, just about makes the long trek worth it to see LJ for the 1st time!

    Shame about grimes

  4. but a person who could become a great ambassader for the club as well, similiar to Michael Long.

    Jarka, pls don't put the words great ambassader and michael long in the same sentance. Mongrel is closer!

  5. I will be your first member, but it will be a hard nut for him to crack.

    Too late HT, the #1 ticket went long ago!

    Maybe siddle out for Dirky! See if he can put a couple of the SA batsmen into the alfred!

    And while we are on vic fast bowlers did anyone watch the vic v nsw 20/20. How nannes can't get a 20/20 international game is beyond me.

    The only thing that worries me is the old "Bringing the game into disrepute". His nickname is psyco for a reason

  6. not neccisarily. garland hasnt played here all pre season and has hardly spent any time up there. he is a really really good defender. you dont see matt scarlett and dustin fletcher at chf too often.

    D.Schwarz and D.Nietz both spent time at CHB as well.

    Correct me if I am wrong (I am talking about 18yrs of age for both) but I think Schwarz started as a CHB before being moved forward 1-2 yrs later & Neitz started as a CHF, then went back for several years and then went deep forward. Things can change, its a matter of where they are of most value.

  7. For ppl who went to the practice matches, I'm wondering how the 5 KPP defenders worked it? Did they always have one on the extended bench and rotate or were all 5 on the ground at the same time?

    I see Martin as the odd one out too unfortunately.

    Frawley and Garland can both play small as well. That leave rivers, martin and warnock. Being nth are likely to be tallish up forward there should be room for all.

    Out of the the 3 KPB warnock or rivers would miss ATM. Martins Preseason form has been great. Rivers is underdone so maybe he could be the unlucky one if balance is an issue. i have always been one for playing the best 22 regardless of "balance". If they are good enough there will be a spot somewhere (forward) I would suspect.

  8. Stkilda had some sort of day as well i saw a quick highlight of on the news. I would say we had 10 to 20 times more people for our media shots and theirs looked empty. Well done to all for marketing, venue etc!

    1000 memberships in a day is great. I wonder how many new members for the weekend in total as nearly all the crowd at casey was MFC.

  9. Also I have not played this before, can someone please explain the full benefit of having players that rise in value. My understanding is that if they are worth more then you have more to trade with but why would you trade if they are going so well anyway - I am obviously missing something here.

    Injuries/Age. If you can pick the time to off load a young player that is about to be rested for several weeks or a player who gets injured and then say Watts starts playing you may gain 100k from the other bloke and you can upgrade another established player that is not performing to a star that is. if you can pick a couple of rookie's that avg's close to 100pts/game and play 20+ games your set!

  10. I want to wipe the floor with Colling@#$%.

    If we were only to win one game this year I know who it would be.

    It would not be the filth but Carltank from Vi$y. I want judd, warnock &CJ's head rubbed into the centre square that day!

  11. you have all missed one as well. Pettard is in the backline and cheep. Very good value for mine as he will play a lot wing/HF and looks the goods this year if he stays fit. IMHO pettard/grimes is better value and should be a better net return then the garland/warnok pair purely from being spoilers v midfielders!

  12. Brock was in a similar position last year and looks like he has turned it around. Different circumstances but the process and outcome was similar. Lets not forget that he was being alined by many as the next MFC captain not that long ago (myself included) Lets cross our fingers. Lets face it the MFC need Col to take this the right way and respond.

  13. Im not saying "Trade him" Yet.... I'll wait till the end of the year.

    Bingo, not even 1 week into the season and the trade him talk is starting. WHAT RUBBISH

    The facts,

    - His trade value before this incident was close to zero,

    - Post incident this has not changed much (half of zero is still zero).

    - To be trade potential he needs to have a really solid year (now both on and off field). If he does this he is probably more value to us.

    lets see where he is at in rnd 20+ before jumping the guns!

  14. He needs to have a blinder against the dogs for him to get my vote. Spencer can not play as hes is a rookie. We need to have some one on the long term injury list. If Robbo is 8+ weeks away we could place him on the long term list.

    There is another thread going http://forums.demonland.com/index.php?showtopic=13796

    It has been suggested that Jamar has been put on the LTI due to foot related stress fractures. If this is true it makes sat game a little more interesting

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