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Everything posted by skills32

  1. Thanks for that. Reminded me of a younger Aaron Davey; has an identical kicking style. How many goals did No 8, the Lucas Cook lookalike kick?
  2. I stopped reading at post no4. Range Rover? I'll bet you drive a Vespa.
  3. Interesting point raised there. Will Adelaide delist him or keep him on their books. If not Sydney can pick him up for nothing and that would be poetic justice. Can see a lot more wrangling, head scratching and potential court threats here. The fat lady has not finished her song on this one.
  4. And the Lord has leteth it be known that Hogan is the forthcoming Saviour. He will leadeth us to the holy grail.
  5. My thoughts on todays trading. I will only accept laughter after the deadline. Jacobs to MFC. Tippett to Sydney. Ray to MFC. Maybe Pederson to MFC. Gysberts to Port. Martin to Bris. It is all logical to me if you read between the lines.
  6. Did you not read my penultimate post. WHERE IS THE DRAFT TAMPERING?
  7. What will happen is that the trade will go through because if it doesn't there could be court action (restraint of trade etc) which is where the AFL doesn't want to go. I think Adelaide will be told to do the trade and the tampering and extra payment issues will go away.
  8. The way I see it is that ( and correct me if I am wrong) Sydney's 1st pick is 23 and they offered this and Jessie White to Adelaide. They do not have a pick under 23. As it stands Adelaide has not accepted the second round draft pick and therefore the draft has not been tampered. And in actual fact pick 23 is Sydney's FIRST round pick so that would get around the 'draft me for a second round pick' In fact Adelaide would not even accept a 1st round pick and this is even better the secret deal that was made. Sydney's 2nd round pick is no 45 and if the secret deal is to be complied with, this is all Sydney has to offer. So where is the tampering?
  9. Funny you mentioned the width. Went there about 3 years ago and thought the shape resembled a rugby ball rather than an Aussie Rules ball; never seen a ground that shape ever.
  10. I might be dumb but I still can't see it. Melbourne over trumped Freo's bid for Clark and were able to get the deal done. That was legal. Sydney over trumped Bris and GC but haven't been able to get the deal done. Legal so far. It then turns out that Tippett wanted a guarantee to be traded to a club of his choice at the end of his contract. Still legal. And Tippett wanted to make sure that this trade would go through so he stipulated that Adelaide had to accept a second round pick in return. Still legal. Adelaide now want more than a second round pick thus reneging on their agreement. No draft tampering as yet as no club has been mentioned. The reason this was done is because he wanted out three years ago and Brisbane offered two first round picks which were knocked back by Adelaide and it was either stay or take pot luck in the draft. Where it does become murky is that the agreement was a secret part of his contract not divulged to the AFL. I would still like to know how any of the above can be construed as draft tampering. He has every right to ask be traded to a club of his choice. Similar to Caddy he wants to be traded but won't go to MFC who actually could get the trade done with more $$$ in his pocket. Is that draft tampering too?
  11. How did they compromise mono? Maybe I'm missing something here.
  12. This topic is just another media beat up. Tippett wanted out three years ago. The crows said please stay for a few more years. Tippett said OK but three years and that is it, and for me staying I will want you to help me get to where ever I want to go. Adelaide said no probs please sign here. Tippett said not so fast, I want that in writing. Adelaide writ. Tippett signed. Rather than enter a future draft Tippett wanted some say as to where he was going because it certainly wasn't Adelaide and it was a previous draft that got him to a place he did not want to be. Does the law of double jeopardy come in to play here? I am no law person but if either of Adelaide or Tippett get sanctioned it would be a gross miscarriage of Human Rights.
  13. There was a post on the NM supporter site saying that with a nickname like that, he was wondering why St Kilda weren't all over him like a rash.
  14. It's to offer to north for Pederson. We don't want to be seen as paying overs.
  15. By the time you all wake up you will be able to read Emma's report about Adelaide's secret agreement with Kurt Tippett for him to be transferred to a club of hie choice for a second round player. What I find interesting is that the Crows have consistently denied that such an agreement existed and they have gone all out to screw Sydney for whatever they can get. This poses a lot of questions or does it? Is it really draft tampering or is it Tippett just looking after his future, and is that draft tampering? Are the Crows getting their just deserts for not honouring an agreement? Is Neil Craig in a hot seat here? and Does it really matter? FWIW my answers No Yes No No of course not.
  16. No not really amazing...... expected.
  17. In actual fact we used pick 3 on Viney and pick 26 on Hogan plus Barry. Does that make you feel better?
  18. Congratulations Satan on opening up a thread. A dead set stupid move as it is a duplicate.
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