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Lord Travis

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Everything posted by Lord Travis

  1. Was assistant coach at Richmond during their flag era and is highly regarded. However has moved out of coaching for media gigs.
  2. How many years until he’s in red and blue? 🤩
  3. We can beat the opposition, but we can’t beat umpires. Hope doggies don’t get any further so we don’t have to cop the bad umps. 60+ more free kicks than the next closest team. It’s outright cheating and cannot be argued any other way. The umpires handed them the momentum for their final goal and final point. Legit won them the match. Cheats.
  4. Channel 7 music man on fire the last few weeks. All 90s grunge and alt rock. Lovely.
  5. Parfit injury hurts the Cats for next week. Cmon Giants toughen up and soften them up for us!
  6. Yep his 2018 was brilliant. Averaged a touch over 28 disposals and kicked 24 goals during the season. Statistically identical to Petracca’s 2021 season for context.
  7. Foot injury has ruined his career. He was an elite midfielder a few years ago. He broke his ankle and developed syndesmosis in his ankle/foot. Similar to Viney, he now has to manage ongoing foot problems, lost all pace and kicking penetration and is a shadow of the gun player he once was. He’s a c grader now. Sad to see. Back to this match. Haven’t checked the tackle count, but I suspect it’s very low. This is the most bruise free final I can remember.
  8. Was hoping these two teams would beat the [censored] out of each other. Instead it’s been less intense than a training drill. If we lose to either of these teams next week I’ll burn the country to the ground.
  9. While the recruiting team have done a brilliant job this past few years, most of it still comes down to player development and culture. We seem to have got this right now, but it was trash 10 years back. You can’t tell me that Spargo, Sparrow, Jordan etc are more talented than Watts, Trengove, Grimes etc. It’s nearly all down to development, so thank god were now making the most of the talent we’re bringing into the club!
  10. Discussed on Footy Classified. If Jones doesn’t make the prelim team and we win, he will be told quickly if he’s in or not for the grand final so he can fly back to be with his wife for the birth of their twins. Fingers crossed for Nath. Medical sub seems perfect for him. He’s in good form in the VFL and will give his all for the red and blue.
  11. The fact he’s chosen to remain in quarantine in Perth instead of flying back to Melbourne to be with his pregnant wife due to have twins in the coming weeks tells me he’s not giving up and he’s been told there’s a strong chance he’ll play. We’d lose nothing having him as a medical sub she’s did a Jordan, Sparrow, Baker type. It’s not like he hasn’t wasn’t it this year either. He was our best player in the VFL before it got closed down due to covid, so his VFL form warrants selection. I reckon it’d make the team walk taller too. Look at how they were for Jones’ 300th against Richmond earlier this year. Fingers crossed he gets a game and enjoys it.
  12. This was a good listen. We all know how rubbish the club was from 2007-2017 basically, but hearing Jack speak about it like this really rams it home. I reckon Jack copped it in the media etc more than any other player in the history of the sport, all because of his draft number that he had no choice about. The environment back then was not a good one for any player, but was particularly bad for youngsters.It must’ve been horrible to be drafted the club back then. Jones and Gawn are basically the only players who made it through that era. Dozens of others didn’t make it, despite being talented. Jack was drafted as a 17 year older still doing year 12. He was a year younger than the rest of his draft class and the AFL changed the draft age rules as a result after he was drafted. Jack was obviously a supremely talented footballer and sportsman. You don’t go pick one in the draft when you’re a year younger than everyone else unless you’re a freak. I truly believe if he was drafted to a good club with strong leaders back then that he would’ve wound up a champion. Instead he wound up at the basket case of the era and was thrown to the wolves. People might still say he wouldn’t have made it due to personality, but fact is we drafted over 30 players throughout those years and less than 10% made it. The stats are damning on our player development and culture. Interesting listening to him talk about Neeld as a coach. He really did set us back years and ruin lots of people’s careers and ties to the club. Jack, along with basically everyone, is clearly not a fan. 4:30am swim sessions at the beach in the freezing cold is not the way to instill discipline or inspire anyone, let alone a youngster you yell at on repeat. Despite the horrible experiences he had, Jack still loves the red and blue and hopes we win the flag. Thanks for the memories Jack. The Queens Birthday sealer will live fondly in my memory forever.
  13. He’s a good one Gus and is a key driver of the new culture and standards at the club. Presents very well. Love the interviews with him and Gawn and Trac and May recently.
  14. Looks so much like his old man! Good to see he’s performing well. He’s come along way with his develop and I expect us to pick him up with a late pick.
  15. He was brilliant last night, one of our best and a strong leader out there. Well liked by his teammates too for the standards he sets. It’s testament to him that’s he’s worked so hard on his game that he’s gone from fringe player to integral cog of the best team in the league. Keep up the good work Nibbler!
  16. The front on hit to Gawn was appalling. No intent to even contest the ball, just wanted to break Gawns ribs. Should’ve been reported for that. Not in the spirit of the game at all. Mathieson is just a [censored] footballer and a [censored] bloke. What kind of arrogant piece of [censored] calls themselves the barometer or the beast, especially when they’re a fringe player who can barely get a game. Pathetic individual. Glad his serial ducking didn’t earn him more free kicks last night. He is the exact thing wrong with the sport. Cheating grub and a [censored] footballer who thinks he’s gods gift to the world. Hopefully he gets delisted and winds up stacking shelves. [censored].
  17. If Hunt is fit, then Hunt in Smith out.
  18. [censored] yes! If we can kick straighter we’ll be unbeatable! Well done boys! Great win and we’re onto a prelim
  19. Gus has been very good tonight. Credit to the coaches for settling him into that role and getting it to work perfectly. Our defensive structure is what’s got us in flag contention here, and Gus is pivotal to that.
  20. Trac two average games in a row. Need him to be cleaner. Cmon boys wake up and hold on!
  21. Still a long way to go yet and we buggered our shots and have kept them in it. Game nowhere near over yet.
  22. Can’t let the Lions mids win quick clearances too start the quarter. Keep the pressure on boys!
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