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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. So we just accept losses, the number and magnitude of which are unprecedented?
  2. And how do you know nothing will change?
  3. I'm sure others on here can assist you, but surely your not saying you have not seen any posts on MN's tenure that don't suggest that there are those that believe that staying the current course is the only way to go?
  4. Umm, I can assure you that there are some very loud voices on here that say we need to stay the course and wait the full 5 years. I won't name them as that would give them some credibility which they don't deserve.
  5. Cards, there will always be a "Melbourne" in some form or other. There has to be and the AFL want it to be. Your comment about being a "competitive side at least" is what the AFL would see as realistic in the short term. As far as a CEO is concerned? Who knows. We may even get to keep PJ.
  6. Jazza, we simply no longer have the luxury of letting it "run its course" We are way beyond that now.
  7. Short answer is both Cards. But whatever happens the general perception of us as a footy club has to change in the market place. Understandably, the AFL will not tolerate its brand being trashed in the heartland for much longer. Nor should it, i believe.
  8. Seems to me, the main point is being missed in this debate. It is not just the losses, but the magnitude of those losses. Average of 74 points in 9 rounds. You cannot compare the magnitude of our losses to anyone else in recent history. Whether the list is up to it or not, I do not really care - I still believe we do not really know that, at this stage- for consistent lack of efforts, a clear demeanour on the ground that demonstrates more than just a suggestion that they are not committed, on top of the fact that even players that have demonstrated they have talent are going half paced, points to something disastrously wrong. We can blame history, we can accuse those who are no longer within the club of getting it wrong and we can make excuses because of that. But you simply cannot ignore the immense debacle that we currently are as a footy club. To do nothing would be almost criminal under these circumstances. And please note, I have never said nor do I now say, that we should sack everybody, but in any other field of endeavour, what is occurring at this proud footy club, is just not acceptable, therefore change needs to occur immediately, which is commensurate with the size of the problem. For those who subscribe to the philosophy that we need to be patient and allow the current game plan - whatever that is - to be fully understood and implemented by adding to the list of current players, draft picks and smart trades, you are not accepting the reality that we have tried that strategy in the past and we have clearly failed. The MFC has run out of time and the AFL has told us so. Change will occur, whether we like it or not. It is just my opinion, that change must occur now.
  9. In a day of extreme lows, I thought Dunn's performance was commendable. Wish we had a few more like him yesterday.
  10. Sorry Binman, I can't. Would love to, but I have been asked not to say anything further and I have given that undertaking. All I can say, there will be a meeting this week, with changes to follow.
  11. Thanks Binman. Now that is "constructive"
  12. In my advanced years, I am not technically savvy. So can someone tell me how I can "ignore" a dolt and a troll on here. Is it in my settings?
  13. Doc, I do not disagree with you at all. But to say it is what it is is not good enough I'm afraid. While you will not suddenly become stars, you have to be seen to be doing something positive and in turn, the list, as inadequate as it may be, shows more positivity. The market demands that we do.
  14. There will be a meeting this week. Changes to follow soon. Watch this space.
  15. That is so wrong, It insults me and others on here who have supported this club, been members of it and been there through all the bad times. We have parted with our hard earned mate. In my case I have been a member for 43 years. I say that for no other reason, but that it is fact. Any supporter has a right to expect their team to give something back. More importantly, we feel for the players. We don't want our guys suffering in the way they must be right now. Do not ever accuse me of not caring bout my footy club. It is because I care so much, that I want to see the changes which are necessary. Fellini - Satyricon (1969) More at IMDbPro In first century Rome, two student friends, Encolpio and Ascilto, argue about ownership of the boy Gitone, divide their belongings and split up. The boy, allowed to choose who he goes with, chooses Ascilto. Only a sudden earthquake saves Encolpio from suicide. We follow Encolpio through a series of adventures, where he is eventually reunited with Ascilto, and which culminates in them helping a man kidnap a hermaphrodite demi-god from a temple. The god dies, and as punishment Encolpio becomes impotent. We then follow them in search of a cure. The film is loosely based on the book Satyricon by Gaius Petronius Arbiter, the "Arbiter of Elegance" in the court of Nero. The book has only survived in fragments, and the film reflects this by being very fragmentary itself, even stopping in mid-sentence.
  16. An average losing margin of 74 points =12.38 goals. Can someone please tell me, in history of the AFL/VFL, has any other team been so poor 9 rounds in? Maybe University? Doesn't matter, they're not here any more and have not been around for eons. No doubt the players must shoulder some blame, but if you lack a leader/coach, a FD which is cohesive and has a vision which is shared and bought into by the players and an administration which hums along as it should, then you have a massive problem, which must be fixed. If you do not have the personnel which can fix it, then the ones you do have, must move on. Simple as that. What confronts us now is basically unprecedented. Something drastic has to take place.
  17. Makes eminent sense......Not. Never get in the witness box mate. I rest my case your Honour, the witness has self-incriminated. No further questions.
  18. And you point is? Have you ever been to the Kimberley or Kakadu, where there are fair skinned, red headed indigenous people? The colour of the skin is just not important, it is what is in the blood and the spirit. That is not for anyone on here to judge. Yours was an ill advised post and you should apologise.
  19. Nup, not a clue in the world........any of us. Your omnipotence is only preceded by your self-indulgence. I'll see you at the next Foundation Heroes function? I will be the one with the red carnation in my lapel. I'll give you the 30 bucks then. Sometimes a bloke just has to admit when he's wrong and pay his dues.
  20. ONe major difference here, not since the demise of Fitzroy, have we seen such a basket case, as is the MFC currently. An AFL appointed interim CEO put in place to see if he can fix the mess. Our case is further compounded, given we are required to trade in a market far more competitive than the one which confronted Fitzroy in 1996. Does not make for palatable reading I know, but it is the reality and we ignore it at our peril.
  21. Or Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot: "Let us not waste our time in idle discourse! (Pause. Vehemently.) Let us do something, while we have the chance! It is not every day that we are needed. But at this place, at this moment of time, all mankind is us, whether we like it or not. Let us make the most of it, before it is too late!"
  22. Apparently WYL, everything is just fine and dandy. We just have to be a little bit more patient. Waiting................... still waiting.
  23. Showing my age I guess. http://blogs.abc.net.au/nsw/2010/07/london-to-a-brick-on.html?site=sydney&program=wordwatch
  24. What a joke. I will go to your lowest common denominator form of debate. Like it or not, I will lay London to a brick, Neeld will be gone before season's end. It is already written.
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