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Roost It

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Posts posted by Roost It

  1. 6 hours ago, SFebey said:

    I'm with you mate, totally over Gil and his radical rubbish. Next year could be the year I walk away from it altogether.

    Does that mean you'll stop posting your rubbish here as well......Halelujah

  2. 22 hours ago, SFebey said:

    Should have beaten Cats, Pies and Port. But crumbled dismally. That would’ve set us up for a serious assault, but they don’t want it.

    You're a dill

    The Pies killed us. It's like saying we should have beaten the Hawks

  3. We need to replace Lever

    do we play TMac back and weideman forward?

    do we throw Petty in?

    id like to see Garlett and Spargo play

    i think Tyson is done at MFC

    the luv won’t drop Hogan or Petracca and why would it

  4. On 6/23/2018 at 10:26 PM, SFebey said:

    We don’t have Riewoldt, Cotchin, Rance or Dusty....

    Just B grade plodders and leaders who can’t hide quick enough when we need them.

    [censored] that's a stupid comment. had Brayshaw been played the mark and Wingard not we would of won. 

    we have very few plodders and are still adapting to life after lever

    • Like 2
  5. 18 minutes ago, SFebey said:

    Interesting comments from Brereton over the weekend that he reckons Hogan has lost confidence in crashing packs, my take was that Goodwin has confused him and he doesn't know whether to be a midfielder or a KPF. Apparently 7 times on Friday night Hogan didn't jump for the ball but turned around front and square and tried to rove.

    Isolate Hogan one out in the square with Garlett around if you must bomb it long 

    • Like 1
  6. My confidence has grown through the week. Thought Garlett would be in. Smith worries me as this is s massive game and I would of gone with Garlett, Weideman and kept Spargo. Would of dropped Hannan/Harmes for Tyson and played Jones on the wing. 

    Dees by 26

  7. 1 hour ago, hemingway said:

    Too slow and too short down back. It will be a miracle if we win this match. If we do, I will eat my cap.  However, when I feel this way, we sometimes win. 

    Now to the World Game. The World Cup always puts Aussie Rules into perspective. 

    Yes it points out hoe much better our game is

    • Like 3
  8. 2 hours ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    Out of context I don't know what to make of this. Did he mean:

    (1) he's in favour of it but because the ALP is scared of the Greens, and the Greens hold the seats where this is to be situated, the Premier won't support the proposal so it won't happen; or

    (2) he's against it.

    The most likely scenario, though, is that he hasn't made up his mind because he hasn't had a chance to see what the opinion polls tell him.


    NB: Forget the Rod Grinter Riot Squad reference. I was going to make a comment on his earlier post but have changed my mind but been unable to delete the original reference.

    Word is the plan is somewhat advanced. However it’s plan A, plan B and C are open for discussion. The idea is to have a stand alone training and admin ground within the decade. Apparently land is available in the dock lands precinct however the club is pushing for something closer to the MCG. The ball is now rolling and the club intends to keep pushing until its satisfied. 

    • Like 2
  9. If Pert wasn’t a good get he wouldn’t be coming, it’s that simple. There’s no way Jackson or the AFLwould allow us to employ a Muppet. For you quoting Collingwood sources saying he’s no good you’re probably the same clowns who said the same about Jackson. HE has a simple task, get 50,000 members and increase our revenue

    • Like 2
  10. On 4/30/2018 at 2:01 PM, DV8 said:


    Our game has gone backwards since the congestion has taken oven all space to run into.


    The Press has also gone backwards, ever since Mike Williamson retired.  And X players took over the media sheds.


    The spectacle is useless these days, as older watchers cannot tell who the-hell has just run on, and just run off, and who's on 2nd !!!

    Who'z playin on whom?


    No positional play, no specialist players (Lockett, Daicos, Flower), no man on man matchups.


    It's become a Soccer/Basketball hybrid of boring-ness.

    Good for coaches who like moving magnetic pieces on a white-board.


    Painfull to sit and watch,, I cannot watch a whole game on TV anymore with all this congested play craap.


    Let us all start a new competition on VFL grounds and bring back OUR game,,,  and bring back the biff.

    The game suffers from not enough pure footballers. For us guys like Neale Bullen, Hannan, Harmes, et al wouldn’t go close to a game at the power clubs of the 80’s. Nowadays every club has these guys just look at the last two premiers. Add to that complete media saturation and it becomes boring. I’ve no interest in any games involving GWS, GC, Carlton, Brisbane , Saints, North, Freo , that’s almost half the league. Add to that the fixture, the bland stadiums and Foxtel and its no wonder people are switching off. It’s just a giant corporate circus with little of the romance some of us once loved. I stay interested because clubs like Sydney are so good to watch

    • Like 2
  11. 13 hours ago, DV8 said:

    Why do you say, 'instead of teaching him'?

    Don't you reckon we've been trying to get him to use the ball better since last season ?  The coaches of course, would have been working on that with him.

    And so we have worked hard on getting ur half back sorted so we use the ball better coming out of defence.  We have been much better at this, in 2018.

    But sadly Hunt has not been able to capture his best form, from the wing.

    Our depth has miraculously improved from defence, since we recruited Lever, and others last year.

    In a team lacking a bit of dash Id play Hunt and Garlett. Too good for the seconds in my opinion

    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, DV8 said:

    As I said I like Gaff... but with our dwindling resources in the salary cap, this deecision is Crucial, to get it right.   We are very one geared.  We are very much a power geared side,,, and i want us to add an extra dimension to our run and carry.

    Pace, breaks big games open.

    Hunt was our pace but instead of teaching him to lower his eyes we dropped him and now his season is over right when we need him

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