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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. that's quite understandable, jara. It must be a very difficult and uncertain job as to what is coming down the line, i wouldn't even dare to speculate........i can only hope it gets better sooner than later people like your wife do a great job
  2. i'd call call this pretty much flatlining in victoria in fact icu and ventilation is going down noticeably VIC HOSPITALISED Cases Admitted to Hospital DATE HOSP ICU VENT 30 Dec 21 395 55 23 29 Dec 21 397 62 28 28 Dec 21 361 69 33 27 Dec 21 368 80 38 26 Dec 21 374 77 43 25 Dec 21 361 71 42 24 Dec 21 397 75 40 Week -3 -17 -16
  3. any "solution" is going to be some form of compromise we can't stay the way we were for the past 2 years. now the majority is 2xvaxxed we have to forge a new way and nobody has a perfect solution. there will be a lot of trial and error this year nevertheless, the never satisfied will carp on and look for fault and politicise it endlessly
  4. it's pretty hard handling a premiership after all these years, i'm not surprised it crashed demonwiki i do hope adam is alright though
  5. alright...i'm a softy......it's "us around" you should have stuck to it, i was going to award you a premiership cigar.......alas
  6. you'll have to guess both the last 2 for a reply......i'm a tough taskmaster
  7. well how do you explain infections going up exponentially, yet hospital admissions flatlining in addition those in hospital are mostly the unvaxxed not saying the health people at the pointy end aren't working their butts off
  8. gotta make you sweat on this one.....but i'll kick-start you with "he who........................................"
  9. if you need to reference the unspeakable please use 'hwfua'
  10. c'mon wcw, don't give up now. we know you are a real trooper
  11. didn't superman have a cryptic background? maybe ds is superman in mufti?
  12. glad you enjoyed it.....keep reading......it actually gets even better
  13. lol never mind, you've only got 1080 pages to read to work it out just kidding, should be obvious in first few pages
  14. you won't find any ts, but. unless your understanding of ts differs from hwfua
  15. maybe he was very trendy? of course his surrounding context clues would never assist. or he simply had very fat fingers.
  16. did you get to any of the technicolour unreadable posts?
  17. go for it "dee-luded" in search box, only 2,958 postings (his) we expect a full report by new years eve 🤣
  18. and his last words were allegedly “This wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. Either it goes or I do.”
  19. i wonder if they will bring these back to the cbd. epidemic sanitisers that were filled with vinegar
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