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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. if tmac doesn't come up to scratch then seeing sunday afternoon is forecast as sunny 18c and dry, i'd expect the weid to come in. they said the bad weather was the only reason he didn't play against the methos.
  2. I remember well the Hey Hey days and the appalling treatment of Kamahl under the guise of anything goes in comedy. I never liked it and i always thought that one day they would be held accountable. i would like to add that many people at that time also disliked it and while it might have seemed acceptable "in those days" to many people, there were also a lot of people then to whom it was definitely not acceptable. The problem then was twofold. the media were weak and didn't actively condemn it (for whatever reasons) and those in the general public who were offended didn't have the luxury of today's social media to voice their disapproval effectively.
  3. sigh of relief..........just had az #2 this morning
  4. not bad, very good in fact effectively we get 18 + 19 + 30? for 18? + 25 (ignoring 68, 69)
  5. also not forgetting that without the break game would have played out in pelting rain
  6. rpfc, why would you rate taylor walker's apology video with a vomit emoticon? i struggle to understand that type of response i didn't detect an ounce of insincerity or defensiveness it doesn't change anything but was at least a step in the right direction
  7. haven't time to read whole thread but has there been any team changes today?
  8. was he the one got upset when max smashed a bad bounce up?
  9. good....my second az on wed that 12 week wait seems like a lifetime
  10. you could always give up q then?
  11. doesn't the preceding post to yours answer your question sufficiently?
  12. one never gets used to it........expect it sure
  13. freo are so hot and cold and when cold they tend to get a thrashing been like that for a few years now
  14. woohoo! top of the ladder tomorrow i'm off to have a shower, but
  15. just a thought..... the very sort of bogans you are trying to get through to, would never read such a wall of text. you just end up preaching to the choir 😉
  16. i like your thinking but i'd reserve 9th for richmond i'd like to see richmond and the bummers and someone else, tie for 8th spot but both miss out by %, preferably by less than a kick's worth
  17. really deanox, this convo has gone on long enough. as i said before i'm not losing sleep over it. i'm pretty thick skinned and i didn't think the op was personally targeting me. i just felt obliged enough to pull up the original op for stereotyping a group unfairly with racism can we leave it at that?
  18. totally missed the point, nev i was NOT offended at being called a boomer i was offended as being a boomer and gratuitously linked to racism you really need to lift your comprehension skills
  19. a boomer is not an ageist thing..... it's a stupid arbitrary so-called "generation" label. i've been a boomer all my life even when i was a toddler so i fail to see being a boomer, in itself, as ageist and.....i explained why i took offence, just that you seem blinded or just stubborn p.s. whilst i saw it as unnecessary and offensive i wasn't about to lose any sleep over it
  20. nobody mentioned ageism......except you op made a gratuitous comment linking racism to boomers
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