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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Before our little 'run home there might be a little hill or two to climb. We can only ever play the 'other' team...where ever, but we're still a long way from certainty. In some respects it was 'only' the Doggies but I saw something encouraging I wasn't expecting to see. It wasn't the , stuffing around of the first half, nor the Footy Lesson of the 3rd QTR...not even the boxing up and ribbon tying of the last. It was that we broke the shackles of some silly idea that our footy was only ONE particular method. With this tucked under our arm we may yet make a first of the weeks to come. Can not afford to blink or stumble. Are we really relevant to September ? Go Dees
  2. Most certainly.... Personally I'm blaming the #4 bloke anyway.
  3. If I may pick up on this ...your quote. ( Not a go at you ) This has to be either Cliche Masterclass.....or Naivete extraordinaire !! Jones might like to think everyone gives 100% but it's plainly not the case. Some do put in more...some do try more. That just is. There may be the intention to give all....not always the result. It's called the human condition.
  4. They're rubbish. Only one matters Those that think there's worth in the how and when are sadly mistaken. You'll wake up to this one day perhaps...perhaps not. The game is about the eccentricity of a non round ball...not numbers ( other than the scoreboard ) Keep pushing your mantra though.
  5. Wtf is going on at Spotless ?? ???
  6. Maybe TELL HIM to kick it to them ( opposition )
  7. I'm going to go left field and suggest that Goodwin evolved a little today. He did something very counter-Simon today; he actually changed the game ..mid game. A lot of his style has been men at the ball...this fills a stat sheet but often congests players ( ours ) and provides an imbalance favouring the opposition. They get clear skies to spread...we chase. He (SG) addressed our ineffectiveness by reversing the situation. He's learnt something ( possibly ) ...it's not he who necessarily wins the ball succeeds... it's he who controls it. 2nd half we had ball on a string. Again stats are rubbish lmho as there's no dynamic context. Footy....it's really not that complicated.
  8. A very measured takes on it all. He didn't shine... didn't really disgrace. He might be on borrowed time but he might make it work. Jury out....but not far off
  9. Might be among the few still running in the 4th ...might be his moment in the sun (sts )
  10. They COULD play on the wing..in fact it was where Roo belonged. Tom on a wing...meh
  11. A difference to the nonsensical team sheet...in our instance, is that Tom has actually started games....on the wing. Still nonsense for mine.
  12. your manor isnt the boarded up pub on the corner by chance ??
  13. He's a footballing freak ... And he's all ours Onya Clarry. Such fun to watch.
  14. But they needn't guess....as soon as the ball starts flying back from our arc because the clunking half forward that's supposed to be there isn't...then he'll (TM) be repositioned properly What's the bet ? ( No guessing required )
  15. It's genius eh.. I mean...no one ever expects him to then line up at Half Forward !! The MFC brains trust in fine fettle ??? I'd be laughing as the oppo coach....well that's one less to worry about in the arc. Rebounding"s easier.. win-win..for them !! Let's keep footy simple, Simon
  16. Having him rest fwd also upsets the oppos apple cart regards rotation etc (possibly )
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