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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. i wasn't saying a statewide league, but three senior regional leagues as it used to be. no travelling required. i don't think a statewide league is viable eventually: level 1. AFL team, VFL team (maybe) U18 team (maybe), AFLW team. level2. NTFA, NWFU, STFL (seniors, 2nds, U18 for both men and women) and i agree about the development/pathways necessities. a lot of work, a lot of time but need to establish a clear vision of target structure as soon as possible
  2. i suspect they;d like to get back to a ntfa, nwfu, stfl like it used to be. can still have intrastate games too as the used to. will take considerable time but would be most viable option if they can do it right
  3. at least it seems to have gone quiet on that front
  4. no the threat is of cancelling the game
  5. assuming the afl back off their threats
  6. oh that's right. tasmania would have to be T$$$ anyway
  7. don't think so, but renault rings a bell but i may have misremembered
  8. no first dibs, if a kid is eligible under f/s rules to more than one club then it's up to the kid to nominate under f/s which club he prefers. alternatively he can not nominate and just go into the draft as a normal draftee.
  9. there's a lot more than just the dogs, bub
  10. they may as well allow throwing as long as 2 hands are used. it's effectively how it is now
  11. didn't a young nathan buckley do just that? i can't remember all the details
  12. because it's good for the game and therefore the money rolls in which they share in no draft, full free agency would create a lopsided uncompetitive competition, be unattractive to many punters and the revenue would drop
  13. make sure you also rifle through your kit-bag. a man of your calibre should have checked there first.
  14. what i like about this thread most is the no B$ long may it reign
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