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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Anzac Eve Toiges QB Pies Supposedly both good
  2. Just those looking for a hook to hang upon !!
  3. One nevers needs excuses to have a Champers A lot of rubbishy sparkling about so beware. Prosecco is quite acceptable.Brown Bros ..not too shabby as a local. Probably best we did see the 'before' shot
  4. Sorry..i thought you said that wasn't the issue ?
  5. Prey tell ...illuminate us with wisdom SWYL. What was the issue ?
  6. The suggestion MrH was you're a millionaire if you own a reasonable house. As the av price in say Melb is around 850k, but certainly a lot of housing is over the 1m mark, then if you own it... you're a millionaire. However few owner/occupiers actually own their houses outright. You are right though..its about equity.
  7. Emphasis on OWN... mortgages dont count
  8. You're doing ok though when $1m is chump change
  9. And he had the intelligence and wherewithal to spot that opportunity and ability to develop it. Thats not "fluke", that's acumen. Fluke is tripping up on a tattslotto ticket laying on the ground ( one worth something ) Good management/Engineering practice IS to surround yourself with capable people. Successful people dont do that accidentally or by fluke. You made a bad call DS. That's fine. We all do.
  10. You actually unwittingly, perhaps, lay the ground here for what I would think to many is possibly the crux of the matter. "an average player" this sort of thing goes with "#1 draft pick" etc etc. Is it too much for anyone to treat ALL the players irregardless of success/failure/ whatever to be accorded some dignity ? It's irrelevant in some manner who he was other that he had the 'temerity' when we were shizen to be like a number of folk who stuck phat !! In the end they are a jumper number. They are a player number for the club. They have their own lives to lead and Jack's is now rebooting at another locale. Such is life. But it doesn't matter , nor should it what sort of player any of us consider him . He's been a standup fellow when often around him things were falling down and quite possibly THAT and not his actual playing career at Melbourne should be recognised. Good luck Jack Go Dees
  11. In the world of Star Wars Chewbacca is the uncle to 'Lowie' (Lowbacca)
  12. A very lazy article. Took what was obvious and ignored what wasn't. A Walkley will never be his. Ryan is typical of the modern press. Write to appease.
  13. Couldn't get to open. Bad assumption. More fool me. Carry on
  14. Hear Hear !! Might just get myself some new boardies.. quite like the Cactus ones
  15. I like Robbo. A cheerful bloke and without doubt loves the Dees. The Robbo/MFC dynamic has worked well on and off the field. But if we're honest there was a time we played RobboLotto. Here we'd turn up to a game not knowing which Robbo would ! The electrifying forward or the lazy shlt that just couldn't be bothered and sooked. Gladly the better one showed up mainly, but not exclusively. Id be careful denoting anothers career. RR himself only got 17 charlies out of 228 games !! Just saying Suppose we're all entitled to an opinion
  16. The Roar is in error. We also handed in over pick 10..noted later but shows imbalance. Just an oversight eh i like the idea of having Lever. Gave the farm needlessly. Hope it's worth it. Balic is irrelevant. Watts still on wrong side of ledger. MFC not that clever after all. Shame
  17. Get man after ( tick ) even if spent needless amount Moved on someone at throwaway pick ( and still paying ) tick Pick up a no one for nothing..epitome of excellence ( tick ) All easily acquiscenced ( tick )
  18. and yet not Farewell !! Perhaps... Good Luck..
  19. isn't it just as well there's no player on their list like a Williams...or a Robinson !!
  20. If 2017 was fairly even ..I predict 2018 will be mind bogglingly more so. Im not sure there will be a clear cut top 4 teams...nor even a clear cut half D of cellar dwellers. I think winning ...for ANYONE ...will be hard to keep up as a roll in 2018. On that basis though I reckon we should/ought/bloody better had....improve , it might be just marginal in terms of numbers though the efort required would suggest more so.. Just my take
  21. A bit bluh for me atm tbh. By comparison to some previous years our preparedness to keep powder dry vanished. I thought pulling the trigger so early and enthusiastically for Lever meant we had something else in mind. Maybe we did..but when the self pronounced offer of 10 and 27 blew out.... No idea about Harley..reckon a bag of crisps was sufficient. Dockers won't do much with 66. I'll leave the other debacle alone. We got Jake..thats good.About all that can be said. Fair for me. A bit underwhelmed. The draft is lotto. Need to revist ib years to come but 3 picks in the 30's ....thats exciting for some i take it Interesting to see how that goes. 6/10
  22. I would agree in so much as i would rate the role of say ..a good running outside mid as more a pressing need than rucking per se.
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