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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. no point peaking early chaps......plenty of time till opening round
  2. i have a date with 3aw od, now pizz off
  3. they could offer them a quick rollover deal a'la melbourne and settle for "conduct unbecoming". don't have to prove tanking just requires a little "negotiating"
  4. yeah, just like after that on the couch episode..........NOT
  5. only if he ditches the grandpa shorts
  6. watch the show.......then give an opinion....its more damning than i thought, and i don't think i had ever seen the full interview before its on youtube (see above for link)
  7. it was probably a bit late at night to meet the printing press deadlines ht but i take your point anyway
  8. hey od, can't you chew gum and walk at the same time?
  9. must say, the best footy classified i have watched intelligent, reasoned, balanced and no hysterics why did this discussion not occur during the 8 month inquisition? even cranky jeff spoke well and reasoned will the AFL put (keep) their head in the sand? bring on more shows like this....oh bummer that's right kero back next week
  10. Its alright for you bastards to joke about it but i'm the one who has to sleep on my stomach for the next week
  11. spoken like an ex catholic boarder or choir member then again you weren't in the scouts were you?
  12. ah od most here wouldn't know what a date was, and i'm not talking about stepping out
  13. its true bbo.....i shredded his pillow to pieces.....that'll show the bastard
  14. technically there have been no (AFL) legal precedents because others have not been charged with similar offences to create any legal precedents what i think you are referring to is previous accepted practices and that is a different thing but your point is made nevertheless PSD
  15. good point re ama dpositive best to keep my bile for afl and kero, that way my integrity will stay intact
  16. don't mince it. he is a classic pea-heart
  17. dead right bossdog do you think it is normal for him to take 5 minutes and continuously grinning? might give the ama a ring
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRNTQvXSsfA
  19. the day didn't get any better od. visit to specialist who insisted on getting up close with my prostate
  20. Had two bananas with breakfast......thought it might cheer me up Didn't work, still pizzed off
  21. smart dog you got there BD
  22. big discussion on bomberblitz about Whately after he gave McVeigh a serve over comments re Reimers. lot of discussion on how he has become "tabloid" since leaving abc and joining the Hun I know they are obviously bias about the press at the moment but will be interesting to see if Whately changes from being a reasonable, balanced and not too emotional journo, under the pressure of working tabloid
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