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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. football can survive on half the money, it did before and the football was just as good or better most of the money is just wasted and has minimal effect on improving the game i love aussie rules for the football, all the rest is secondary afl has been long overdue for major restructuring
  2. not true. he sent me a pm...........but now you are also a mindreader
  3. dg, it's my opinion i'm not going to get into a point for point drawn out discussion. it's not important to me whether i could ever convince you of my pov i would never have brought up my thoughts on the abc if some clown hadn't initially made a statement about how balanced he thought they were we are way off topic. this is supposed to be a thread about hl and his desire to get acknowledgement from the filth for racist treatment towards him
  4. but on that basis (seniority) ollie wines should have got 4 weeks
  5. you just keep repeating yourself. the abc are not balanced. they glorify extreme left commentators but give the right little opportunity. you obviously are quite alright with that, but i would like the abc to be more reporters, allow both sides to put their view forward in a balanced way and not so obviously take sides. they treat the public as ignorant and not capable of sifting the info and making up their own mind. of course those of similar ideology are their cheerleaders and love it. i know you probably believe i'm some right wing neocon, but i'm really not. some of my views are very much left, some would be considered right and many simply in the middle. i have no allegiance to any party nor any particular ideology. i used to watch a lot of abc, but not lately because of the above. they still do make some good television, but i won't start watching again until they show some reasonable balance.
  6. fyi he edited and changed his post to remove superfluous adjective nice try saty
  7. COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization. Most common symptoms: fever dry cough tiredness Less common symptoms: aches and pains sore throat diarrhoea conjunctivitis headache loss of taste or smell a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes Serious symptoms: difficulty breathing or shortness of breath chest pain or pressure loss of speech or movement =========================================================== Gastroenteritis, on the other hand, attacks your intestines, causing signs and symptoms, such as: Watery, usually nonbloody diarrhea — bloody diarrhea usually means you have a different, more severe infection. Abdominal cramps and pain. Nausea, vomiting or both. Occasional muscle aches or headache. Low-grade fever. dr. dc
  8. because you made class system behaviour seem to be a white racist trait black, brown, yellow, white, etc class systems work in a similar fashion..........that's why i pulled you up
  9. are you saying that non-white class systems don't work that way???????? you need to take the blinkers off or be more careful what you post and yes, ed should apologise and admit those things happened and not offer stupid bribes
  10. sounds inevitable, but have afl handed down punishment yet?
  11. thanks george. Found it. have to click the three horizontal bars under jag logo and a drop down menu appears. weird. there are now 2 menu bars, one visible, one hidden.......no doubt the geniuses at telstra
  12. i wonder what will happen when someone self reports for an incident and they have subsequently played a game does club forfeit match points? can get quite messy no problem for afl though....experts at making up rules on the run
  13. there isn't now even any membership link on the mfc home page
  14. yes, but people who self-report generally do it for a reason (other than the transgression) essendon "self-reporting" ring a bell?
  15. melbourne did a gutnik? does that mean some informer initially dobbed them in to the mfc? just trying to understand
  16. odd that you just selected news service. over $1B funding is for a bit more than just news. FB can do it for nothing (well have been) i also have my reservations about "surveys" and the "questions" they ask. funnily in all my years i've never been polled for my opinion on the abc i don't consider myself "conservative" or "right". I'm a bit all over the place depending on the issue (but generally never on the extremes). what i do dislike is idiologues or people who find it necessary to align themselves exclusively to a political entity i definitely struggle to understand those who can't see systemic bias in the abc. i can only conclude it is because those people just enjoy being preached to by the choir
  17. where does the afl get their intel........have they set up a gestapo or just rely in informers?
  18. i'm not sure about de-funding myself, but an organisational change would be warranted (imo). disappointed with ita, thought she might have righted the ship (npi) anyway lots of people/organisations have done good things, but failed overall and still get the rrr's so i don't follow your logic take jack watts for instance
  19. could rename it dee-luded, od?
  20. i don't know much about skynews and never watch it .....but a true impartial media will employ people from both sides of politics including those a bit more than just a little either way of centre. i'd rather hear voices of both sides from a particular media outlet than just one side, especially one i am forced to pay for ymfyd if it helps you
  21. cherry picking never wins an argument no-one has claimed the abc never do anything well
  22. i wouldn't have said so if i didn't think so yes, maybe it's you
  23. why is that relevant ds? he claims the abc is decidedly and systemically biased, which i agree with. you seem to disagree the argument is not whether other media are biased or to what extent. The abc is unique being government (tax-payer) funded
  24. and the just prev tigers goal from a staged-for free was pretty sus too those 2 gifted goals represented 33.3% of their score neither side deserved to win
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