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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Absolutely haven't got a clue about front arc footy...pathetic really at this level. Mind boggling actually.
  2. May can play big and small.. He is a thinker...he can intelligently sum up the play and do something constructive.. Take him out of the backline and it WON'T matter who is up front...they'll never see it
  3. Tipu is an amazing player. Talented and clever. I sometimes wonder just how many of him there are on the field sometimes. He wont be going anywhere. The Windy Hill addicts would storm the castle if ever there was an inkling to allow him leave. Keep dreaming people
  4. Yes BBO....that would be doing HIS job....he'll need to cover other's today i would think
  5. Lock this in as a win....just not ours Just want to see some invention...some clever use of the troops at hand.
  6. Typical lawyer...cant answer the simple direct question. ... lol
  7. and the name of this fine establishment Red....so we can avoid !! lol
  8. Where are they ? Can only find the $5 ones... You must really know how to ferret in those low and dark places !!
  9. Here...We won and here..All the rest It's entirely possibly to understand both. You almost get it by noting that one event(s) can impact another. That doesn't mean I cant discern they might be different reactions. Where you seem to be missing the point ( mine at least ) is how YOU choose to react is YOURS to do.. If another does it another way your method does not invalidate another's. Your reaction to the win is yours. Again, I see it as just not-losing.For me it was more about a sigh of relief, we got away with that one. Rapture ?? none. That game should have been over at 1/2 time..well and truly. But we are inept, led by the inept. Our game plan is inept, our understanding of how the game actually works currently seems bereft of grasp. When I see something really worth cheering about...i will. Til then
  10. I am fully capable of separation Nasher. I am also fully capable of my own assessments and have the prerogative to my own reactions. Our WIN was more like NOT-LOSING...We did everything ..again to steal a loss from Victory...somehow we stuffed that up and still won. A Another minute..or a few less and we were indeed losers. By all means take whatever joy you wish to take from the occasion. All a bit too much like finding a Fiver in your pocket when your broke and spend it on a beer. It tastes good...but strangely you're still broke. All youve really managed to achieve is numbing reality for a brief moment. Reality is reality..I'm a realist. In case no one has really noticed we've gone through another rebuild ( squandered ) ...had all the hype of looking like we're getting somewhere...only to fall over...and over. The Boards are now back to discussing priority picks and looking to our draftees with that demented laughter that this IS the panacea..In other words we're right back where we've been for god knows how long...one of the irrelevant teams at the bottom of the ladder. Rose coloured glasses are fine but when you add a lot of our dark blue to them the view gets very overcast.
  11. Im not Simon's greatest fan by a country mile but it's not so much his fault as the whole FD. Make no mistake we have a very poor FD. Many here understood the motive of getting Preuss. Many here are gobsmacked ( though by now we should be prepared ) by the inefficiencies and poor results of progressing players.
  12. in reality neither Gawn nor Preuss are forwards per se. They re both Rucks that can go forward. Unlike the mania of this modern game to take players off at the slightest drop of a leaf I see much to be said for simply resting them ( as in days of old ) . They're warmed up and in the groove of the game just move them around. Probably Gawn is more au fait with the forward role at the present but the whole idea of pushing the taller mobile ruck forward is to create imbalance with the opposition's defence structure and matchups...i.e spanner in their works. It's a setup to be worked with. Each game may present different opportunities and as always happens no every player might be ON for the day. Both can get a footy to stick to their mitts...a handy trait. max isnt nearly as bad a kick as some might have it.....that said...maybe keep him more than 30 out.....
  13. In your case with...hard to imagine you without an a-peel ??
  14. I always find the sentiments of supporters fascinating, win lose or draw. I suppose the stance many assume comes from the furphy that a glass 50% filled is somehow only half full ...or half empty. Upon these views somehow dictates where your 'allegiance' lays. It's a crock. A glass 50% filled is just that..50% filled. One might reasonably argue if it was full and now only 50% then it's now half empty as that was the momentum of events. Conversely..an empty glass filling is half full if thats the direction of events. What say of all of this..Simple. It's neither all of one thing nor the other. Being critical of our play ..indeed anything to do with this club does NOT preclude one from being able to enjoy a win. It simply means some are far more encompassing of larger pictures than those that might live vicariously in the moment. Neither is more right than the other. They are opinions, perspectives, call them what you like. It was definitely better to win than to lose but like some others here it all feels very hollow. Again we did our very best collectively to snag a loss from the jaws of victory. How excited anyone becomes from kicking but ONE goal in the final term I don't know. Where would all the sky punching be had we not managed that I wonder ? The tempo was arguably different yesterday. That's good. I wonder too just how much by design and how much by forced circumstances. Either way there were lessons there to be observed. Yesterdays game reminded me of two elevators travelling in opposite directions. They up and we down...somehow we just managed to be on top at the right moment. We almost weren't. Our skills are not as a team AFL standard. We do have a handful of very good players, but they alone dont make a Winter..so to speak. Our game plan...do we really even have one ? is predictable and negatable. You really have to wonder why it's taken so long to get Preuss on the big-park. That we're only now supposedly considering both he and Max is laughable. Yesterday was a bit like playing musical chairs...had there been a couple more notes maybe the tone here would be a little more sombre. Some are easily pleased.
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