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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. so wyl, for which of these reasons did they want to search your phone? do you look like a terrorist? 🤣🤔😉 or did they want to read your demonland pm's
  2. more likely they were stoned hippies who had read too much welsh poetry
  3. thynks fyr lyttyng ys knyw, ythyn 🤣
  4. can't believe people seriously have a problem with the need for 20 members for nomination other than to be just frivolous or vexatious
  5. lol, i've just finished reading a number of stuart macbride books and starting to understand scottish people, and now i am having to understand black metal! I'm seeing a lot of similarities, lol
  6. seeing as you are getting down to the personal details, maybe you could explain what reason the board gave to trying to dissuade peter lawrence from standing. could it have been that they were already well served in his area of expertise and they were looking for special skills for the board which he did not have? boards do legitimately like to structure themselves with a certain set of skills to meet the current challenges. a small board with all the same skill sets would not be optimal
  7. maribyrnong looks perfect at the moment. there's the old government munitions site available
  8. must say i was wondering who this user named black metal was 🤣
  9. maybe we should rebrand as frogbourne (except when we are narrm of course)?
  10. you must be thinking of burning up the track, freddy?
  11. no risk, he's already been warned by the look of things tracc has probably flattened half of vienna
  12. gee, they must have got them all re-built pretty quick from last season my son just finished a reno that took all of 20 months
  13. i don't agree with the way peter lawrence went about requesting changes. i think he did himself more damage than good. the one important thing i do agree with him is the process for new applicants seeking a position on the board. applicants should be pre-approved firstly on a reasonable and transparent basis and then have a reasonable and limited opportunity to electioneer, currently it seems way too prohibitive and unreasonable.
  14. members can opt out of their email being shared with sponsors for approved marketing
  15. hey wcw, you could start a cryptic riddle. could keep us amused in the off season ☺️ not really that interested though in who told you, more interested in why peter lawrence didn't attend
  16. i've always wondered why a wa frog wouldn't support frogmantle. 🤣 🐸
  17. pretty sure junior and below members would be too young to vote many (all?) of these are probably lumped under someone else's email (my grand kids certainly are) there would also be members who are registered under their partners email (the one who pays) additionally there's probably a small number who either don't have an email address or haven't registered it with the club
  18. well 16% of about 10% is really only about 1.6% this assumes the other 90% weren't dissenters or they would have voted. So the 90% were either happy with the proposal and assumed it would be passed or were just disinterested
  19. 1. not everyone has a cryptic email address. even if only some have their real name in their email that's still a risk for them. 2. i believe his supplied data is supplied already linked (but i don't know for sure) 3. i said the combination of name or email and home address would be enough whichever way you look at it at least some if not most members could be exposed
  20. i'd keep 4 interchange, no subs and reduce interchanges to 50 this would reduce 2-way running and congestion, opening the game up more and allowing the more skilful players to entertain us with their skills. ball ups would be reduced. tackling reduced and scoring increased. the game would be a better spectacle. coaches would initially hate it but they'd soon change and embrace it.
  21. the combination of email address linked to a physical address and name can be quite powerful i could be quite anonymous with just a name and/or email address. nobody could easily find me. i could be anywhere in australia or even the world. but now someone who wants to harm me (physically or otherwise), for some slight either current or in the deep past, can possibly track me down, all without leaving their keyboard, by just knowing those three items. any and all info about you when put together exposes you. email address, name and home address might seem relatively minor but it is the thin edge of the sword that enables a starting point to build on for someone who doesn't think like you.
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