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Everything posted by PJ_12345

  1. So your willing to let the people who ultimately made cleared the prank and whom the responsibility lay with get away whilst replacing the board in an industry with the same rules and regulations as before therefore offering no deterrent and not increasing the protection of the public... and so the cycle will continue. Swallow your pride, your short-term solution of axe and temporarly ban wont work. I thought you would be pro my perspective of a long-term solution of tightening the industry's standards and increasing public interests/rights, whilst also axing the responsible parties (the board, the producers), which will ultimately fix the organisation's cultural issues. I warned you about getting on such a high horse: you really are dee-luded. Edit: Definition for high horse: Web definitions an attitude of arrogant superiority; "get off your high horse and admit you are wrong". wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn
  2. Sorry, got a bit side tracked... Dee-luded if you still want to argue pm me
  3. My reference to you being gun ho is in regards to your solution to the issue. Replacing boards and banning companies do not solve the issue and is merely a band aid solution. Your rushing into it, with a short-term lynch mob solution with no long-term perspective solution or deterrent.
  4. If you have followed any of my posts you would have seen that at no point have I agreed with their actions. You can even see this in my last post, I have not condoned their action and spoken very impartially and merely arguing on the point of how to stop this from occuring again. Please don't put words in my mouth. Again you fail to see that a board's role is not to oversee the day to day activities of a company. You need to give credit where credit is due. This would have been cleared by the producers - that is their role and responsibility. Using your logic, if an elderly lady slipped over in a supermarket because an employee failed to put up a slippery area warning sign and died, not the employee, not the store supervisor, not the store manager, not the regional manager, not the state manager, but the board should be axed. Persecute those to whole the responsibility was with, the dj's, the producers and the lawyers. Change the industry standards and laws to protect the public's interests and rights, and stop it from happening again. Be careful when you put yourself on such a high horse... your head can get in the clouds it hurts more when you fall of it.
  5. Mate why bother trying to turn up the heat? Caro and the AFL are doing a better job f#%king this up by themselves!!
  6. An organisation's culture (views, values and norms) is determined by a series of factors, in this instance and as I have said multiple times - is from the industry. Your putting yourself on a very high moral horse but I think you have missed the motives of these dj's you have just looked at the result. They did this so they can get ratings. It's a hyper-competitive industry and will always be hyper-competitive. As a result radio shows will constantly be trying to gain greater market share. Taking them off the air waves will not solve this issue - a leopard cannot change its spots. The solution is to change the industry standards and regulations when it comes to pranks and interviews - increase the protection of the public. Trying to make an example out of a company in an industry with low moral values in the first place isnt effective by any measure, and you wil just great grey areas (which can be argued as easily for or against) with no real deterent. Your gun ho, axe the board, axe the dj's, take them off their air and moral high horse wouldn't solve anything. Change the laws and regulations, set it in stone. You would make a great lynch mob leader.
  7. Dee-luded your delusional if you think anyone other than the producers and dj's will be sacked. Refer to The Sun... Boards dont see the day to day activities of companies.
  8. I have read this too. Completely pre-recorded, completely cleared by their legal team... this changes everything for me too. Also I didnt realise that the nurse that committed suicide only connected the call through to another nurse, she wasnt the one who disclosed the information. What a mess.
  9. Caro's boat is sinking fast. Its gone from pre-meditated, organised and systematic tanking from the top in the official "vault" to a discussion in a tin shed and finally to a joke between two people. What happened to all those sources, what happened to all those facts, what happened to the presumption of innocence? Somehow after all of this I know she will manage to weasle her way out of any wrong doing, and will never admitt that she was wrong and we always tanked. but I dont think Anderson leaving is connected, he was a necessary evil, and now there is nothing more for him to do.
  10. In terms of media and getting rubbish off the air Packer seemed to have a fairly good handle on content. My favourite story was the Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos where he watched a little bit of it and called up saying "Get that [censored] off the air!" and it was pulled immediately. [in regards to Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos] "Kerry Packer, the owner of the Nine Network at the time, was informed of the show's content by friends while at a dinner. He tuned in to watch the show, which was being transmitted on TCN-9, and was so offended by its content that he phoned the studio operators and shouted, "Get that s**t off the air!" Within minutes, the series was pulled.[3] After the break, the Nine Network announced that it was unable to continue airing the show, allegedly due to 'a technical problem', and aired re-runs of Cheers immediately afterwards to fill in the remaining airtime. Bert Newton commented in 2008, "[The message was true]; Technically it's very difficult to keep a show on air with Mr. Packer on the phone, yelling at you."" Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia%27s_Naughtiest_Home_Videos
  11. Child exploitation, statutory rape and sexual assault, and drink driving are all very very different to a prank call gone wrong - particlulary morally and legally.
  12. These shock jock antics have been around for a while and I dont think permeate from one board, but as an industry as a whole - so getting rid of one board, would not solve the issue. We wont know all the reasons why she committed suicide, there might have been other factors (we all know nurses operate in one of the most stressful and tough industries), but I have no doubt that the prank call was the major catalyst. I think what most people have agreed is that the radio dj's intentions were good, and that this was intended for a joke. HOWEVER, when the joke clearly didn't arise they should have ended it. The nurses suicide was her choice, and a sad one at that. Nothing is ever that bad, there were other nurses involved and what what I have read the details disclosed were not life threatening or extremely bad - this can be seen my Prince Charles joking about the prank call to some Australian journalists yesterday. In my mind the most appropriate action has been taken, and to further prevent is by making a greater delay on 'live air' and for these types of skits have them pre-recorded. I don't think this is a corrosive trait for our culture. Racism yes, a joke gone wrong no.
  13. Ditto. I cant help but feel that after all the issues that radio has had over the past couple of years that this delay should be increased. OR if you are going to perform something like this, at least pre record it a couple of minutes earlier and then play it. Might have made a big difference.
  14. Ive heard alot about these 45 minute naps. Apparently its the perfect time where your body doesnt over sleep (in terms of naps). I tried it out the other day (litterally have too much time on my hands... need to get another job) and it wasnt too bad Some people live by the rule that for every 4 hours they are awake they have a 45 minute nap.
  15. Matt Tilly did a bunch of good ones for Fox 101.9 in the mornings. This is probs what they were trying to replicate. It wasnt indended to be malicious, I cant help but feel that people forget that they have to look at an act from the intentions of the people doing it. That being said and done, the moment they realise that they werent going to hang up they should have hung up. Its a shame that the nurse committed suicide, a mother of 2 and has a husband. WYL did this actually go to air? I heard the start (when they were practicing their voices) but did the details actually go to air??
  16. Unlike Caro who "calls it as she sees it"... more like calls it as she hears it
  17. Did you actually hear their voices? It was down right the worst impersonation I have ever heard in my life. I'm honestly not joking. I'm not condoning what they did, but FFS you think any one would have some common sense and ask: 1) Why does the Queen sound like an Australian bogan? 2) Would the Queen actually pick up the phone and call? I'm sure her PA would have at least initatiated the phone call and directed it to the right place, then pop the Queen on. EDIT: I have deleted a harsh statement. Just read that the nurse has commited suicide.
  18. Ah yes, the age when there wasn't such a thing as a professional sports person and where players ate pies and drank beers at half time. I'm as nostalgic as the next guy, but a player back then wouldn't last a season now. As you mentioned talent is vital but if you aren't fit/physical enough then don't bother. Using your example - look at Morton and Gysbets... Players born 50 years too late.
  19. Dunno, I think you'll have to talk to Gina. Someone should tell her a hostile take over doesn't mean eating the company.
  20. Fan I think your doing a bit of a Caro here and trying to speak for the general population - no one is relaxing at the sight of this profit, I dont think anyone who has supported or works for the MFC has relaxed for a very long time. Your posts re cooking books is right in the sense that sure books can be cooked through the methods you have listed. But your foundation is theory. Like it is possible that the world would come to an end on the 21/12/2012. But again I highly doubt any books have been cooked. The work from any board member, past and present, is mostly pro bono. If they wouldn't risk fraudulent activities in their other work then why risk it here? Again you continue to diminish the profit down to a breakeven If your argument was "hey guys, lets not get ahead of ourselves. This profit is small, but we have a lot to work on", like everyone else has said, I would have agreed with you. Even if you adopted an RR approach and highlighted the two teir problem with AFL I would have agreed with you. Instead you have said that books could have been cooked, this is a breakeven and constantly trying to find a negative aspect of a very positive outcome. They say that people look like the animals they own... so all I'm going to ask is do you have a cat that looks like this?
  21. The biggest issues with the courts is how long it takes a case to get to an actual court and that our prisons are incredibly full so judges are reluctant to sentence someone to jail. By 2014 no more room, when will the next one be built? 2016, most likely 2017. This is my beef with Labour, for years reports were being published but nothing happened.
  22. It is fairly agreed that the money spent on enforcing the current stance on drugs is extremely inefficient and that we are losing the battle. Better to legalise marijuana, increase the quality and tax the hell out of it. It would take the novelty out of it and increase penalties on harder drugs such as ice, heroine ect. (keeping in mind restrictions on age, as most studies suggest 21 and older, amounts and all other restrictions) I don't condone drugs but obviously our current stance isn't working. Be more like Amsterdam.
  23. Who knows, who cares? Like the 186 issue it's done. Let's move on.
  24. I'm sorry to hear about this. I was going to go on a rant about how we should legalise marijuana, but tax the hell out of it and take a more Amsterdam approach about zero tolerance on hard drugs but you've really put things into perspective for me. At the end of the day no one wins - thank you
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