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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. wouldn't worry me one iota, moonie. you're a dinosaur.......a flag is a flag
  2. def agree. they let the packs go on for too long and let off a lot of cheap rough stuff. and when did tackling the tackler become ok go back a few decades and the umps were very quick in breaking up a pack with a ball up. letting packs continue for so long also increases the number of players involved and actually causes congestion. need to reduce the time given to dispose of ball when tackled as it used to be. it's not rugby
  3. why tf should he when he's got a perfectly good gooney bag
  4. at the time though it didn't include olympic park, so all you got was an admin centre and indoor training facilities when the filth went there they had to jog up to gosch's paddock and wasn't until eddie did his sneaky conjuring act that they pinched olympic park there never was any guarantee you'd get olympic park if you took the lexus centre
  5. anyone interested in some good jousting sticks? ........ going cheap ..... forget trading post
  6. the right hand bit looks a bit clearer today, andy......or maybe my eyesight improved
  7. i think we have a virus on demonland.......and of pandemic proportions
  8. please explain difference between "fully qualified doctor" vs "qualified doctor" vs " doctor" and how you can tell the difference just curious........wondering which one my doctor is
  9. no doubt our intrepid media reporters will hound the afl for all the details in the interests of transparency and fair play oh, wait a minute......don't bite the hand that feeds you
  10. so you've changed goal posts from the "uneducated swill" to the "old and sick". or are you saying they are the same?
  11. well when global warming really kicks in we will all be living in northern russia, canada or western antarctica (see image below).........no more mcg.......sigh https://mymodernmet.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/climate-change-map-HD.jpeg
  12. make it antarctica then afl can claim game is international
  13. maybe even darwin?.......................hoping
  14. at this stage it is virtually impossible to say what the average fatality rate overall would be across all age groups and cultures as shown in a previous post it is very age dependent. The age demographics across continents and countries varies greatly. The developed countries have a greater aged % than the less developed countries (where more people live). Additionally there is varying health facilities and practices across countries. So, whilst under developed countries have a lower average age they also have lower health standards and support, consequently their fatality rate in the younger might be higher than the average for that age. Finally the virus is more virulent in cold weather so those countries close to the equator may be much better off so to talk of an average fatality rate across the board or even an average by age is very difficult and potentially prone to great differences depending where in the world we are referring to. fortunately however, the figures so far indicate a relatively low fatality rate (cf other deadly pandemics)
  15. no, no. you are assuming everyone gets infected. will never happen. i mentioned 2% fatality rate but that was just to illustrate that even at that rate your prediction would be excessive as pointed out by dee watcher the fatality rate should be lower for the average age. majority of world in high population areas is quite young. 70mill would be very very pessimistic
  16. at a 2% fatality rate this would need approx 50% of the world's population to get coronavirus. how do you arrive at that figure? or did you just pluck it out of the proverbial? and i thought mfcss was a glass half full
  17. don't you just love the roar of the crowd! gives you goose bumps
  18. it's the mofo elephant in the room that everyone is too scared to address let alone take any action on the un body on global population has been forecasting (expert scientists) for 50 years that the rate will flatten out, but it has remained and still is exponential
  19. try about 7.7 billion (and climbing)
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