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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. must be why you are so young, red but being a lawyer The Law Doesn't Care About February 29th
  2. true, lol. but he only has one birthday per year.
  3. just a little bit of clarry-fication would be welcome ... please
  4. conflicting info on his age is he 16 or 17 this year?
  5. don't think they will be on gosch's for long soccer takes over. but maybe we are only kicked off because we can't use the indoor facilities inside aami, whereas the filth have got theirs in the glass house?
  6. i think that would be 2024 draft ready for 2025 season
  7. the white lads have the power to nominate father/son (mfc) or academy (gcfc) prior to the draft. where they go is up to them if they choose to nominate. end of story.
  8. rather ironic, uncle, that the venerable (now outraged) mcc wrote the rules of cricket - haha (or should that be hawhaw?)
  9. a thought out of left field I wonder how disco would go up forward. He's just languishing in the magoos because our back spots are so tight. he's a great kick, mark and interceptor. If he played like a defender in the backline, he'd just have to mark, turn around a and kick goals - lol
  10. sounds reasonable, but then they'd just saturate the web even more than they do now. might be better under regulation to set a maximum % of turnover allowed for any and all advertising as a license condition. just thinking out aloud
  11. and let's not forget the famous dr. feelgood, sally cockburn
  12. and then there was a neighbour's mother named fanny alcock ... true dinks
  13. agree but i was really addressing the inference that because it was not actioned (fine or suspension) that the free should not have been awarded or that fritter should have got the free for htb. free and suspension require different degrees of "dangerous" it seems to me that bump/hit head then suspended, so maybe tackle to ground/hit head then big trouble, probable suspension. but the mitigating circumstances are very murky at the moment.
  14. surely (theoretically) you can have a "dangerous" tackle resulting in a free but falling short of being worthy of a suspension. i don't see anything inconsistent with that. it's all a matter of degrees. not saying it was necessarily dangerous in this case because it is impossible nowadays to know what is dangerous per the new interpretations and if so how exactly the mro can rate and penalise it in an understandable way.
  15. i'm not so sure. iirc, without redhecking replay, i think rohan hit him with his head, not the shoulder, so it was a head-to-head accident. rohan was probably lucky he wasn't concussed too
  16. the whole of windy hill was just one big urinal most punters didn't bother going to the toilet sheds ... unless they were good swimmers
  17. what they are saying at kardinia park cast, row 1, knit 5, purl 29, knit 5, row2 ........................................zzzzzzz
  18. last year from this point on, we added about 4k. repeat that and we end up about 68.75. i expect they will come up with some "marketing" incentives to try to reach 70k. we will wait and see, eh?
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