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Go the Biff

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Everything posted by Go the Biff

  1. Haven't seen the game so my opinion carries little weight but if we structured up like we have for the past 18 months then we are farked. We have the worst forward set-up in the AFL and have had for a fair while. It's less a form & personnel issue than it is where they set-up & what they do when the ball goes out of the forward line. For those bagging Neitz, I'd rather have him on one leg with his arm in a sling than a fully fit Newton. At least a crippled Neitz would try to give a contest.
  2. He just looks like a footy coach *. Loved his response to a question "did you think about shutting down when you were three goals up" No - we were thinking about being four goals up. What was that 16 - 17 minutes into the first quarter ? I make that about 104 minutes to go. No - I wouldn't think about shutting it down then. * - caveat. Once upon a time Stephen Bickford looked like being a footballer. Appearances can be deceiving
  3. I am no fan of Jace Bode. He evokes in me the same feelings I felt watching Luke Williams kick sideways all the time. BUT - last week he was one of the few who tried to work hard both ways. He was one of the few who led towards the ball carrier in an effort to provide them with a target. He is an ordinary player at AFL level IMHO but he is very stiff to be dropped this week.
  4. No disrespect Nugget but you have got the rosiest of rose coloured glasses on. If Yze Magic decides to sub-contract out his previews, you should put your hand up for the gig. 'Twould make very positive reading.
  5. As you said earlier, they won't run. Token efforts to present. The sad reality is that most of these blokes don't want the responsibility of putting their hand up & saying "give it to me, I want the football"! Unfortunately, as the confidence gets further bashed out of them, this aspect is likely to get worse rather than better. Often you have to feel for the poor bugger kicking in. Hard to hit targets when there are none on offer.
  6. Don't know mick but it's a new theory. Fair effort that as plenty have been put forward. Someone should be keeping a list so that no-one doubles up.
  7. Mate, last time I played, dinosaurs still roamed the earth
  8. Strewth, even our posters are carrying dodgy groins ! Hope it comes good - there's a lot of territory to cover on some of those big O&M grounds.
  9. Just taking the [censored] DD. Everything else has been blamed from Paul Gardner's speech to Yze Magic's predictions. Can't have that trumpeter not copping his share as well. Hey, who are you playing footy for this year ? Still at Murray ?
  10. The problems at our club are deep, many & varied. We can't expect an overnight miracle fix but we need to chip away at them. We have turned to shite since that bloody trumpet player set foot on our sacred turf. He must go. While it won't solve our problems nor make a difference to the playing group, still he must go. It's all about doing the one percenters !!! Take out the trumpeter.
  11. Don't think you've read that right & I had a good view. Morton's work was terrific in getting the ball to Robertson but then he stopped. You could see Robertson looking to Morton & I reckon he wanted to pass the ball off to him but the kid was static (then again, passing or handballing to a static team-mate often seemed the orger of the day). Had Cale moved 7 or 8 metres towards goal the pass was on. By the time he did, a Bulldog had moved up from the goalsquare, effectively covering him. I was happy enough with Robertson's work-rate in the first half. Pisses me off when he flies against Neitz though - he should be front & square. Our whole forward structure pisses me off in fact & has for years. I'll save that rant for another time.
  12. Although your username sounds familiar I note a post count of 1. That is a pretty useful first post. Welcome.
  13. As long as you get him home by 1.00 am. Hate to see him suspended after 6 goals & 11 tackles
  14. Two separate issues. Do the deal for a summer training base, for at least the next two years & then review the arrangement when Olympic Park comes on line. It may be in the club's interest to have the summer arrangement ongoing. If the club wants to develop a presence in the area, get out there a few times this year to start it off. Put on a few clinics during the next school holidays. Send players around schools in the region as well. Have training at times where kids can come & watch & maybe, have a kick after training with some of the players. While the area is growing rapidly it's also got more than its fair share of families battling "no deposit" mortgages. If the club wants anything more than a training base from the exercise, the first thing they should be trying to get is the hearts & minds of potential young fans rather than making a quid. As for playing games at Casey, we should steer well clear of any involvment. That's a council / AFL debate which, if it ever gets legs, will escalate to State govt level. It will be all about infrastructure and given that after 150 years we still have none, we should leave the interested parties to it. It will be a money pit.
  15. That's the area we miss Rivers most of all - his ability to read the play & cut off forward thrusts from the opposition. You might not like his "confidence" but Franklin can seriously play. Flashy & can drift in & out of a game but I don't subscribe to the frontrunner view. YM if Franklin were on the "G" in a Melbourne jumper you'd not only change your username but you'd have a crack at yourself til your head caved in.
  16. As I understand it, Casey Fields is being looked at as a summer pre-season training venue rather than hopping from ground to ground. Olympic Park is still on as our home & our training venue during the season.
  17. Slight correction - from what you've said you've been a barracker all your life, not a supporter. Two years considering becoming a member ? FFS, Luke Williams was a better decision maker than you. The sad thing is that there are thousands of pea-hearts with an attitude like yours who will take yesterday as an excuse to decline supporting the club with their finances & their attendance. As if we don't have enough down-hill skiers in this club. When the going gets tough you find out about people. Have a look at yourself Mono, chances are you won't need a full-length mirror. If you want to be a supporter, join up & turn up.
  18. I'd prefer this : http://www.anaivanovic.com/index.php?path=...detailpage=1036
  19. Rather he did this than sit on his arse all day playing Playstation waiting to go to training. The 2 reports are irrelevant - both thrown out at the first stage of inspection. He's about the only decent media we've got at the moment. Wouldn't mind seeing the jumper get a bit more air-time though - the red & blue, not that shite thing we've been parading in the pre-season.
  20. Incorrect YM. Based on what I saw last year. Good games against the likes of Carlton going at half rat-power shouldn't get you on the senior list. I was surprised he was promoted. Hope he proves me very wrong though. Loving your optimism as always. Have you got the leopard-skins ready for a R1 victory over the Hawks ?
  21. I know what you mean. I look at Jace Bode but I keep seeing Luke Williams !
  22. Frawley was injured - a foot/ankle sprain which blew up a bit. Should not keep him out of action long. Miller had a hamstring twinge - rested on Saturday as a precaution
  23. This has been a ripping read but WTF has Page 2 got to do with Rhys Palmer. Mods, is there any chance of moving the CAC/drafting discussion. I think it deserves its own thread
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