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iv'a worn smith

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Everything posted by iv'a worn smith

  1. Signed up this morning. 44 years and counting. I am not one to make rash predictions and while I do not for one second want to suggest we will make the finals, I will just say I reckon going to the footy in 2014 will be a far more enjoyable experience than the last 5 years. Then again, that's not saying much. It needs to be. Still, I have not felt this confident about our rightful place in AFL in a long time.
  2. Paul Roos built a culture at the Swans and his legacy remains there to this day. He turned what were previously perceived as ordinary footballers, into ones that played with every piece of talent and raw gut emotion they had. His team played for him, respected, admired and were loyal to him. If he brings just one ounce of that to the MFC and I have no doubt he will and some, I will be very happy. Understandably, we have been far too negative on here for far too long. Let's just suck this up and back it to the hilt. The flow on affects from this appointment are yet to be witnessed, but I will back it in, the net benefit of the Roos appointment will be substantial and long term. Get on board.
  3. May suggest a well constructed succession plan. It will be the FD team around Roosy that will perhaps be more important in the long run.
  4. To all intensive purposes, the entire Demonland patronage may be on tenderhooks in one foul swoop.
  5. It was nice to see Junior at the B&F last night and it was great to see he was visibly moved when he realised the esteem in which he is still held at the Club. No mention of Roos last night but there was clearly ......................... Skip the ad
  6. Great work with Clive Palmer this morning KS.
  7. Apparently Yellow Pages are about to embark on a new ad campaign, reviving the catch phrase; "not happy Jan" (perhaps substitute; not happy Jack"). Seems appropriate to me.
  8. It has been reported, however, that he has met with the leadership group. To ask the rhetorical question, why would he do that?
  9. I heard it through the grape vine. We get Voss. No sorry, Jock Mchale. No can't be him, he's long gone to God. Maybe Allan Killigrew. No, gone the same way. Nah, I've got it, the reason Grant Thomas has stood out of the media for so long was he was waiting for the Dees job to come up.
  10. Of course the medicos and fitness staff would not have been consulted as to the benefits or otherwise. A red herring this topic.
  11. Like I said, even Kerry Packer would not engage a Barrister directly for litigation. But if you want to provide spurious examples it is a free world after all. Talk about long bows.
  12. Sorry that is just wrong. Let's differentiate between civil matters - which this is- and criminal matters. Here's how it goes. Client seeks to engage a solicitor. Solicitor reviews the documents/evidence to hand at that time. Solicitor provides preliminary advice on possible merits of the case. On the basis of the solicitor's advice, the client chooses to either proceed or to cease. If the decision is to proceed, the solicitor prepares a brief to Counsel for an opinion. Upon receipt of the opinion, a decision is made as to whether to prosecute a case or not. James Hird may well have been injudicious, but he's no dill. But even James Hird does not engage Counsel directly. Sorry guys, i hate to disappoint you, but it is not a case of some disgruntled party saying to a Barrister, I want to take this to Court and the Barrister saying, fine, show me the colour of your money. It just does not happen that way.
  13. Of course, that is precisely what I studied at Law School God give me strength.
  14. And that may be also true, but the day natural justice is thrown out for the sake of populist twaddle, will be a sad day indeed. As for a "peoples' game", if you wish to live in the last century then yes. Today it is a multi billion dollar business and accordingly, the stakes are very high.
  15. I suspect an injunction will be sought and we will not be much the wiser until the courts come back from recess is 2014.
  16. What do you want? Seems many on here know the legal process better than me. I guess I should get another job. I have said plenty about the legal process above. If people don't understand that we are not simply "guns for hire" then so be it.
  17. My point is Burnside would not prosecute such a case if it had no merit. HIs record in the High Court is testimony to that.
  18. He's also a man of the utmost integrity. I am happy to say I know the man personally. Unlike the old Lawyer joke: Q. What's the difference between a Lawyer and a laboratory rat? A. There are only so many things a laboratory rat will do. JB is man of the highest principles and ethics.
  19. Departure won't save his career if he is found to have acted in a conflicted manner, contrary to his fiduciary responsibilities.
  20. And what are the Bombers doing RR. I can assure you, the likes of Julian Burnside QC, would not be providing legal advice to his client re Court action, if the matter had no merit. My point about the "fight" is simply about inner belief, something we are sadly bereft of at present. I am not comparing like with like.
  21. The point about all of this is, no-one on here knows the facts. The kangaroo court which can be the AFL, are often light on facts and heavy on hype. I could equally say this could also see the demise of a CEO who heads up the game.
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