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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I would be fair to say the biggest issue with tribunal/penalties etc...is always 'consistency' It just there never is.
  2. Hell just rubber stamp Jackson's selection i suspect. It's common in industry to hunt down and select the heir apparent BEFORE announcing you're stepping down. Very surprised if someone not already chosen. Probably a case of waiting til they're available.
  3. Cant believe some have got themselves all knickery about this. MasterChef Australia....for the culinary challenged or simply unwashed is about the most watched English language cooking show .. .in the WORLD !! Let that sit for a moment.... I repeat...WORLD. Its audience is measured in 100's of MILLIONS worldwide. It showcases Melbourne the City...as the beacon and gastrononical capital of Australia. And so on this show that is very Melbourne.... they have as their ELITE Team of Athletes...the MELBOURNE Football Club. You can't buy this type of exposure. Is worth its weight in Saffron. Would make sponsors very happy. Go Dees
  4. Its a bloody tv show. People need lives
  5. The line is at 33 37 is kinda falling over it....but id take it. We've struggled often against this vermin. Sunday will be no different imho
  6. Gil must hate Paddy I'm warming to him......Dfield
  7. Gil flips a coin...to see who flips a coin....
  8. No pleasing some.. Yes..much better it was Collingwood... Carlton... Norda Melbun.. Foootiskrayyy .....or Oh we're from.. Those fools on the hill ??! Get a grip.. what harm ? Well done MFC
  9. There's a chasm of difference between calling something...and prefering it. Dont shoot the messenger...eh what ?
  10. These things will go one of two ways.... dependent upon direction. Good luck
  11. Ahhh it's a giggle really.... following footy. So many run with hares and Hunt with hounds.. Any minute now the wind will change again.
  12. There's just no adequate emoji for this ????????
  13. Geez...we are are talking about the same marvel everyone was getting moist over last year ?? Yes ???? ????
  14. It's kinda funny in a way. If they ..the AwfuL had sat down and concocted a worse case scenario of a situation involving umpires being "touched" ..then even this is beyond fiction. They're now damned either way. Well done AFL... scholarly
  15. It's almost ? like they just make it all up as they go.....tra-la-lala-la ?
  16. Makes a change from licking its own....??
  17. You're on fire DC ??? Maybe stock up on the PrepH ???
  18. ??? Who was it Hocking used to play for ? ????
  19. Far too much logic @titan_uranus Please desist
  20. No we wont. Kruezer will keep Max accountable and honest. We SHOULD be too good. A test for us again. Just do it.
  21. You're missing the 'fix' It was deliberately pushed to the tribunal where it could be massaged. Stands out like dog's ....
  22. He's out of favour with some. Will be in another jumper in 19
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