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Posts posted by montasaurus

  1. I recall Ch 10 doing the Sunday game - can't recall ABC doing it, but you may be right.

    Its a shame foxtel don't do a game of the day on fox 3 or something on both sat + sun. budget telecast - only a couple of cameras etc.

    Might make the pilgrimage to casey this sunday and have the 1st look at our 2 star forwards LJ +JW.

  2. The bottom line is that we are easy targets because we draw poor crowds against interstate teams.

    We must push back on this and send a message to the AFL that we are not going to continue to be their punching bag. However, if we seriously want the AFL to look to consider other options in situations like this in the future we need to consistently draw good crowds. If we regularly had 25,000 - 30,000 MFC supporters/members turn up to a game against an interstate team then they would focus their attention on the Bulldogs, or North or Richmond.

    We are a target due to the lethargy of a large proportion of our supporters and members that don't make the effort to turn up unless we are winning.

    Well said, sat will be a real test for us as well. Although the dogs did have a win last week so their bandwagon may turn up (all 500 of them!)

  3. * Tom Scully – 182/72 – Avg 27 disposals, 12 contested, 6 hardball gets, 9 handball receives and 5 I/50’s in the TAC and was in the top 5 best performed mids in the U/16 NC, he is their early pick to go Number 1, saying he is a future superstar – Dandenong

    * John Butcher – 197/83 – tall, athletic, his marking is his strength, was second to Watts in Goals kicked at the U/18 NC impressive for a 1st year player, predicting a top 2 draft pick – Gippsland -- I saw him play and he was super impressive, very good hands.

    Well done to those who called this nov/dec last year! 6mths to go is still a long time

  4. I would not turn your back on the draft at this point. I think there is a bit of dust to settle there.

    i think your spot on here Rhino. Lot of water to go under the bridge both on the potential draft players and current listed players.

    One thing I'm sure we will agree on Dunn, is one that we are all going to be watching closely for the rest of the year.

  5. outside of "the list" which has been well covered what I have enjoyed the most thus far is our attack on the footy in the last month.

    All of a sudden against the WCE it appeard like we were attempting to own the centre square rather then chipping it around the wings. Hopefully this is signs of things to come! I am as happy as you could be watching a loosing side ATM, makes the next few years all that more to look forward to and DB is the man for it at this stage.

  6. Davey for mine to take over at the end of 2010 when McDonald retires. Brock McLean will get the VC role however the captain role after Davey eventually retires will fall the way of Grimes in my opinion.

    There is a young lad by the name of watts that may have his hand up in 3-5yrs. My money would be on him ahead of all else from the current group of young players. Ozzzzzes class and leadership and hasn't even played a snr game. watch this space........

    If jnr plays on for 2 more years he could well become the youngest captain at our club. Carey was captain at nth when he was 18 I think

  7. Actually I Just thought of a better outcome.

    Cancel St Kildas home game on the GC against us. Move it back to Dock Land$ stadium and win win for all! They would have to make the call now or early next week at the latest and offer to refund any travel/accomodation etc that is not refundable.

    not sure why people with a reserved seat at the G are worried about, every home game we have had at TD I have sat in premium seats on the wing at grnd or 1st level. Im sure this is not an issue, just might mean we have to turn up a little earlier to ensure best seats.

  8. If he is viewed as not competing for best 22 after 5 years on our list why do want to keep a player on that clogs the list?

    He is not competing against Strauss and Blease and we clearly have more preferred options in the best 22.

    If we do finish last with less than 4 wins, we have picks 1,2,18,34,50, 66/ PSD #1. If we take Spencer and say Valenti we still have picks 1,2, and 18 to come onto the list plus PSD1. Thats six players on our list that have to come off through retirement/trading/delisting.

    Any thoughts how we achieve that while holding onto an NQR player who is not best 22 for "depth"?

    Dunn has more strings to his bow then valenti at this point who is a very honest footballer at best. I would like to see valenti play 10 snr games in the second half of the year before crossing dunns name out for valenti which is what would be the likely outcome if he was premoted at the end of the season. you would also have to agree that there are others that have been on the list as long or longer. I will admit i am a fan of Dunn's potential, body size, speed, engine etc. When is dunns contract due? Potential to go to GC17 at the end of 2010 if thats when the contract is due.

    So another likely outcome thats 6mths away (long way to go yet) but........

    1/Wheatly, Wheeland, possible JMac all retire. (2-3)

    2/ Possible trade of a player with a pick for a better pick. Sometimes we have to give a bit to get a bit - maybe a jarred rivers as our tall stocks down back are looking good long term? Wouldn't be popular but from a list management point of view off loading a good player that is injury prone may not be the worst outcome. I hope not though. Same old names that always seem to come up - Silvia, Bate, Bell, etc could fall into this category as well. Depends what clubs might be interested in who.(1)

    3/ if meesen, jamar, johnson are all kept is there any need to elevate spencer or can he stay for 1 more year as a rookie. if he is premoted one of the other 3 would be likely to go as trade. Can't see the logice in having 4 specialist snr rucks. There is always a market for establish rucks. (1)

    4/ If the club decideds to elevate valenti then yes we are a bit top heavy in the mid but if he is not elevated there is another spot on the list (1)

    Thats pretty the 5-6 we are after. In what is being described as an average draft by comparison to years gone by why would we even look at using the full picks we have even if rookies are not premoted?

    Therefore why look at moving on a 23yr old forward that can do a job in the middle for us as well? I just can't see the logic at this point. Keeping in mind both strauss and blease are yet to play a snr game.

  9. The poll missed one:

    The PAV!

    who we will sign at season end with a dodgey preseason draft deal that screws freo keeping picks 1+2 for us in the real season!

    Hang on were not carlton, we will probably trade for him!

  10. Of course the AFL will adequately compensate us if the game is moved. It would have to underwrite all of our costs and ensure that we break even. That would definitely be a better result for us than a repeat of the recent fiasco of a home game v Adelaide when we had to write out a cheque for the pleasure of playing a game at home.

    Normally i would be first to jump up and down about a home game at docklands, however if the result is cost neutral then i think it is good for us. If anyone really believes we would get close to 25k this year, middle of winters to a MCG game v Port they are kidding themselves.

    Good chance to sit in a reserved area for MFC members as well! the atmosphere at ground level will be electric on the wing if it happens!

  11. Has footy smarts, and can read the play well. Good kick on him too. Shows leadership qualities. Required player.

    you missed tough as nails for a young player as well! For me thats the most exciting - his attack on the contest!

  12. upside outweighs downside, which has been reported accurately here, so I will refer to upside...

    Fast tall with stamina

    Well built mobile

    Good distance and efficiency when kicking into 50


    Versatile... tagger (smalls and mids) half forward, running half-back, third man up at clearances

    Gets up oppositions nose!

    even if he is not in the best 22 next year, keeping him = depth.

    Why delist or trade for almost nothing, better to keep IMO. players like strauss and blease + __09Draft__ will take 2-3yrs to come through.

  13. If you send a message to gOLLy I know he has a video of whelans hit on Hird, Don't forget after whelan took out Hird Travis johnstone banged one from 55 mtr. Crowd went wild !!!!

    yeah that one is on u-tube, search for wrecker and you'll see it. One of the best fairest bumps ever seen and what a finish as well to then set johnno up.

    But lloyd missing his target and hitting his own team mate with friendly fire in front of the mfc faithful is very close! The look on lloyds face was priceless.

    Does anyone remember which game it was. i thought it may have been the H+A game in 2000 but I'm not sure. Could have even been the same game as the wheelan bump

    <edit> to brighten everyones day....

  14. What a ridiculous assertion.

    Also, prior to this round he averaged 11 possessions in his first 6 games - he's now up to 12.

    Well said H, After the 1st 2 weeks he was lucky to hold his spot. Many times he had left his man to badly run under a ball, or turn it over. Jetta was a mile ahead after rd 2, but to his credit he has stuck by his guns and the last 3 weeks has been improving each time out and looks to be growing in confidence. Its great to have a really attacking player off half back and hope it continue

  15. Just sitting here talking about good bumps from years gone by.

    1/ D. Schwarz 1998 finals

    2/ the wrecker on hird

    Both are great big hits but then the most enjoyable I have seen would have to go to Lloyd. I cannot find any video.

    Woewoden takes the ball on our wing, lloyd coming at him at full pace, woey sells the dummy, lloyd throws a massive elbow and.......... crack straight into his team mates face (who was?) and then had the walk of shame all the way back past all of us and then the MCC. Funniest thing I have ever seen!

    If anyone has a link or copy pls post it.

  16. As much as I love Rivers, he's no good at it. His disposal isn't the highlight of his game. He shouldn't be taking them.

    I made the call before he kicked it, what's rivers doing with the ball in his hand? I can understand taking a quick one if there is a bloke 30m in space but it took too long. Not rivers fault as much as a few others for leaving him in that position, good on him for backing himself though.

    Grimes, Bennell, Bruce, Davey etc 1of them should have been close enough to take the kick. The issue may have been with the 1st 2 being a little green, hopefully the wellman can fix this!

  17. Back to it,

    since his club suspension CS IMO has played the most consistant best football of his career so far. Long way off being our best but there appears to be a marked improvement in is attitude and application which is encouraging (Along with a few others). As HT pointed out he stood up in the last and even had a chance to put us really close. Its been a while since we have had a player take 2 or 3 really good contested marks in a row let alone when we needed it!

  18. I also agree. Problem with making hard & fast rules is that players will then risk serious injury to exploit them.

    The real issue is that players seem afraid to protect themselves for fear of being called soft.

    The ability to give & take a bump without serious injury was always one of the great skills of the game.

    I thought Selwood did everything right & turned slightly side on to take the impact.

    Rance just dived head first into him.

    Totally agree.

    We must protect the head of a player bent over picking up a ball, but someone diving in = He Ducked play on!

    I have given up on criticising umpiring decisions as most of these are driven from above with no idea of the short term effect on the game why change a rule like this that has served the game for a long time.

    Players are now deliberately dropping the ball as they are being tackled and/or diving in head 1st to the contest. 5yrs ago many of these players would have been benched or dropped at most clubs for these actions but they are now re-warded by the rules? Someone has plenty to answer for!

    One thing they have gotten right is the rushed behind rule.

  19. According to the articles on the MFC site, Frawley has damaged either his Hip Flexor or his Adductor. In either case, not good for next week. No word on exactly what Rivers has done, so who knows?

    here is an interesting fact thats been pointed out to me for a few weeks in a row now.

    Every team stkilda has played has won the following week. This week it was the doggies.

    Guess who we have before the filth!

  20. with our 3 best defenders out we will struggle for a while now. Our back line has been a rock and unfortunately yesterday it was craked. On the up we should see a few others now get a chance. Is Mcnamara ready for Snr football?

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