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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. and on the radio, they reported luke jackson left training early loading problems - lol
  2. looks like 4th or 5th pick is most likely thanks to the collective efforts of everyone here congrats to all for such a successful campaign and thread i just hope i haven't spoken too soon
  3. kozzie needs a few games in the magoos to reassess his game and get a few touches sad reality
  4. i can't work out where ga seating is at marvel tonight. the marvel site and ticketmaster are hopeless for ga seating and it seems to vary depending on event. i believe there is supposed to be some near the goals on l1 with most on l3. trying to avoid wasting time wandering around that cold concrete jungle. so, does anyone know or have a link
  5. i dunno. a couple more quadrennials of development and body building you should be cherry ripe to go by 20, red
  6. i just checked my 4 times table ... wow! time for the knackery. red
  7. that's oct 2021 any updates on current height (197 being thrown around but no confirmation)?
  8. the filth didn't take olympic park off us they took the glass house + gosch's off us they got olympic park much later only by some very nefarious methods by chins mcguire (which is another story)
  9. jeff was 195cm. kalani is reportedly already 197cm
  10. chucked off aami facilities e.g. lockers, gym, pool etc etc
  11. must be why you are so young, red but being a lawyer The Law Doesn't Care About February 29th
  12. true, lol. but he only has one birthday per year.
  13. just a little bit of clarry-fication would be welcome ... please
  14. conflicting info on his age is he 16 or 17 this year?
  15. don't think they will be on gosch's for long soccer takes over. but maybe we are only kicked off because we can't use the indoor facilities inside aami, whereas the filth have got theirs in the glass house?
  16. i think that would be 2024 draft ready for 2025 season
  17. the white lads have the power to nominate father/son (mfc) or academy (gcfc) prior to the draft. where they go is up to them if they choose to nominate. end of story.
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