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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Beautiful in its simplicity. A very touching motif. Well done.
  2. And now we don't .Only Bernie with experience down there now A lot of out of form fellas down the blunt end. Im not overly liking how this is panning out .
  3. I have no issues at all that Jordans form has been down. He may have warranted a 'freshener' in the Magoos , but the sheer nastiness from some is not welcome for mine.
  4. A bit of unecessary vitriol from some. Grow up.
  5. All thr best Jordan. Speedy recovery. Not sure id be playing after 2 weeks..plate or not. My ...this season's going swimmingly !!
  6. ?We set the bar high at being underwhelmed...eh ☹️
  7. I dont think Lever's problem is altogether Lever. Square pegs in round holes struggle. That said. .im simply underwhelmed.
  8. In reality one need simply realise Football is only an 'amusement' ( unless playing. Players play, spectators spectate. Life goes on whether we win or lose which is just as well given our predisposition to losing. It's only footy. It's just Melbourne. Though I'd love us to be successful, I'm somewhat resigned to none. It gets the better of me occasionally but I'm not about to change my colours, nor does it seem the team theirs !! As OD often suggests...membership is a psuedo charitable contribution. MFC...the perfect mirror. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Sort of reminds me of some films. They're remade from time to time, different actors , different director, script rewrites...... same shlt B grade result
  9. Maybe we should have weighted any decisions about importing players upon that absolute. Are we building a house with no plans ?
  10. ANB...over rated Half our list is Over Rated Here in lays some of the cause of much angst. Yes you need foot soldiers. Hard drilled reliable foot soldiers. Saw a few on the weekend. They were wearing Brown and Gold.
  11. I don't think it's about money. There's friction. It might be about to get worse. Purely egos and abilities to cop things on the chin. Not so much between players
  12. We were given a training drill by the walking wounded fcs !!
  13. Not sure so much is hate... Im more in the ambivalent dept. For all he seemingly does...what effect ?? So I'm not overt to gushing over a false value. That is all.
  14. Jetta .. definitely something amiss here for sure. Off the boil big time.
  15. I suspect Trouble at Mill. Goody will be on borrowed time with some players. Other staff already affecting things for the detriment ( and has form ) It's not happy families I'm sensing. Wheels have fallen off. Why ? Just when we should be going forward and up... we're stumbling and falling. There was dissention before the season. Something is wrong.
  16. And how f'd is that !! The link men ought to be the likes of Hunt and Lewis ( if in form ) Beggars belief
  17. To be serious for a moment ; i had great expectations of the "wall of hades" evolving out on the hb line. Lever and Pig using their best telepathy and ranging to thwart the incoming sortes. Wtf happened. Instead of a fort we've got a sieve !
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