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Everything posted by darkhorse72

  1. Easily Febey over Davey, Febey Was great his whole career till injury meant he ended his run close to breaking the then games record. Davey was amazing early. but then faded over his career. He set the standard with his defensive pressure for the comp and then stopped doing that sort of pressure. Not sure if that was coach led. By the end it was obvious Davey was done in terms of being competitive, not so with Febey.
  2. An interesting point of instilling approaches to footy and fairly representative on the abilities of the fathers ability and how they worked to overcome their short comings.
  3. Sentimental place for Lovett, as already bene said, injuries. I remember hearing he loved the Dee's and flower so much he insisted that he attend the same high school as Flower (Which he did). The man was red and blue to the core.... Whereas Farmer isn't.
  4. Strangely that sounds like the recent Geelong...
  5. It has to be Lyon as he is the only player on the list that to lift himself above others and impose himself on a game through talent and sheer will and win it. Lots of talent on the list but that is what separates Lyon from the others and the type of player we have missed, as the others often only have cameo's.
  6. Over the journey we do seem to have found value in the rookie, preseason drafts. more often than the regular one
  7. More importantly it kills culture...that takes far longer the build and repair than a few players.
  8. Of coarse that it helps that the government is paying 80% of everyone's wages for 6 months! Then they have private owners with deep pockets. But what I have read in the past that many of the clubs are massively in debt in the 10's of millions, so maybe not the best model.
  9. Gee not much variation in team rankings...
  10. Good idea, send it to the club to do. Give them something to do in their isolation . My daughter would love a call from Viney as she plays like him, ferocious at the ball or player if they have it (Her team mates don't like training with her on contest/tackling drills). Plus I get her to watch how Viney plays on games esp. round 1 this year as how you should play the game. I will continue pay mine as I can afford it luckily, but certainly accept those that can't should be looked after, for they will return when things get netter for them, as they will always remember the support form the club. As Eddie said, we are a family in the end.
  11. I thought “merging” with AFL port saved them a few years ago as they are now the same entity.
  12. Life poor kicking skills were known before we recruited him. But for some reason we don't spend the summer focussing on that skill. We don't seem to have a minimum benchmark for kicking skills that we set for players, for field kicking. He wasn't the only one on the day, I can't believe how many kicks went over our players heads when passing, even when not under pressure. Simply poor skills.
  13. Happy we are aligning with Casey, it has been beneficial for us. For a home base, we'll see what happens. The situation has changed for everyone, at least in the short term. As for other sports, the AFL is in the most secure position of all the national football codes. The other codes were already struggling and don't have the future financial ability to gain lines of credit to tide it over. Happy we are aligning with Casey, it has been beneficial for us. For a home base, we'll see what happens. The situation has changed for everyone, at least in the short term. As for other sports, the AFL is in the most secure position of all the sports.
  14. Is the 35 the active list, so there will still be rookie lists and other other supplementary lists that seem to exsit?
  15. The word around Perth and in footy in general is unfortunately Hogan is representative of the "mental" health plague that is affecting players that is often more relevant to abusing substances that is being managed by clubs. Would like him back at the Dee's but it won't happen, Freo do need him on the field and I hope they help him get back on track.
  16. Whether that is true or not, unless there is a leak in China we'll never know (They are becoming more common how China didn't include 43,000 positive tests in their data as they had no symptoms, You can't trust data from China). The link was China's only high risk biological research centre thats run by their military (Like everything important n China) next to Wuhan. The rumour was some researchers made extra cash selling used test subjects (animals) for extra cash after they had been experimented on on the local food market. There are cases in the past of some being charged. Whether this was the cause of the virus as there was research ongoing for the corona family of diseases at the time as they work towards responses to them, as it is the same family of SARS for example. Latest leak from China in a report says it was a 57 yr old wet market merchant is patient 0. Whereas China currently still states they do not officially know The reason SARS was easily to get under control was you weren't contagious until you developed symptoms. Hence you could temperature scan every person before they boarded flights etc and quarantine them very quickly with a high hit rate. Covid-19 is not like that, but far less lethal than SARS which is good. In saying that the virus whether originating from a lab or nature, it does occur naturally in bats, simply poor hygiene and outdated special meals is the cause. In the end we need to isolate, wait for the peak and slowly go back to work and hopefully a vaccine is developed in the next 18months or so. Luckily the current reports says you can't get it twice, but its. still early days. .
  17. Nice and paper till you try to fit it under a salary cap!
  18. heard that argument before somewhere just with other "special" players
  19. This is a whole industry response and should not be on a club by club basis. As combined the AFL can get a better response.
  20. Great work Bedford and Kossie for a goal... they don't stop.
  21. Our new recruits look above our normal class and effort which is positive.
  22. WTF was that by Oliver, he jogged up to the opposition as they left our forward line, still jogging went a couple of metres away.. pathetic Hope they play that time him again and again
  23. Anyone who know how to structure a forward line
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