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Everything posted by dimmy

  1. How quickly some people think people move from pro or against a certain player (usually positive to negative)
  2. or more than singlets and clothing in his "bonus " package
  3. Surely his "manager" has some morals. If not he should be deregistered. A contract is a contract entered into by BOTH sides. Why should the Club have to baby sit people who do not honour their committments. How would Gawny & JV feel having given everything to a Club and people ><.* *8 $^%& on their face !!! If MFC "subsidise" his payments then I am following Soccer. IF it is true then the AFL should be loooking at Geelong player payments (not just now, but over a number of years.
  4. The bloke has not even got in the door and the knives are out for him, because he did not kick 500 goals a season. Chris Fagan did not play AFL, does that mean he cannot coach ? About time some people get real. This is fast becoming the most negative group of people in football, which is supposed to be a game which we enjoy ,not a character asassination bureau.
  5. The way he went about his football and involvement in MFC reflected the quality of the person. That speech (without notes !!)cemented my thoughts exactly. Well done Gus !!!!
  6. Just get over it. The media have found the circus and by hook or by crook thye will milk every little bit of inuendo out of this. WHile they are hounding MFC they are leaving C'wood,Essendon & Carlton alone ...........wonder why !!!!
  7. Maybe there was an emphasis (by the "Really DUMB" Coaching panel to develop his ball getting skills when he went back to Casey. They actually do those sort of things .
  8. Is there a similar thread at Collingwood because they finished out of the 8,sliding down from a Premiership. Then compare not just the injuries, but the quality(players) of injured time !!! I do not think Goodwin was responsible for Brayshaw, Oliver, Petracca , May, Lever , Gawn ets.
  9. Probably as good a time to have his arm in a sling I suppose !!
  10. And we haven't discussed Bedford ??? Good Luck to James J he has shown to many people he is good enough. Well Done !!
  11. I did not know that Pert & Roffey were current players so cannot be blamed for our results this season. Nearly everyone of our key players had extended absences through injury etc during the year. Start with losing Gus (due to an unreportable offence), then Clarrie's issues & injuries, Petracca (due to an unreportable offence), May, Lever , Salem & Gawny towards end of year (plus Bowey & Spargo who were regulars). The vitriol directed at Roffey, Pert & Goodwin goes beyond fairness and contructiveness !!
  12. Did they check this with Petracca ?
  13. No it is from the infallible source of the media (confidential of course) Why are we picking sides now !!! No wonder we get into a lather over issues. There is a full pre season to be had yet AND some of our marginals will have matured plus you never know what is going to happen in the next 6 months !!! See you all next year !!!
  14. I think that Goodwin arrives at a Press Conference, politely asks Messrs Morris, Cornes, Lloyd, McLure to politely remove themselves from the room so the conference can then proceed.
  15. So far some people have discovered absolute genii at Club Administration. If Kate kept on butting in on Footy matters then she would be classed " interfering "shiela" who does not have a clue about football (and does not know her place). If Pert started telling the Coach how to coach and manage footy.........well !! If Goodwin started to tell the Medical Staff how to do their job(s), then........ But if you are a fooballa you must by (media)virtue know everythink. None of the responsibility is yours but you can lay on your back and kick your heels and then the most knowledgable people, the media in the hole world will automatically assume you must be right ,because a lot of the media are ex -footballers . From what appeared somewhere ,just before the nightman came and collected ...... One of the criticisms was that no one came to visit our footballa in intensive care. A bit of logic here, that if you are in intensive care ,visitation rights are extremley limited (by nature of the reason you are in intensive care), so the last thing you need is a pile of teammates calling in on the way home from dressup day. I am just sick of this media driven exercise who suddenly assume they are Club Administrators, Medical Specialists, Psychiatrists etc except in most cases they are Hans Christian Andersons !! I sincerely hope that Christian Petracca fulfils the contract he willingly SIGNED up for even though it is with a Club that does not play in front of bid enough crowds.
  16. So that determines his whole career ???
  17. Moore slid into what was a perfectly legal bumping pose to get the ball. If Kickett gets time then Moore and the unmentionable should get 10 weeks each if the penalty is based on the outcome.
  18. Come off the grass Mc Donald was extremely competitive. I have bagged Lever , but his organisation skills would have been very handy tonight. However I think this was treated as a practice matcxh to try out a new style of play. Unfortunately we were undermanned and unprepared. Collingwood play this running game so it was really difficult for our blokes to be trying something so different. Firstly in this game style you need to be moving more ,not letting using delaying tactics which lets the next level setup properly. You have got to have the right personnel to play a particular game style. Collingwood have got it with Daicos 1 & 2 etc.
  19. When the media start drinking some coolaid after the week we have had, this is good news. We have a long term strategy to TRAIN a Maximus 2. Max will provide a presence purely because of his size. Kozzie will kick a 100 goals. Van REooyen will become Van RUnnin @ CHF . Turner ,mobile forward, Fritta the HFF and Petty CHF Go Dees !!!
  20. Collingwood can only make it be appealing against Carlton beating WCE and by demanding that Freemantle forfeit to PORT
  21. THE HEADLINE YOU WILL NOT SEE !!!! Does Colingwood's failure to make the finals signify that the culture at Collingwood is not conducive to success. As such the Club should be conducting a grass roots analysis of all facets of the CLub's operations. As a consequence of the failure ot follow up on their KO win in 2023 , the Coaches position must be a subject of scrutiny. Some senior players may have to change their game plan by going for the ball rather than the man as has been part of their game style. Furthermore the Draw must reflect the position of the team The culture at Collingwood must come under great scrutiny. The AFL are currently forming an investigative group including the AFL Head of Fixturing,Tom Morris, Cane Kornes,Tim Watson and the MCG Trust to investigate how Collingwood can play ALL their games at the MCG and also train exclusively on the ground.
  22. Apparently the only bloke playing for Dees is Viney. Gold Coast must be winning by 50 points judging by the negative vs positive posts. Remember the reason we are not out there is because the blokes that are, are better than us !!!!
  23. General Question : Do we get any allowance for Gus or do we just go into the draft needing to fit one more spot (which could be pick 298). But we get exemption for Gus' salary in total player payments ??? Facts not rhetoric please.
  24. All of this is supposition ,started by a "media" (not real football journalist). You have to remember that footballers are not rocket scientists (O Mac exception), they just happen to come from a variety of backgrounds AND are good (for their age) at football. They are picked up at 18 (just out of school), treated like God and ASSUMED they have allround intelligence etc. Next thing they are being paid ENORMOUS amounts (for their age) and many have trouble adjusting . Athlete's personal support is a major issue not just while they are playing, but when the lights flicker. Then when things do not work out (even in the midterm) we all bail on them like as if they deliberately set out to be have these hiccups. It does not matter what background ,(Bulldogs example). I feel MFC provide that environment and should be proud of the way Clarrie (in this case) has made his way back. MFC had a prime example in Jurrah who was probably the best natural footballer I have seen, but just could not live in that world (He refused to travel on a train for some reason). (Read the book). Lets all have a Bex and a good lie down .
  25. Yeh ,but this has been an extraordinary year, we played Fremantle twice !!
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