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Posts posted by Trisul

  1. On 11/15/2016 at 2:40 PM, John Dee said:

    I haven't voted because I neither love it nor hate it. Could we please have an Ambivalent option?

    Well, the view results or show results button is effectively an abstain.

    Currently 7 people (5%) have abstained,  11 (8%) love it ,  17 (13%) don't care,  and 98 (74%) hate it.  133 total.

  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/02/health/e-cigarette-vape-njoy-bankruptcy.html?_r=0

    But mounting evidence suggests vaping is far less dangerous than smoking, a fact that is rarely pointed out to the American public. Britain, a country with about the same share of smokers, has come to the opposite conclusion from the United States. This year, a prestigious doctors’ organization told the public that e-cigarettes were 95 percent less harmful than cigarettes. British health officials are encouraging smokers to switch.

    The American approach “is the same as asking, ‘What are the relative risks of jumping out a fourth story window versus taking the stairs?’” said David Sweanor, a lawyer with the Center for Health Law, Policy and Ethics at the University of Ottawa. “These guys are saying: ‘Look, these stairs, people could slip, they could get mugged. We just don’t know yet.’”

    That e-cigarettes are less harmful is a message American smokers rarely hear, partly because American regulation prevents it. 

  3. There isn't a checklist of questions with regards to substance declarations.  Any and all substances administered in the last 7 days are required to be declared.

    " Athletes must declare any substance used in the last seven days including any substances for which they have a current and valid Therapeutic Use Exemption. Not declaring use may affect results management and have adverse consequences for the athlete.

    Black and white.  

    • Like 5
  4. On 8/26/2016 at 5:49 PM, Macca said:

    To sell newspapers ... there doesn't have to be an end game or a real purpose.  Meanwhile, the real issue gets ignored or pushed aside. 

    Dank doesn't help them sell newspapers.  Well, no more than any other LOUDNOISES.  He does however help them continue to sell the narrative (evil mad bad scientist did it). 

    • Like 3
  5. 2 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

    So for guys with a basketball background coming into AFL, what would their football strengths and weaknesses be?

    I read people talk of their good peripheral vision and awareness.

    What would a guy like Maynard need to work on heavily now that he's at Melbourne FC? Foot skills?


    Their tank mostly.  Crossy would be licking his lips.

  6. 1 hour ago, faultydet said:

    I have a real bug up my ass regarding smokers at work.

    Every one of them to a man, thinks that they have a "right" to extra time after each break for the purpose of smoking, while the rest of us go about our jobs. Some even plan their daily activities around allowing time for their extra smoke breaks. .

    Agree in general.  Though I'd add that perfectly-acceptable-caffeine-addicts do a similar thing.

  7. Todays SMH:

    How have we got it so wrong on e-cigarettes

    It's time to change laws that criminalise people for using nicotine in a less harmful form.


    'This month, the New Zealand government agreed in principle to allowing the sale of nicotine e-cigarettes as a consumer product. Evidence for the safety and effectiveness of nicotine e-cigarettes for helping smokers quit is now compelling and Australia should make similar changes.'

    'The rationale of tobacco harm reduction is to provide smokers with an alternative way of getting the nicotine to which they are addicted without the smoke that causes almost all of the adverse health effects of smoking. Switching to an e-cigarette can effectively satisfy the smoker's need for nicotine as well as providing "a smoking experience" which many smokers miss after quitting and which often leads to relapse.'

    'There is a general scientific consensus that the long-term health risks to vapers is "unlikely to exceed 5 per cent of the harm from smoking". On the other hand, two out of three smokers will die prematurely from a smoking-related disease if they continue to smoke.'

    • Like 2
  8. On 8/3/2016 at 3:08 PM, nutbean said:

     I think the Government would prefer to collect and spend the tax money.

    'Tony Abbott – in one of those “unguarded moments” while in Opposition – made the following comment in relation to the then Government’s tax hikes:

    “It would only be raising $5 billion dollars or so if people are to continue to smoke, so let’s not listen to this palaver about health. This is all about revenue, it’s all about tax, it’s all about a government that can’t control its spending – that’s why it hits you in the hip pocket.”'


  9. Thanks for the post nutbean.  I'm not sure about savings being greater than revenue.  In 2014 the Federal government collected over 14 billion 8.82 billion in tobacco revenues.  I'll find the link and update this post but completely agree that the Government would prefer to collect and spend the revenue.

    Edit: Figure was wrong, updated.  http://www.budget.gov.au/2014-15/content/fbo/downloads/FBO-2014-15-Consolidated.pdf

    Regarding savings vs revenue: 

    "A key argument used to justify a scattergun approach to finding ways to reduce smoking in this country is that the health costs of not doing so far outweigh the taxation returns from smoking. But the government's own architect of plain packaging laws, Professor Simon Chapman, shot that idea down back in 1997 when he wrote in The Australia and New Zealand Journal of Public Health that the annual revenue from tobacco taxation amply covers the costs of treating and palliating diseases caused by tobacco.

    That is hardly likely to have changed, given that since then smoking rates have come down, reducing health consequences, and taxes on remaining cigarette consumption have increased substantially, lifting the per capita coverage of taxes on consumption."


  10. With training long gone... I had the immense pleasure of seeing John McLaughlin and the Fourth Dimension at last years Melbourne Festival.  Not in my lifetime have I heard a performance so fluid yet so tight - from all members.  JM is very well respected by his peers (Jimi, Santana, Beck, Davis, King, et al) but seems to get pigeon-holed by many people as 'just a fast player'.  So wrong.  Brilliant guitarist and musician.

    • Like 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Ricky P said:

    Yeah, we've really ridden our luck in executing the most important skill in the game better than pretty much every other team.

    I'd suggest that a big reason for our high league average is that a significant number of our goals this year have been from getting out the back of other teams.  It's hard to miss from 1-10m out.  Watts has also contributed to the accuracy with his excellent kicking and number of goals.

    • Like 1
  12. 45 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

     ... It was pure trash television. 

    Completely disagree.   There was self-promotion and, yes, Jacko wanted to whack Mike nationally.  Just like Mike did to Jacko, when he unnecessarily referenced personal tragedy when discussing a tribunal matter, and to footballers and coaches in general for 20 years.

    Then there were valid discussion points made on the AFLs disregard for rural footballers and clubs, both financially and structurally (rule changes, athletic testing vs minor football testing). Also on the sycophantic nature of the medias relationship with The Gate-keeper, the declining accuracy in kicking shooting for goal, the declining ability to kick shoot with both feet, the sterilisation of personality and its impact on crowds / crowd involvement, etc ...

    Trash TV is a show dedicated to the daily life of the family of the the daughter of the guy who successfully defended a guy who may or may not have killed a girl.

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