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Everything posted by skills32

  1. At this stage I have it a draw . Maybe we got a little more from Wattsy.
  2. Kicking for goal is 95% mental. Too many negative thoughts going through the mind that take distract from the task at hand. eg 'I will look like a goose if I miss this', 'we need this I hope it goes through' etc. There are techniques to overcome this problem.
  3. Thanks for your contributions Drunken [love that moniker]. You will go down in history as being the first member to quit this forum without a hair pulling,card cutting diatribe. Kudos.
  4. MFC has made an offer to Jamie Elliot. Great get if it happens.
  5. Not so Rod; Darwin is humid whilst Alice is dry. Ball handling is easier in the Centre.
  6. All that is left to say Skills 3 RR 0
  7. It is not a dream Nasher, it is me putting all the pieces together and trying to come up with an answer. If it is true then it is the fact that the AFL and Fox have got together and concocted this scenario that makes me sick. Every year that goes by I feel more and more manipulated by the powers that be. And that makes me angry. Never mind we will find out tomorrow night. If a multi club trade is announced I will consider myself vindicated.
  8. I believe that the trades have been agreed to but the AFL does not want the public to know because they want the info to be announced on the TV 'spectacular'. Must have some sort of deal with Fox to make the broadcast a blockbuster. This makes me sick if true.
  9. RR we have crossed swords before. The Hogan trade will go ahead. me 2 RR 0
  10. The poster who said the AFL is orchestrating the wed tv spectacular is 100% correct IMO. They are just leaking snippets to journos. Commonly called spoilers. I feel that every one inc myself has reacted just the way they wanted. AAAAARRRGGGGHHH been conned again. Source. Bell flying into Melbourne.
  11. What if Freo trades Neale in the last hour and offers MFC pick 5 and 11 for Hogan. MFC says that's OK and Jessie says no I have changed my mind.
  12. I think so too. Still learning who is what here. Won't happen again with that muppet.
  13. And your source of info is? You may well be correct but if you are it will be Jessie's decision alone. MFC will have no input. You make dogmatic statements but won't answer my questions. Strange. If you want others to believe you you should name your source
  14. Who is we. Do you mean we as a club or you and me. If the latter, where did I give you permission to make up stuff about what I am thinking. Anyway who are you? If I had to choose between the posts of you and GNF, I know which I would believe and I am sorry but it wouldn't be yours.
  15. Thank you GNF. One of the more rational and believable posts out of 8000 odd. Your input is appreciated. Strange how posters here want to look beyond the simple truth.
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