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Lord Travis

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Everything posted by Lord Travis

  1. Jetta finished 5th. Good result as he had a great season and is one of our most consistent players. Can barely hear him in his speech though as he doesn't get close enough to the mic!
  2. Correct. Credit where credit is due. Until he got injured late in the year he was one of our best players.
  3. They're currently on a break for dessert. The stream is working and will kick back in shortly.
  4. Said he rocked up late to his bucks party just like he rocked up late to the grand final hahaha
  5. If Viney polled that well putting in limited mediocre performances, he’ll win again tonight. He really got going through the middle of the year until injury hit him.
  6. I love Viney, but how the [censored] is he a close second to Oliver after round 8?! Viney was poor to start the year due to his hip injury, definitely not our second best player over that period. Clarry is leading after round 8. No surprises there as he started the year on fire.
  7. Sad to see Trengove done at the Dees. He’s a great club man and admirable hard worker. One of my favorite Demons over the years. That was a good thank you speech he just gave, bit of humor and a few tears too. Well done Trenners on winning the Troy Broadbridge award. You’re a champ!
  8. Assault out front of a bar in Windsor. It's a shame Col couldn't get himself on track even with all the support around him over the years. He's in proper trouble now.
  9. Good endurance runner, good pace and agility, average decision making and skills. He does suit our needs and would be good depth if we could get him cheap. He comes from a good successful environment and has a few years in the system now. Depends if the Hawks are just looking to off-load him cheap or wanting to get value out of him. Wouldn't offer anything higher than a 3rd rounder.
  10. Looks set to go to Geelong. Can we milk pick 20 for him?
  11. The club has handled this whole situation poorly. People are laying into Jack for not performing well 100% of the time... did they not see the rest of the players this year? They were up and down like a yo-yo! Put in the effort when they felt like it, and couldn't be bothered other weeks if it seemed it would be too hard. Jack is being made a scape goat (again) despite him clearly not being the worst performer in the team, and putting in efforts consistent with all his teammates. At the end of the day, Goodwin and his coaching staff have a top 8 quality list and failed to motivate them all, including Jack. 2017 in reflection is a year where Goodwin got found out as an inexperienced coach and poor motivator. If Roos or another experienced coach had been in charge of the list we had available this year, we would've made finals and likely top 4. If Goodwin is trying to force Jack out to make another statement, and it fractures the playing group and we lose Hogan in the process etc. then as a people manager he is no better than Neeld. There's a time and place to be a hard ass, and he clearly hasn't learnt when that is yet. 2018 is massive for Goodwin. If we miss finals again I'd say he deserves the chop. If Jack is injury free, he will have yet another good year regardless of which club he is at. Jack deserves better treatment than the club is giving him and if I was him I'd move on. For the clubs sake I hope he doesn't though, as we lack good kicking skills and smarts going forward. Losing him would only add to our biggest problem!
  12. Cannot possibly be true as Hogan has been overseas in Bali with Harmes, Gawn and a few other MFC players, as evidenced by multiple social media updates.
  13. If Sloane is wanting to leave Adelaide and home to Victoria we'd be mad not to throw everything at him. We need quality midfielders and leaders. He would be perfect for us. Forget Lever and everyone else, if Sloane is legitimately available then we move heaven and earth to get him!
  14. Goodwin just interviewed on pre-game coverage for the Grand Final on change 7. He was quite open when asked about trades. When asked about Watts, said the club was happy for Jack to explore his options but was welcome back at the club if he didn't find what he was looking for. They then mentioned Watts was in Port Adelaide seeing their facilities and having some meetings and what he thought of that. Goodwin said he was happy for Jack to explore his options, as he's had 9 years at MFC and a lot of pressure to deal with. Said a different environment may be good for him.Based off that interview, Watts is gone. 100% gone if the club get a decent offer.
  15. Goodwin just interviewed on pre-game coverage for the Grand Final on change 7. He was quite open when asked about trades. Asked about Lever, said we were obviously interested and if Crows win they would give him a few days to celebrate before they contact him. Joked his manager probably won't call him for a few days too while he celebrates. Asked about Watts, said the club was happy for Jack to explore his options but was welcome back at the club if he didn't find what he was looking for. They then mentioned Watts was in Port Adelaide seeing their facilities and having some meetings and what he thought of that. Goodwin said he was happy for Jack to explore his options, as he's had 9 years at MFC and a lot of pressure to deal with. Said a different environment may be good for him. Based off that interview, Watts is gone. 100% gone if the club get a decent offer. Lever is a clear target for us and we are probably a fair way down negotiating that move. Both Watts out and Lever in seem to be pretty much done deals.
  16. Yes we recruited poorly, but it can't be blamed solely on recruiting. Our development of players over the past 10 years has been the worst in the league. In my opinion it's the player development that has been our biggest issue, not so much the recruiting itself. Roos said he would have loved to have got Watts as an 18 year old, as he was basically spoiled goods by the time he got his hands on him. The Bailey era was too up and down and forgiving. The Neeld era swung too far the other way with negativity. Roos evened us out and finally started developing players properly. Let's see if the Goodwin era can continue on with this.
  17. God I hope Letracca turns out like Martin. Midfield or forward he is just so powerful and changes games. Petracca has the same gifts, hope he can develop the same way.
  18. Lynch won’t leave GC. Afl have already publically flagged paying him extra money outside his wage to be an “ambassador of the game” up there. They’ll make sure he doesn’t leave as they can’t allow their 2 new love child’s to fail.
  19. Best second year by any player in my lifetime. Broke the record for most disposals in a season by any player at the Melbourne Football Club. That in itself is a remarkable achievement, let some for someone who entered the season as a 19 year old with under 15 games to his name. Brilliant season by Clarry and can’t wait to see him develop further, utilize his good kicking more and become a true star of the game!
  20. He's worth nothing more than a token late pick. He's a pick 38 from two years ago who hasn't developed for a number of reasons, so his value has only dropped from there. If he nominates us, we trade pick 60+ or just get him for free in the draft etc. Anything more and we've caved for no reason IMO.
  21. Could add depth to the list and become a decent player, but holds bigger all value to Freo in a trade sense. Token late pick from whichever club he decides on.
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