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Posts posted by Trisul

  1. 14 hours ago, McQueen said:

    The last time I created a thread like this it was last year and we went on to smash the Crows in Adelaide.

    Will it work a second time? Let's cross everything and hope so..

    Anyway, when we beat Geelong, I will... 

    ... think my tickets to Perth for round 22 might be worth more than the suprisingly small amount I paid.

  2. Gotta love the media outlets that couldn't be bothered using any of the multitude of cleanskin images of Pert a 5 second internet search provides but rather decided that Collingwood sponsers deserved more exposure.

    • Like 2
  3. On 6/1/2018 at 9:21 PM, Jara said:

    Hi Trisul - that was an interesting interview. Ferguson's an eloquent speaker (and writer), for sure. What are the main points you got from it that you think are relevant to our topic? 

    Hey Jara.  

    I could summarise the interview, but I don't think that's what you're after.  Islam(/Islamism) in the West is a very specific topic, though specifics are actively discouraged these days in favour of the excessive pursuit of tolerance.  (Cue Aristotle)

    It requires specific and analytical discussion of sharia and its outcomes without instant dismissal as prejudice, an acknowledgement of the harm that has beset countries and their populace after the ascendancy of Islamic autocracy, and therefore an examination of the clear path to Islamic totalitarianism that is defined within the religion and emboldens extremists and fundamental adherents alike.  

    That is what I took from the interview that relates to the topic.  

  4. 13 minutes ago, Petraccattack said:

    Absolutely.  Adelaide even with a bunch of guns out are a very good team.

    A 1 win point will be just fine thanks.

    I'll begrudingly support a 0.0.3 to 0.0.2 win so we keep our percentage going up.

    • Like 3
  5. 44 minutes ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    If drop kicks come back into football it will require a rule change, or, to use AFL-speak, a fresh interpretation of a rule. Currently if a player is tackled and kicks the ball after it hits the ground first, it's considered to be incorrect disposal and a free is paid to the tackler. I don't know why that's the case. It's a drop kick, not always expertly delivered and never deliberately intended. But it's still a drop kick.

    True, but that happens often enough and is only sometimes called (there was one not paid in the bombers game).  I think the drop kick actually has a place for quickly going somewhat under the coming defender that was on the mark to an open man forward and wide.  

  6. At an event a few weeks back, Stephen Pinker spoke about how humanity has progressed across many critical measures over recent centuries.  I've linked below to the 21 minute mark (the final three minutes) where he starts to ask why we don't recognise this.

    (The analysis of human progress starts at 2:09 for those interested)

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