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Everything posted by Dannyz

  1. Col said himself it's a non issue. Strategic strapping of the hip's had taken away any pain. Article published around 2009 I think.
  2. From a corporate point of view, coaches sponsorship at Collingwood potentially holds a greater commodity than joint major at Melbourne. Sad but true. Good move by Kaspersky.
  3. B: Garland Frawley Tynan HB: Bennell Rivers Bartram C: Nicholson Magner Grimes HF: Green Watts Howe F: Sylvia Clark Jurrah F: Jamar Trengove Jones I: Bail, Tapscott, Moloney, Sylvia Apologies to McKenzie but I want to see pace & attack. We have nothing to lose.
  4. The problem with the list above is none of them will ever be A grade midfielders in my opinion, with possibly the exception of Viney.
  5. I agree with Walls re: Dean Bailey. Things were improving and Mr.Schwab says that under the 'Premiership model' our years for contention were to be 12/13, with 11 being competitive which we were for the most part. It's old news now but I believe Neeld's recruitment, put in the simplest possible way, has pushed us back 3 years.
  6. For the record, does anybody actually know the exact figure of Mitch Clark's salary. As a player his value isnt the 700K or near figures that are bandied about, but his value to OUR team given his KPF status and the low salary cap we pay etc is worth the 700K at this time.
  7. Your always playing devils advocate, it's really boring. If Schwab is off shortly, why would he be on the selection panel? It will have nothing to with him ultimately.
  8. The reason the Andrews report was shelved was because it shed a negative light on Cameron Schwab's as Melbourn Football Club CEO.
  9. Relying on fan money isn't a sustainable model and can't be continually relied upon. First it was the debt, now the salary budget. What's next?
  10. Brad Green will be the captain of the Melbourne Football Club in 2011. Internally there is no pressure and club officials are happy with the job his doing. Captains are prone to drop's in form just like regular players.
  11. Dropping the skipper is the ultimate sign of weakness.
  12. Depends on the vision of the club. David Neitz would be a good shout. A good Melbourne man who has cut his teeth with the Mates of Melbourne brand. If they're looking to point someone with experience there are many of solid candidates out there.
  13. Research show's that the Melbourne badge situated above Hankook's logo is the main eye-catch.
  14. Couldn't of said it better.
  15. The report you speak of, which too cost $80,000, was that of a consultant who was ultimately disregarded. I was donating to the Melbourne Football Club, not it's CEO. No. I think your referring to his complaints regarding the positioning of his companies image on the jumper. MFC broke the contract originally signed with Hankook which stated that Hankook's logo would be the only image represented on the left hand upper side of the jumper. De la Rue eventually let this go.
  16. My information is Schwab purchased a $80,000 desk in 1999. He was then sacked by Gutnick.
  17. The negativity is there for a reason. I'm not going to reveal anything else. Things will come out if G.Lyon does his job and I'd say Schwab will be the first to go.
  18. Of course. I won't be seen at the club or have any dealings with the current administration.
  19. I have elaborated in a thread posted yesterday - It was closed.
  20. I'm unhappy with alot of the decisions being made. I've given the club large sum's of money since 2009 and that will now stop. I do, however, like the vision they're taking with regards to Scully.
  21. Enjoyed my night. The last time I have anything to do with the Melbourne Football Club til change is made.
  22. Good luck to him. Has he got the bollocks to get rid of anyone? Probably not.
  23. Firstly I want to touch on Dean Bailey. A good coach who's brave decisions became his undoing. The chop of McDonald and to an extent Bruce were first signs for me his vision for the club was flawed and too fixed. Respect to Dean though for recognising the clubs list needed a rebuilding phase. Stability in any organisation is key to meeting organisational goals. The Melbourne Football Club have a president away from the club most of the time, a CEO who previously spent $80,000 on a desk at the club under pressure for various reasons and a leadership group doing nothing of that. Stability is lacking in every area of our club. Jim Stynes should of stepped down permanently as soon as he couldn't continue to complete presidency duties on a day to day basis. In December of 2010, my information is that Jim put it on himself to personally oversee the coaching of Bailey with the view of making a recommendation to the board regarding a new contract for Dean moving forward. There are two problems with this. Battling illness, Jim isn't in any position to perform reviews to the standard required and if Chris Connolly isn't the man to oversee the coach, how/why is he still required? Surely this is his job. And as touched on by Leigh Matthew's. I don't understand the club's need to bring in Lyon. If the Board of Directors, CEO and Football Manager are making the wrong decisions then change needs to be made. Bringing a primarily media mogul in on a consultive basis isn't the answer long-term. I have fears for club.
  24. I don't follow the VFL much - Let's just not debut Blease for the sake of it though.
  25. 6 - Rivers 5 - Gysberts 4 - Martin 3 - McKenzie 2 - Scully 1 - Watts
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