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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. did we win? i haven't been brave enough to look at a paper or the news till today. phew
  2. i have never heard an umpire say a tackle after a kick was a free because the ball was > 5m away. They always say late tackle. i.e. a tackle after the ball was kicked. now it may be true that in a split second the ball has travelled 5m but no-one uses 5m as a yardstick because it is impossible for an umpire to measure with the speed of a ball immediately off the foot you might get away with a split second late tackle depending on force of tackle but there is certainly no guarantee. very hard for an umpire to determine a 'split second late'.
  3. you can't tackle/bump a player after he has kicked the ball. it must be only while he is in the motion of kicking. you could probably give a bit of leniency for being a split second late but any more time and it is a free up the ground are you saying i can tackle/bump a player after he has kicked it as long as the ball is within 5m? how could you possibly measure 5m when it is a normal kick immediately after contact with foot? it has always been judged on time after disposal. late is late.
  4. no you are not. he made up th 5 m rule, it doesn't exist for someone who has just kicked the ball hit someone late after disposing of the ball is a free kick every day, and based on lateness, not 5m now whether it is reportable is a different matter but got nothing to do with a mythical 5m
  5. was definitely a soft free and costly (for cows) but technically correct i wouldn't have paid it, because the cows player did not jump prematurely but at the correct normal time and just missed the ball. a "reasonable" attempt i thought. the contact was also minimal p.s. i wouldn't have paid the free against fritsch for the deliberate oob either
  6. if you look at omac's draft year highlights you will see him kicking some nice long distance goals. i think he was a fwd in those days and had a nice kick
  7. never mind dazzle, you can watch the replay sober
  8. John Sylvester's take on the state of footy. agree with most of it A dozen ways to save footy
  9. swannies running the clock down nicely not memories
  10. should have been a wake up call when malthouse sung his praises and mcchins feigned outrage n
  11. they have dropped him a few times this year and they are looking at a big turnover this year so might be interested in some ready to play players plus a pick
  12. i wonder if weitering is worth chasing as a kp defender ? i'm sure with a better structure around him he could recapture his debut year form. is still only 20
  13. hall too old. fasolo i like but his body is rooted
  14. at the end we should have ensured we had 2 extra defenders than they had back. 2 sweepers and the rest man on man (and i mean manon on man). hogan or tmac should have dropped back. what the hell was spargo doing dropping back
  15. nah.....that's just the very stupid technical rules we need to avoid
  16. and i can think of a lot of other bad tactics but i won't list them as it just depresses me and i want a good sleep tonight
  17. the more i think of those last 2 minutes it seemed like we played as though we were points DOWN rather than points UP fmd
  18. yeah, so many mistakes and lack of common sense in those last 2 minutes the more i watch it the more i see
  19. good point about bernie's decision to not mark (no cats around) but punch ball fwd with 40secs on clock after last cats kickin. could have milked clock for 30sec - game over we all seemed to miss this in our post game discussions watch last 2 mins
  20. i can work out the first two letters but the I has me stumped
  21. 30 sec rule should be scrapped. if player with free kick is within range, umpire should set the mark and call time off. then time on is reset automatically when the player either plays on, kicks or handballs the ball. If during this period of time off the umpire feels that the player is time wasting (for momentum reasons not clock reasons) he can warn him then call play on it's not really that hard to solve a problem with a better solution that avoids a team exploiting a loop hole and pizzing off supporters
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