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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. Agree DC, the lad, number 31 who once played with and coached the club, would be very irate at such behaviour and would probably bring BH to heal. I will see you at the first game, complete with tartan thermos, tweed jacket with elbow patches and as BH points out, the obligatory tartan rug over the knees. By the way, how's the prostate old chap, not to mention the haemorrhoids? Don't forget to turn up the stereo----- type. Your hearing aid isn't as good as it was. Cheerio
  2. Never a truer word said HT. Lighten up people. Merry Christmas to all Demonlanders.
  3. He still buys a MFC membership........to his credit.
  4. Official MFC website says we are sitting currently at 16,287. It does not seem all that long ago, we celebrated breaking the 15K barrier in a season. Does anyone have an idea of how we compare to the same time last year? It would be good to break 20K before Christmas. Did we do that last year? Let's hope we break 40K by the start of next season.
  5. I have no doubt that Mark Neeld is an intelligent man, and will know where and when to "draw the line". What he has done is to set the agenda from the very beginning. The players will know where they stand, when 2012 begins. Neeld will not being going back to the "drawing board" after we lose a game by 30 plus goals. I love the focus and the straight line approach. I suspect he knows who he can challenge publicly and who he can't. Some clubs go to Nevada, Utah or Kakoda. They do it as a group to "challenge" mindsets and physical capacity. As reported, we are staying at "home" so that the new coaching panel and the players can get to know each other, the administration, processes and systems. Our challenge begins here and I am liking what I am hearing and seeing. Great things come can out of adversity and challenge
  6. Kevin Sheedy? ................. only jokin'
  7. Neeld's stance is very welcome in my view and long over due. I wonder now, for those of us that had the temerity to question DB and his football department, whether we are somewhat vindicated now. Neeld's assessment of some in the squad, as reported, would seem to suggest so. No doubt, DB is a terrific fella, but not what we needed at our stage of development in 2011. Onwards and upwards I say
  8. Here's some more. Some fair footballers among them. Bert Chadwick Allan La Fontaine Denis Cordner Geoff McGivern Graeme Watson Kelvin Clarke Denis Clark Shane Grambeau Frank Rugolo Brett Lovett and dare I say it Chris Johnson
  9. The club had to make a statement after such a loss. That statement may not have been palatable for all at the time, but it needed to be made nevertheless. We and DB are now in a better place. Perhaps the Hun should look at what is best for the future for both parties and not dwell on woulda, coulda, shoulda. It's done and dusted. Let's move on.
  10. Thanks TT, Um, yes I was joking. Football can also be full of irony.
  11. With all due respect, having said that let me say this. The real issues can be put to bed in one foul swoop. No need to cast nasturtiums, but even though we have a long road to hoe in 2012, with the right incentivisation, I am sure we will get the job done. Of course, when posting on any forum, it should be remembered that people in grass houses shouldn't get stoned and never hatchet your chickens before they are counted. However, when in doubt, you can always goose the cook that laid the golden egg. For all intensive purposes, it would appear that with what the MFC administration have done thus far, it all goes well for 2012.
  12. The only care factor here is when, in fact was the decision made to go to GWS. Despite denials that is was not done any earlier than the charade of a trip to Sydney to check out the "facilities" I smell a rat. It is often used in the wrong context, but the word prevaricate comes to mind. Look it up if you're unsure Demonlanders. That is what is at issue here, nothing else. Young Tom needs to be careful that he is not engulfed in "stage parent" syndrome.
  13. The other issue is that the relationship and bond between the two countries has been enhanced because of the hybrid game and has and certainly will see into the future, more Irish players involved in our great game. With a compromised draft and free agency on the horizon, this can only be a good thing. As for someone doing an ACL, if your aunty has a moustache, she's be your uncle as well.
  14. We may not like the hybrid game, but it is the only chance an AFL player will ever get to represent their country. These guys might just love the idea, even if we think the concept is flawed. As for BG, get off his back please. When the "real" stuff starts in 2012, I am sure Neeld will have the captaincy issue well and truly sorted. There may have been extenuating circumstances which led to Brad's below par performance this season, as with the Coach and the rest of the team, but I would challenge anyone to say brad has not been a great and loyal servant of the Club for over 11 years.
  15. Post of the week. Damn right and I love it
  16. Bub, you're spot on and have summed the positives up very well. We do need to keep some perspective - of course - but having heard Neeld speak, I am confident he will instil a new resolve into the playing group. I also think that Neil Craig is a huge get for us. You do not attract the calibre of the guys we have, unless they can see something worth working with. Sure, we might not set the world on fire in 2012, but I am sure we will see a different outfit, which will put smiles on our collective faces. Let's just get it done and support this new regime, with everything we can. No room for passengers anymore. Neeld will make sure of that.
  17. Generally, when someone stoops to unsubstantiated negative epithets, they do so either through jealousy or they fear things are moving in a positive direction for their target. As for the MCC making us too conservative, would you like to do without their cash? Denham claims to be a Weagles supporter and reckons they're a strong and exceptionally well run club. That may be so, but so would most if they had the concessions they had at startup and beyond, particularly when they operated as one team in a footy made State. If bagging other clubs helps sell newspapers, then journalists will always go down this easy path. Nothing new in this strategy. Suck it up Demonlanders.
  18. Because Brisbane will dictate the terms, if he departs them. If he goes in the draft, he will be picked up before the Eagles or Dockers even get to sniff at him.
  19. Simma, you may well be right, but will you give me good odds on such an outcome? Brisbane, simply, are ready to deal, and they will.
  20. I reckon the "go home" factor is the only thing standing in the way of a deal with us, but Brisbane have already said the Dockers offer is not good enough. If he doesn't go to us, then it's likely he will have to go into the draft and if that happens, the chances of him getting to Perth will be almost nil. IMO, we will snare him and there can only be positives come from such a deal. It is good to see us finally acting like a "real" AFL footy club.
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