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Everything posted by pitmaster

  1. North's a bit stiff - they are more of a chance than us but the AFL has written them off. What else could we expect? I will get over there if we are any chance of going into September, but for that we must win at least one of the next three.
  2. Correct. Take out that ridiculous penalty against Tapscott for getting Osborne on the ground when Osborne started the push and shove (as he always does, it's his way) when Howe was about to get a free directly in front of goal from a marking contest (2 goal turnaround) and take out Maric's hopeless miss in the first quarter and you are down to a six goal margin. Fact is this game was fought out to the end, heads did not drop, we kept scoring and the physcial pressure was a vast improvement. My depression aside, there were a couple of positive signs there.
  3. For goodness sake, Artie "Maric's an elite kick" Bucco is on this again. Maric is simply not good enough. He kicked three goals against mediocre opposition in Darwin and I was hopeful something had shifted but in the first quarter yesterday he showed the same blaze away in hope style of kicking that has always condemned his game. He contribued two goals to the margin - one his miss which was a gimme for a small forward running at goal, and the other that hopeless handpass that set up the Hawks on the rebound. He simply does not get enough of it to kick in hope the way he does. It's ingrained and it's not going away. And he gives us no defensive pressure in our forward line either. Sorry, to say it because I don't like bagging our own but I have never seen anything in Maric that warranted his relatively high drafting and I think the FD later this year will show they agree. The only thing that could save him is if Wona fails to look like a stayer.
  4. Ditto to that...the camera pan clearly showed the ball moving into their area and Morton moving away from Lade and into the play zone. Lade, the knucklehead, was too slow to realise what was happening. Morton has been cruelly dealt with by Footy Show heroes. He should not have to cop it from Demon supporters.
  5. EXCEPT IT? Not once, but twice? What are you, a New Zealander?
  6. I hope he stays - it will be good for the group's sense of unity and pursuing their goals together, and it will be a feather in the club's cap to hang on to a player when the experts (inverted commas) say he is gone, gone, GONE. But I am less worried about losing him than I was since we learned of two first round draft picks as compensation although it's not clear where these will be. If at the end of the first round, then it's not such great compensation at all. Nah, the thing that has eased my concern has been Scull's continuing problems with disposal under pressure, and those knees which already seem a bit creaky. I know Judd had dodgy shoulders before he was drafted, and now takes the field looking like Tutankahmen, but knees are seriously hard to nurse. So if he goes, he goes, and welcome young Viney. If he stays, fantastic, shove that sideways, Mike.
  7. Maybe you're too young to remember but our early record at Docklands was very good. There's no reason it can't be again. We just have to play down the line more than at the `G. Turn it over going into the corridor at Dlands and you've opened up the opposition's goal face. I'd like to see us using Nicholson and Tapscott for long penetrating kicks off halfback and Davey for precision delivery. Then we might start to work our way through the press which is especially effective there. As for those who say we cannot win at Geelong, tone it down to unlikely. They've had a couple of slip ups lately, needed Pods to dig them out of trouble last week so let's try to keep a little faith. Right now I am really keen to see how we go against Hawthorn - no Roughie, Chip on Franklin, not a bad start, but who gets Cyril? Strauss who is mostly a negator? Has hardly done enough. Does Bartram come back? Mostly good but will struggle for pace. Nicholson? likes to back himself and that could leave us exposed. Let's put Jamar forward early and stretch their diminished defence. The midfield is crucial and that might be where we start to struggle first but let's see how our toughies Beamer, Sylvia and Jones go in there...lots to think about and look forward to. And three more weeks of it - whatever the outcome we should learn plenty, and I for one am hopeful of two wins, and I don't care which two although Hawks (with Osborne laid out) would be a fine start.
  8. You said it...with Bate as the option...
  9. He is really struggling - quite good overhead and has taken some strong saving marks since coming back into the ones but his disposal generally costs us at least one goal per game. That's not unusual in a defender but the worrying thing about Cale's turnovers is that they are often under little pressure. Saturday night was doubly bad with him costing us several goals - at least two directly - but given the humidity and the heat and the likelihood the ball behaved oddly in the air I guess we have to cut him some slack...again. At least, I would.
  10. and Tappy or Beamer to take out Osborne..Oh happy day I think we are a reasonable chance against the Hawks and Blues - and having experienced a win at Kardinia Park a few years ago (and a narrow loss) I am looking forward to the Cats. It's so sweet to wipe those grins off the graziers. Almost as good as seeing Osborne horizontal.
  11. The most encouraging development in all this is the "third party payments" yarn in the Hun - looks like we are getting our act together to cover all bases. While people are bagging Schwarter (and I confess I haven't read his book) can we also spare the time to rip into that phoney Mike Sheahan. I mean, Schwarter doesn't pretend to be a real journalist - he's just a bloke trying to make a living best way he can. But MS has to really have a good look at himself - his work on this subject is laughable in the context of the last few days. Interesting his name is not on the latest reports.
  12. Our blokes need the spell - especially the first and second year players, and LJ.
  13. Been reading some rubbish on the match day thread so I just want to say I was worried about this game from the moment I saw the fixture last year. We played QB Monday, then Sunday (Freo), Saturday (Tiges) and Friday (Dogs). That is three short weeks - three 6-days weeks - makes recovery difficult and is too much for many sides, especially young ones. Would have liked to have seen more ins to freshen the legs but I don't think they were available. The lesson is we should not take too much away from this as disappointing as it is to lose to the dogs as their window is closing.
  14. You're right thanks for that - '87 was a huge win on a fine day at the 'G. '88 at Waverley (the day I'm remembering) was wet (rained through the first half), very tight and Sean was crucial to the win
  15. Shocking news. For those who did not see it, I remember him going forward in the second half of the elimination final 1987 vs the Eagles and turning the game off his own boot. Kicked four, memory suggests. Terrific in the air and courageous. His passing is very sad.
  16. Don't like the joint - it's got tired very quickly - but if we win I'll love it. And yes I will be there.
  17. I was majorly peeved - two interventions by field umpires to cancel out goals to us, plus the crucial turnover on the members' wing late in the final term when Bartram mistook an umpire (in pink top and blue shorts for chrissake!) for a team mate. We were royally screwed that night. Let's hope we repay the 'dogs what we owe em - which is plenty.
  18. anyone else watching the auctions on the club website? terrific battles going on for the signed caricatures with some bloke at shepparton determined to take out the set. after appearing unwanted the scully price has caught up too!
  19. I'm conflicted on Cale. His first two disposals were shockers and split us open, but he again was able to complete some goal-saving marks and won plenty of the ball - 6 kicks in the last despite those confidence shaking first couple of possessions. He has been handy in the air the last few weeks while in defence. I would like to see us persevere. There's not a lot left to come into this side - Tapscott, Davey and Bail this year, and Grimes a definite for next year. Dunn a maybe this year.
  20. Interesting about his game v Richmond was that while his first two possessions were rubbish, he kept at it and finished with eight kicks I want to see the replay to see everything he did, but there were certainly a couple of defensive saves in that last quarter that were telling and that's been part of his game since he has been back. Worth perservering with.
  21. [Had Pie fan hanging it on Jack yesterday. Told him about that shimmy against Freo but the clown hadn't seen it. His Collingwood arrogance shining thru he went on about how worried we must be. Wonder if he will see today's game? Nah, I just hope Jack lies in wait to bury them when it counts. And he will. The kid is growing by the week - 2 votes on 774 today and lots more to come.
  22. Like others here, I respect Tiger fans for staying staunch in hard times, but tell me, is there a more pig ignorant bunch of supporters for any club? Their ridiculous cries of 'ball' every time an opposition player is tackled are simply pathetic.
  23. Artie, do you have a job?
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