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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. What do you expect with perfect conditions DSP? Their only getting paid $100,000's of dollars. Time for a pay rise methinks!
  2. Give it a couple of weeks McQueen. Unless Harmes starts to perform, he will be out of the 22.
  3. Yep, win first, then worry about by how much later. Bank the 4 points, then do the same against the Blues next week (who will be up and about given their win today). Early part of the year you have just got to bank as many wins as possible.
  4. They haven't done a re-build. They have just done a renovation. Unlike a knock down and re-build (which we have been doing since 2006 ?), their foundations haven't been replaced, merely building on what is there. Their true re-build will take place when the likes of Roughhead, Frawley, McEvoy, Burgoyne, Birchall, Gunston, Shiels, Rioli (none are younger than 27) start getting on or retiring.
  5. Their ins this week are much better than their outs, wouldn't get too complacent just yet.
  6. The next 2 games are must wins. Non-negotiable. Because of this, they are both 'danger games'. Whilst it would be great two win both well, the first thing we need to ensure is to get over the line in both of them. If we do that we'd be going into the Crows game with some confidence built up, and a chance to really set-up our season. The back half of our draw isn't easy, so we need to bank as many wins as we can prior to the bye. Win big, win small, win ugly.......i don't care, just get the wins on the board.
  7. No that thing was a Tigers fan.
  8. Mahoney is doing a great job as GM of Football, but is unknown as a potential CEO. Why get rid of one certainty and replace it with 2 question marks?
  9. Yep, he could've been really something if not for his injuries.
  10. He's trying to increase the $$ in his next contract. Understandable, given his asking price would be pretty low at the moment.
  11. Have we had a half-decent winger since Robbie Flower? None are popping into my head.
  12. He came on board in January 2013, so i guess it would've been the 2013 draft.
  13. let's worry about our own signings before we got out and try and lure outside talent.
  14. Got to love Demonland. For the past few weeks it's been all "god we are crap, we have no idea, phark Melbourne", then we win a couple and it's all "Tim Watson doesn't rate us, god he is crap, has no idea, phark Tim Watson". It's a beautiful thing
  15. You can be consistently out of form though........can't you?
  16. It does happen to us Nasher. How many times a game do we have all our players go up, none stay down, and the ball easily gets taken away by their man that stayed down. It's simple football, yet we find it sooooo difficult to put it into action.
  17. He's a side talker. Always talks out the side of his mouth.
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