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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. it's 4 cases now, uncle. extra one from sunday's games
  2. had you figured for a caspar the friendly ghost fan, and uncle bitters an archie, betty and veronica fan
  3. how sad nobody remembered the delectable tex bar 😥
  4. still a bit unusual led for the entire game, straight kicking at it could have been a bigger win 7 players got votes and only 2 for us. bit odd, but we move on, maybe goody sending a message
  5. whatever happened to the Tex bar and it's sibling the Mint Tex bar ah the memories. Fish and chips in newspaper followed by a Tex bar
  6. i'm not making it such a big deal actually just saying that we have been poorly treated by the mrp/mro over the journey yet we make less fuss than our contemporaries and rarely appeal. there's a perception that we just roll over too easily
  7. wasn't worth 2 weeks ... no malice involved ... harsh treatment a star player from big club wouldn't have got
  8. not against the idea, but i'd like a heck of lot more detail on what a republic would look like and what constitutional changes would be made there are some very, very ordinary republics around the world
  9. hmmmm .... disappearing umpires .... that's a great suggestion
  10. maybe he should have ds, but hell it was a very difficult ball drop to judge
  11. the comments on ralph's twit go to show ralph is a twit [censored] edit: [one letter different that twit] 🤣
  12. don't understand this point, can you clarify, more details? otherwise, i don't mind the idea .... but i doubt it would even be considered.
  13. suggestion was a little tongue in cheek 😆 but not totally
  14. agree mro should only cite incidents/players in that current short time then (except for simple fine cases) give the cited player (club) 24 hours to provide info the mro has not seen so for cases involving game suspension the mro use a 2 stage process. only after that could a tribunal appeal be used there seems a lot of consensus in the broad public that the mro system is broken (again!)
  15. i'm aware of the background still silly to entrust to one person. smacks of him being the trusted monkey to do the afl's crazy engineering
  16. sub for seniors? give him a quarter late in game when dorks are already beaten.
  17. i think we would be better off using one of the many other similar incidents not the cripps one, because firstly it is quite different but more importantly most commentators and public think he was guilty and only got off because his legal team "gamed" the system. finally the afl vowed that that type of legal arguing would not be allowed in future building a case around cripps would just create a very risky can of worms
  18. i still find it very strange that the mro is entrusted to just one person. just looking for trouble.
  19. really? you need to let the umpires know 🤣
  20. i don't dislike suns either....but 12k crowd ... c'mon
  21. seem to remember they have till 11am today, but don't quote me
  22. i wonder how bing can tell where jvr eyes are looking from that video? bing must have supernatural powers. it's pretty clear however that jvr was only going for the ball under a difficult hospital kick
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