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Everything posted by layzie

  1. While I believe we need to keep Jack it's getting a little trite having his defenders week after week year after year come on to threads like these to convince us all of stuff he does that we don't see and all that kind of jazz. Fact of the matter is if he was so great you wouldn't need to keep pointing out these things. He had some massive howlers in the second half of the year and we need to start seeing the consistency. And if he was pick #43 I don't think his career would have lasted this long.
  2. Certainly not rubbishing your opinion PF. It is still wise to be concerned for his well being so you are right there.
  3. Why does this latest injury tie in with all the concussions and calls for him to give it away. My first reaction was that I was glad it wasn't a head injury and a more 'normal' one. That he can go through to normal recovery and get back into it next year. Of course, he's had a terrible run but no need for alarm bells yet surely!
  4. Interesting he gave that opinion but he's entitled to it nonetheless. I don't mind Scott as a coach, but I don't know what he needs to do to take this team further or if he's possibly done his dash.
  5. I might be missing something but I thought the free kick was there. His left arm was low but the right was over the shoulder before Shuey slipped it higher. Getting panned for this view currently so won't be surprised if DL does too.
  6. I can't fathom the idea of Richmond raising the cup this year. How many of these drought scenarios have to be broken before ours? It's agony. Having said that I'm not going to be barracking hard for the straight sets exit. It takes too much energy and I've already expended that this year. I'm resigned to Richmond making it far in the finals, but would be happy if it didn't happen.
  7. Its not a bad point but it's another one of those pulling statistics from no-where things. What do we care that we and GWS made linear improvement? Just playing disgruntled fan. It was a very thought out announcement.
  8. Where are those people who couldn't wait to celebrate finals? Not having a go, would just like to hear from them.
  9. All in all I'm happy he re-signed. Many here would have parted with him for Lever and if it came down to that I would have too but I think he's got upside that few others have.
  10. Cheers. Will check it out tonight I reckon.
  11. Yeah I too have become a regular reader. Always knew it existed but never knew it was this good.
  12. What channel was this on or how can I watch it?
  13. Seen a bit of him this year and he can certainly play. Having a lot of trouble seeing where he fits in the side though
  14. Menzel is a very good footballer but I just can't see this being a good fit. Decent overhead but we need much more defensive forward pressure. Also fear for him breaking down at any second.
  15. This has not gotten any easier
  16. I've documented this a few times but man did last Friday feel different to this Friday.
  17. What's with all the suggestions for flat track bully mids?
  18. What a difference a week makes. Forgive me for stating the obvious but how much different did this time last week feel? Quickest transition from Winter to Spring ever.
  19. Well done Hibbo. in other news anyone know why Oliver didn't even make the 40?
  20. Mate, I'm exactly the same. I was at the gym last night and even seeing Eddie on Millionaire got me down. My friend wants me to go with him to the Geelong V Richmond final but the MCG and Yarra Park surroundings feel like ground zero to me right now. I've watched no footy shows, my regular morning SEN listening has been changed to Triple J where I now have to hear those folk talk about what to bring to a zombie apocalypse. It has made me realise just how much of a void this sport fills and having to avoid it completely sucks. A broken and lost person with no bearings at all.
  21. First I've heard of that! I've never had an issue with a CEO of our club having supported another club but there is this expectation that they relinquish those allegiances and throw all emotion into their current club. Could sort of understand if it were just casual staff but the head girl? Just would have expected a bit different I guess.
  22. layzie


    To be honest, NFL coverage in this Country is not great currently. You got 7Mate who often whiff on the right games to show, nothing on Fox and then the Sun/Mon night games. The Redzone channel is a slight reprive hard when you're fans like us who want to analyse a whole game! Think my method will be to 'find a way' to obtain Niners games and watch them on Mon night.
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