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Roost It

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Posts posted by Roost It

  1. 16 minutes ago, DemonAndrew said:

    Get him in, he’s a gun

    Was at the match today and was clearly the best of Adelaide’s defenders under a mountain of ball coming in; the Crows midfield was slaughtered 

    I would hazard a guess that our six untradeable would not include players who have been brought in from other sides

    I would have had Hogan in there for sure, but I’m guessing the six ‘homegrown’ are:
    - Petracca
    - Viney
    - Gawn
    - Oliver
    - Hunt
    - Jetta


    I actually thought Kelly was the pick of the Crows defenders today

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

    Crikey, if Hogan is not an 'untradeable' it must be a very, very short list - like about 3 players on it.  While I get the principle that any player is tradeable for the right deal, it suggests the club doesn't think too much of our list. 

    And if Hogan went even for top dollar it would be like starting a mini list rebuild again.  Scary thought!

    There's 6 players deemed untradeable by Goodwin and co.

  3. Watts is gone because well get something for him now but nothing in 2, years. Also he's contracted so the club holds the aces. Grow up folks this game is about Premierships. Even the players are over Watts. Popular clubman my arse

    • Like 6
  4. To trade Oliver for 3 draft picks would be a terrible idea. He's clearly a cut above anything we've picked in the last 20 years. He rates as possibly our most important player going forward. Those 3 draft picks could be Watts, Salem and Tyson and none hold a torch to Olivee. Steve your nuts and should be roundly scolded for talking nonsense 

    • Like 6
  5. On 13/09/2017 at 9:00 PM, Demon Forever said:

    those worried about the dollar$$$$

    This puts it in perspective

    Chris Dawes (2013) - Signed on for $600K per year - was Hopeless

    Jake Melksham (2016) - Signed on for $600K per year - Serviceable especially late 2017

    Michael Hibberd (2017) - Signed on for $650K per year - Gun

    Mitch Clarke (2012) - Signed on for $800K per year - Couldnt get on the park

    Jake Lever (2018) - Potentially signing for $850K per year - AA with a lot of upside

    Bring Lever on $900K everyday of the week for me please!!!!!!

    He's on his way and the dollars are totally in line with what he deserves Picks 10 and 27 are off to Adelaide 

    • Like 8
  6. 4 hours ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

    With Pendlebury earnings potential near the end Collingwood would throw 'Marquis Player' type incentives into the deal.

    Lever has a spot on an Adelaide radio show - Eddie can offer him that and offer him TV spots as well.  They would all be legit 3rd party deals.  If young Jake still wants a public profile then that deal would be hard to beat.


    On a side note, last week I thought we might be outbid by another Vic club.  Yesterday  @Abe  said the Crows were surprised at the $ we offered Lever.  If he is coming to us for the big $ then Lever can be 'bought'.  North, Coll, StK all have the potential to outbid us with $ to Lever and a trade package to Crows. 

    We are better placed to progress than those clubs so there is every reason for him to chose us.  But clearly there are other factors in his decision. 

    I just hope we don't pay significant overs - we aren't a destination club if we have to do that.

    There is enough noise around to say that Lever is 'playing the trading game' so I'll wait for the announcement with him in a Dees jumper before believing he will be one of us.

    Blah blah blah, that's a lot of words to say nothing. He's coming, rest assured 

    • Like 12
  7. On 13/07/2017 at 1:44 PM, Deespicable said:

    I just read the following and was shocked to see we had again not taken advantage of what Darwin offers in terms of rehab, not to mention the team bonding component of a week away.

    I was already shocked and disappointed when our club hierarchy tried to make out we were getting out and conducting training sessions in Alice Springs in late May. In actual fact all bar Dion Johnstone, Declan Keilty and I think one other attended an outback community clinic - the rest spent just one night in Alice Springs.

    That was somewhat understandable - Alice Springs is very much a backwater and has poor recovery facilities.  So getting Virgin Airlines to agree to a late night Saturday return flight to Melbourne can be viewed as highly practical ... even clever.

    But this is different.

    We are now in the middle of winter and have already seen a spate of soft-tissue injuries. And Darwin is not a backwater - it has genuinely good facilities and a sporting precinct.

    It is a perfect place for our players to get away and put in a solid week of preparation without having to don tights and fear sprinting full pelt. It could have been a godsend for the likes of Nathan Jones, Wattsy, Salem and Dom to get some decent speed sessions in as they attempt to overcome their injuries. But more importantly it was a rare chance for someone like Jack Trengove, who is deemed to be too slow, to get in some serious sprint work - without having to fear whether they had sufficently warmed up enough bracing Melbourne's cold.

    It was also the chance for our players to really embrace the NT community - to conduct special clinics with the talented locals and really spruik our brand in the region.

    To me, we have come a really long way under Jacko.

    But we continue to pay NT lip service and just take the money and run.

    Are we really that poor still that we cannot afford to spend a week's accom in Darwin on our team?

    Or is there something more sinister at brew - we are about to ditch the NT program outright?    

    Anyone with inside information feel free to comment. 


    What a complete load of garbage

  8. 4 hours ago, Devil is in the Detail said:

    Based on what??


    On 05/07/2017 at 11:02 AM, bandicoot said:

    My guess is that you are a *%#^

    Based on the fact that foot injuries are notoriously slow to heal and he's too valuable and too young to risk at this stage of his career. So you can guess whatever you like.


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