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Everything posted by george_on_the_outer

  1. Just brilliant @Demonstone!! Had to forward your assessment on to a Hawthorn fan.....how good is it being able to crow after a Premiership?
  2. Looks like Noel is winning the race: Born 30/10/26,(94) Ken 11/2/31 (90) Clyde 27/11/33 (87) I met Noel by accident one night after a game. He had taken the wrong turn leaving Box Hill station and was wandering the street when he flagged me down. I set him on his way to where his daughter was meeting him. Interesting I am sure it was Clydes son was featured on Australian Restoration on the ABC recently, as they had restored a house they owned in Beaumaris. Showed pictures of the son with his brothers as young boys decked out in Demons gear.
  3. Even better to watch will be if they don't leave or no-one takes them on. What will that do for them as players? What message will it send to other players? What will younger Hawk players think at the moment....they want me to walk through brick walls, but then throw me out like I'm seeing done to others?
  4. Salem 26 years old. 130 games. Probably needs another 8 years, but he isn't playing a crash and bash role in the middle, like Oliver. Could be like Burgoyne still going at 34....
  5. Here is the site: MFC Member badges brought home: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1732461107107595
  6. Aaah the Toump! Perhaps we should re-draft him based on his performance in the SA Grand Final? https://sanfl.com.au/league/news/eagles-win-2021-statewide-super-league-premiership/ 26 touches....wow. Not to mention a couple of Menzels and another draft prospect in Riley Knight playing. and that Stengle bloke looks good too.....in such esteemed company and high level football surely someone will draft him this year?
  7. You have to give @Supermercadoa bit of time. After all it took him 57 years to write the book about our last Premiership.
  8. That's it! And it means we get next years player in this year and can put 12 months of development into them. What don't people understand about being in a Premiership window? It is about the now, we make the team better NOW. We would only "lose" at the draft if we drop to the bottom of the ladder in 2022. Do any of the critics of this tactic think that will happen next year?
  9. If this goes through he is simply insurance should injuries occur. We have retired VDB and Jones at 29 and 32. Dunstan at 27 would give us 2-5 years as a serviceable player, which is all that the other two could provide in Season 2021. If he provides more, then that is a bonus.
  10. Looking forward to Cam beating up on the opposition for the Phillip island Bulldogs at the Annual Easter match in Cowes. He really is miles ahead of anyone else at this level.
  11. Gold Coast's other problem is their list size. I think they had 51 for this season, as a result of concessions the AFL gave them in 2019-20. That has to be reduced like all clubs, I think, to 36 plus rookies. So they have accumulated a heap of players they now cannot keep or pay for. Their salary cap problems are tied in with the number of players they have to pay, not the quality of players. And like a lot of clubs this year, to meet reduced COVID salary caps, they backloaded contracts. The backloading starts happening this year, so we will see a lot of delisting just to keep under the cap. Other clubs just did an across the board reduction in salaries for 2021, and will avoid the problem.
  12. Absolutely! Harris and Purcell will be huge additions, while players like Bannon, Hanks and McNamara will only be better. We have gone for the Doctor to get the Premiership this year, while Daisy and Karen are still playing. Harris solves the problem up forward, and Lauren Pearce is the best ruck in the AFLW. Now is the time, and since the competition has been put back a month, the COVID situation should improve. I do feel for the girls though if they have to play games in Brisbane and ( heaven forbid) Alice Springs in summer!
  13. Every year they come out with the same statistics which have a very fundamental flaw. Ask anyone in NSW which AFL side they follow, and they say Sydney, not because they do, but it is the only one reported on in that state. It would be the same as asking people in Melbourne which NRL club they support. You can see the same problem in SA. Does anyone seriously think they have that much support nationwide? There are only 2 clubs in the state, and you either support Port or you hate them. Morgans then translate those state based survey result into nationwide support. Trouble is 4 of the top 5 sides identified in the survey come from the 2 team based States, all outside Victoria. Surely that should ring a bell?
  14. Exactly. If he did his research and read his own article he would find out Oliver and Pickett are contracted for another 2 years, Gawn for another 4. Our priorities for next year are Jackson and Brayshaw. Yes they will get a salary increase but Jones and Jetta have retired now, which will go a long way to covering any increase. As BDA has said any club that has won a Premiership has the same problem. But any club that is in the top part of the Ladder will as well ( apart from Collingwood). It's all about list management. Not the bleeding obvious!!
  15. Flanagan really does put a lot of this story in the fictional basket designed for the American market: https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/tom-wills-remains-a-major-figure-in-australian-history-20210924-p58uih.html
  16. MIght be a long session this week.....Has Andy's MFCSS been cured?
  17. The Dogs have the same salary cap as everyone else. Treloar is included in their cap. Collingwood are paying $300K of that cap to get Treloar off their books or they would have exceeded their own cap.
  18. ...."Without concrete interest beyond those two teams" says it all really.
  19. As long as it's not Findlay, Williamson or Chamberlain......or Nichols ( but then Hawthorn aren't playing)
  20. Not talking about capital gains tax. Talking only about capital gains. You can only crystallise those if you sell. Otherwise they provide no cash, unlike the pokies.(Not in favour of them) we forewent renewing the pokies licence at Bentleigh club from August 2022. We lose the $1m +per year of profit. That is what we have to replace just to stay where we are today. The problem is how do you generate the same level of return without substantial risk.
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