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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. quite so ldvc, and one's birthday is the same problem in reverse one's 1st birthday is actually the 2nd occasion/celebration of one's birthday
  2. 2nd tier, southern stand, wing........with a filth supporter friend of wife had a grin all day
  3. or essendrug when they were juiced and flying
  4. especially the pressing bit, eh ethan just joshing, lucy jane
  5. just keep winning. the commentators will adjust. if we can keep relatively injury free this could be our opportunity as always lady luck will play her part
  6. i'm expecting more dee fans than dog fans
  7. another day, another lazy 134 suckers members ? and p.s. george, can we have this in the may column not the june one p.p.s. now tracking about 2k over last year with the gap increasing 42,721
  8. you can't get more phallic than a banana, ernie, they are phallictastic you have an issue with hedonism?
  9. well given gaff won't make a decision before october (unless to weagles) then that is pretty well axiomatic
  10. i doesn't work for me vagg, i have a bad case of capophobia, but thanks for the kind thoughts
  11. another day, another 120 lucky punters 42,587
  12. please.....all those caps give me a headache
  13. player choses club. methos just have to match that club's offer all other offers become irrelevant
  14. oh i agree. i'd expect spargo and maybe some others to be rested before the end of the year
  15. did anyone notice a hun headline yesterday - "BOURNE SUPREMACY" and another one - "DEE'S WONDERLAND IN ALICE" i'm liking it ?
  16. will be tough but if we go into the bye at 9 and 3 i think it's doable club needs to start a media campaign to get those extra memberships
  17. i'm looking forward to the complete transformation from mfcss to mfcsa (a=arrogance). reckon i could handle it really well.
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