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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. He’s playing alright, despite those who have a clear vendetta against him
  2. How much space do you want to give them Lever?
  3. Need to make him accountable and not give him a free run
  4. Salem isn’t a lock down defender, so I agree with this.
  5. A jittery first quarter from a few. Hope we settle.......and for Lever to not give up the ball. Keep going Dees
  6. Stuff the dukes take it on the chest Benny
  7. Don’t worry about Smith or Rivers, Lever is the liability down back atm
  8. Anyone, anywhere, anytime. Make me believe Dees.
  9. Nervous AF. cmon Dees. Do it for all of us and do it for yourselves.
  10. Wow just about shoulder charged the umpire. Accident or not (definitely was not an accident), he needs to get weeks for that. Such a bad look.
  11. Yep. Keeping Covid at bay is by no means an easy feat, but behind Tasmania, WA has a whole desert and ocean to keep it out. McGowan argues that Australia is not just NSW, yet the way he has handled the pandemic screams of keeping the rest of the country isolated away from the state as if he doesn’t want to be a part of it anyway. will be interesting to see what he does next, given he has a potential Grand Final on his hands. Stakes would be a lot different too if a WA team was in it or there was an election around the corner.
  12. That would be a horrendous result if it were to eventuate. Carpark F is clearly the better site as is the triangle space of land next to the freeway. I’d rather wait another 10 years for a proper facility than end up accepting a sub-standard site.
  13. And those teams right there show why a champion team will always beat a team of champions.
  14. So do I. They have the same level of arrogance and high opinions of themselves, it’s nauseating. Here’s hoping Ross ‘the list destroyer’ leaves Carlton in an even worse shape than they are now, with his “reputation” forever tarnished.
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