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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. Not sure I get your point. Anyway, his memorabilia collection, which goes well beyond 16 years ago, is something he treasures at least. Sorry if I bored you.
  2. Not sure if this has been discussed elsewhere. If so, I apologise. I picked up my membership scarf on Saturday and was surprised to see the colours. A Brisbane supporter, who was an "old" Fitzroy" member, commented to me that it reminded him of the old Fitzroy jumper colours. The more I looked at it, the more I thought the same. It's nice to have the membership scarf, but I think I will revert to my old stock, standard, Demons red and blue scarf for future games. As for the horns??????????............ the grand kids like 'em at least.
  3. Careful boys, or you will incur the wrath of you know who. Don't forget, what you're saying could easily be construed as an unreserved bake of the coach and that your touting for DB to slam the players in a public media forum. Of course, nothing is further from the truth. Just two ardent supporters expressing a point of view, a valid one, which they are entitled to do.
  4. Mate, you will put your own "spin" on this no matter what anyone says . Read posts in their context and stop quoting them selectively. Your character assassinations on this forum are deplorable and should be dealt with. Your "Rah Rah" reference to me was petty and unnecessary. You have a docket as long as my arm. RR, by no means do you have a mortgage on the truth. Quite the opposite in fact. Give others a go and stop being so bloody belligerent, even if people have a divergent opinion to yours. God forbid.
  5. He doesn't have to bake players through the media. No-one is saying that. Simply, the club, including the coach, needs to be seen to be making a positive, assertive and emphatic stand, in the eyes of the public and the many MFC supporters who don't venture on here. No wonder MFC supporters are seen by so many others as having a perennial heat muscle strain. As Peter Finch once said, we're as mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore.
  6. The thing we all need to realise is that factors beyond all of our control are likely to inundate us, if such performances are meekly tolerated.. As any good business should, we need to plan for that contingency and be pre-emptive, rather than let us be overwhelmed by the media pack. These things have a habit of being self fulfilling prophecies. Ignore it at your peril. The next 2 weeks will tell.
  7. Very petty RR......very petty. You would go well in the chamber in the house on the hill. At least there, you can "spin" with the best of the bureaucrats. "Give the anxious types a naive comfort"????..............Indeed. I trust you have read former Paul Keating speech writer; Don Watson's "Weasel Words".
  8. RR, Are you Jimma's media man? You know what his motivation was? Do you write his press releases. Are you a MFC committee man, or just another "politician"? You do very well at the latter. Something had to be said and Jimma was the man to say it................ simple as that!!!!
  9. Defeatist mentality???? That's precisely what I am saying was adopted. As for what I want, see my post under the topic RR started.
  10. As I said on another topic, in reading the game day thread a poster said at the half time break, that Al would give them a bake at half time and we had to be up for the challenge of a fired up Hawks unit in the 3rd quarter. Clearly that poster could see the potential for a fade-out.
  11. Headline on the MFC website: WTF. The article then quotes DB I'm sorry, but this is simply unaccaptable.
  12. Reasoned argument in any debate – that is if we are to have a debate onyesterday’s performance – is always desirable. Many have indicated that they concur with RR’s views onyesterday’s performance. However, of our 32K+ members, there will be a significant cohort whowill not agree and will be downright filthy about it. Like most of us, they will stew on the embarrassment wefelt, regarding the second half performance, move on and turn up at the nextgame as passionate as ever. And that’s one of the main points, even the most intelligent among us,can lose all sense of logic and clarity of thought, when it comes to barrackingfor our footy team and that’s one of the reasons I love footy. It’s a release and an expression ofpassion. Each year, understandably, all footy clubs try to come up with variousmarketing strategies, which will optimise their membership drives, butinvariably, the recurring themes are those of loyalty, passion and resolve –“Let your Demon out”, directly aimed at the supporter base and beyond. Sure footy is a business, but even inthe sterile board rooms of footy clubs, they recognise the need to appeal tothe emotions of their supporters. From my perspective, theremust be some reciprocity here. Sure, supporters aren’t out their copping the thumps, the niggle, therepetitive training regimes, the public scrutiny and lack of privacy, butsupporters are and always will be the difference between viability andoblivion. However, I am prettytired of the “youth and inexperience” rationale for poor and unacceptableperformances -– and I know some on here will say we have come off a much lowerbase, following the Daniher years. It is as if we are somehow unique and no other Victorian AFL club hashad to contend with the same circumstances and turnover their lists like wehave. Statistics may support onepoint of view, which differs to mine, but what statistics cannot measure arethe intangibles of resolve, focus and passion for the contest. Other “youthful” clubs’ lists have, inmy opinion, coped with these intangibles, but nonetheless necessary traits, farbetter than we have. In reading the game day thread for yesterday, I noted one poster’scomments and I am paraphrasing, but the comment was to the effect that Al willgive them a serious bake at half time and we needed to be up to the challengeof a fired up Hawthorn during the “premiership” quarter. This was an observation that whileobvious, went to the heart of the matter. Clearly, we did not rise to that challenge and were dismal in defeat. In fact, the score line flattered us toa large extent. Jimmy, Schwabby, the Board and the administration have worked hard topull us out of the financial mire. The supporters have played their part in that endeavour to a very largeextent. It’s time the Footydepartment honoured its reciprocal obligations in that regard. I think we all can accept turnovers, where a bloke is having a read hotgo, and only for a matter of millimetres could have been a hero himself. We can accept an errant pass, where aplayer is trying to negotiate his way through heavy traffic, or someone losinga one on one contest simply because they don’t have the body strength to matchtheir older and more experienced opponent. However, what none of us should be expected to accept is the lack of a discerniblegame plan, intensity at the contest, a steely resolve that once beaten in onecontest, you will win the next one. It is 2 rounds in. Far tooearly to start potting the Coach. I will be there again next week and will be as passionate as ever, but Iexpect to see a far better commitment. Surely, I have a right to expect that? Like I said, I will be there next week and when I can, the ensuingweeks, but can we guarantee there will not be a significant drop off of support from others currently among ournumbers, if yesterday’s performance is in anyway repeated. We need to stop looking for excuses. As Ronald Dale often says, “if it is to be, it’s up to me”. Come on Dees, we’re better than that!!!!!!
  13. The AFL are the custodians and governing body of the game. While no doubt, the MFC have an obligation to Daniel and I' m sure will do the right thing, ultimately, it is the AFL that needs to take the bulk of the responsibility. On the face of things, the MFC cannot be accused on not taking enough care in the "workplace" It is the AFL, whether the through the AFLPA or direct from HQ, that needs to make a statement on this and not simply change the rules, after the horse has bolted, so to speak.
  14. Yeah.........right, this is only a practice match!!!!!!!!. So Hawthorn are taking it easy too? The season proper starts in 2 weeks. Is the way we should be starting?? Sorry RR, I'm bent over waiting for you Watch this space!!!!
  15. I know Hawthorn have been doing this for a number of years and probably other clubs as well. i think it is a great idea, as having the card in front of them, means people are more likely to re-new. Have you thought of entering into a direct debit arrangement for monthly instalments, so that it is not such a drain for you financially, as paying in a lump sum?
  16. Fev is a serial offender......no doubt. But he has voluntarily gone into rehab for an obvious addiction. Maybe, just maybe, our kids up forward might actually learn something from him, that Juice and BM couldn't or wouldn't teach them. God forbid, but this might actually turn into a positive. Not all on Demonland is doom and gloom.
  17. Sorry to ask again, but can someone provide me the link to the specific tweet?
  18. I must be very technologically challenged. Just can't find the tweet.
  19. Jimma, thanks to you, Eddie looks like nothing more than a quiz show host. Lock it in Jimmy.
  20. Bruce Mathieson, board member of the Australian Leisure and Hospitality Group (ALH) Limited and Board Member of the Carlton Football Rort. And the AFL could not see this coming???? A bit like the Visy deal for Judd!!! Give me a break. But as someone else said, this is old news. Bad news nonetheless, but old news
  21. At best, he would have to be the oldest mature age rookie in the AFL. Father Ray is 66. The Groom boys are very smart. I'm sure he will be a welcome addition to the management team.
  22. Sorry people, I'm in Darwin, so an hour and half behind. Can any body shed any light on the throw by Gerard Healy to Liam Pickering on the boundary line, that Mark Kleiman has taken a job at 3AW?
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