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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. Nope, never said Spargo should be dropped.
  2. Do people honestly think Melksham would continue to be selected if the greater match committee (not just Goodwin) didn’t think it was in the team’s best interest to do so? The “Goodwin plays favourites” argument just makes no logical sense.
  3. I don’t care about the optics, it was obvious we were shepherding Jones through, and any club who reckons they wouldn’t do the same are full of it.
  4. Sure, but how does he get in the side?
  5. Exactly. If 31 year old Trac is battered and bruised and just limping through in his last couple of seasons, so what? It’ll still be money well spent. I’d love to see him sign a long deal. Not because I’m worried about him leaving, because honestly why would he? Just because I love the willingness to commit. Hope this turns out to be true.
  6. Yep. Casey have just set the par score differential as far as I’m concerned.
  7. Zac. Casey listed player. Played 2 games for Sydney.
  8. What’s with all the Harmes bagging? Clearly been in the best couple.
  9. Dal’s insights regarding Weideman: “It’s not just the goals, it’s the marks”. Seriously, how much do these blokes get paid?
  10. Enjoying seeing how the game style resembles the senior team. Obviously this team lacks the polished players that the seniors which is reflected in the quality of the play, but we’re obviously well drilled right across the list. Hopefully Weideman keeps it up. What a luxury. TMac will be well aware of what’s waiting if he drops off. Bring on a repeat on Sunday.
  11. Haha, I was all ready to tag you in my question and deleted it at the last minute. I thought you may have the answer. I wasn’t disappointed!
  12. The floating fixture (is it really a fixture if it’s floating?) is great. Love seeing us getting rewarded with prime time slots. That match with the Bulldogs will be a ripper.
  13. Hard not to have a soft spot for Mitch after that moment in Geelong final in ‘18. Still gives me goosebumps when I watch the clip. Good luck Mitch!
  14. Based on that it will only be the one change: Brown for Chandler, with someone from the team to be the medical sub.
  15. Yep, Trac will look like a real goose if Brown only kicks 9 instead of 10.
  16. whynotboth.gif I don’t think the two things are mutually exclusive. A player can make things difficult for the opposition AND get the ball a bit themselves; ANB and Pickett are doing this.
  17. If it’s Jones and Melksham both out then it’s got to be Brown and Harmes in. I can’t see them dropping experience for Bedford or Chandler.
  18. Not only is it not commented on, it’s taboo and seen as excuse making when you do mention injuries in the context of losing game. Bottom line is you can’t replace your best players. If we lost Trac and had to replace him with Tom Sparrow, that’s quite clearly a significant step down in class and would be enough to influence the result in a tight game.
  19. Slows to get the ball on the bounce. Not going to make it for the mark (kick slightly overcooked) - will run past it while it bounces if he doesn’t stop. Bounce favours Richmond player who hits it at full pace; ANB tackles instead, makes it stick and gets the ball loose for another contest. Well done ANB.
  20. How much of a luxury has it been being able to have these young players just simmer away in the background and develop in their own time instead of being put in the cauldron too early in their career? Jimmy is a great example. Comes in and looks pro from day one, but in reality has put in a tonne of work to get here. Awesome.
  21. We got Boon bay 12. Couldn’t get anything in Ponting for a group of our size (8). Not perfect but should beat the garbage we’ve had the last few times.
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