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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. Interesting to note that the online headline on the Hun's website states that the Dees "wait to face the music'. As if there is any to face. More likely the tune will be "whistlin' Dixie". Also interesting to read that according to the Hun, the AFL will make its decision, as to whether to lay charges, this week. I would suggest that if the timeline is correct, that is a hell of a quick turnaround, given the brief presented to us was in excess of 800 pages and I would have hoped our response would have been commensurately comprehensive..
  2. Ahhhhh problem is, other than absolute conjecture and hypothesis, as well as taking the word of people who might not necessarily be 'unbiased', Caro did not have a clue, as to the reality and chose to run with her spurious story, despite that being the case. She has no more upon which she can enlighten the great unwashed.
  3. maybe too many around here have been on the "sauce", judging by some posts.
  4. Agree 100%. His departure was certainly a case of odd "timing".
  5. Regardless of who tanked worse and when, the core issue is that there was a system in place that rewarded failure = losing. It was AD's system and he vehemently defended it, denying any rorting took place, when the weight of evidence was overwhelmingly against his articulated position. The issue is, when losing had such a valuable prize at the end of it, what was a coach to do? If we committed any crime, it was about the selections we took and the management of those selections. Other than that, we have nothing to answer to. Hopefully, next week, or very soon thereafter will tell, but frankly, I am getting tired of the over hypeing of the issue and the inane hypotheses being offered up. Bring on the NAB Cup, cos anything beats this tripe.
  6. Russell Colcott. Not sure why I have nominated him, but used to think he was pretty special when I was kid. Tiger Ridley thought he was sensational too, when he coached him. Came from Oakleigh from memory???
  7. Our response is due by the 29th. It will be interesting to see how long after that, the AFL Star Chamber makes its decision and announces it to the world. If the announcement is made within a day or so, I would suggest that would further support our claims that this whole process was a travesty in the first place.
  8. Not too mention, that as a young bloke, he was thrown the extra burden of co-captaincy. That said, Neeld would not have done this, if he did not see some steel and strength of character in the young man. Trenners is the quintessential team man. While his current injury status is clearly not desirable, the scientific methodology of managing injuries these days, is a universe away from 10 years ago. His start might be slow at the beginning of season 2013, but I expect a better than good year from Jack, particularly when we now have more seasoned players on our list, that can better share the burden of leadership.
  9. Jim Stynes and self-aggrandisement is a contradiction in terms. Self deprecating maybe. Yes, thank goodness for Jimma. As the saying goes, cometh the hour, cometh the man. That was our Jimma.
  10. It's an easy thing to do. Attribute a motive to someone, without knowing their business and personal circumstances. We might not agree with their actions or strategies, but none of us have a right to question what lies in someone's heart and mind. Criticism is one of the easiest pastimes to undertake. Constructive remedy is much harder. More importantly, a remedy which is achievable, under business and financial circumstances as they may apply at any given time, is even harder.
  11. With the proviso that this is not the 'impossible dream'
  12. My good chap, that is rather inflammatory, is it not? A bit of decorum pleeeeaaaase
  13. Yes I do actually. Their private polling is what matters most to them. Organisations of all descriptions are doomed if they plan strategy on the basis of populist claptrap. By the way, hopefully, we can reach 40K members in 2013. As such, I do not consider this forum to be a respresentative cross-section of the supporter base. Again, like talk back radio, forums generally have the same names popping up all the time.
  14. Correct, that is why the MFC conduct the surveys they do, as do all clubs.
  15. From the regular member surveys the MFC conducts? As for pollies, say no more. Pollies are more interested in what their opposition counterparts may be saying on the public airwaves. Besides, Political parties monitor all media, not just talkback. More importantly, they do their own "private" polling. I simply make the point, vested interest forums do not necessarily speak for the majority. They are simply there for the entertainment of the participants.
  16. Geez Fan, I might get clobbered on here. I am agreeing with more of what you say. As for "focus groups"???!!! Forum's of any description are about vested interest, that is why people participate in forums, as it either floats their individual boats or antagonises the BDM enthusiasts. The process of selecting focus groups is about profiling and selection, it is certainly not random. It is a bit like talkback radio hosts which claim their callers speak for the "silent majority" Absolute twaddle. I just enjoy myself here
  17. Paul Gardner loves the Melbourne Footy Club, that is his motivation. From this point on, I am not going to debate with you or anybody else, about what "motivates" Paul Gardner. However, you did say and I quote, "Paul Gardner was only interested in making sure that Paul Gardner was distanced from any smell of wrongdoing". Put simply, you may offer your opinion, but you have no way of knowing what you proffer to be fact. I shall move on to my repast now. Cheerio.
  18. Entire post now quoted. All I will say I am very tired of the apparent character assassinations on here.
  19. Of course they had a choice. They simply made the right choice, and went quietly without any blood letting. Anybody that has even the remotest connection with PG, would understand that he is a very decent and capable bloke. That said, we very much needed a change in Administration at that time, in my view.
  20. Sounds reasonable to me Fan, but I suggest you will not assuage the conspiracy theorists. Sad really.
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