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Everything posted by Dannyz

  1. Up in the air until Pert's review is delivered to the board. The talk is the writing is on the wall for Matthews & Plapp. Rooke is gone and the VFL coach will have no AFL based duties.
  2. You don't need a whole lot of business acumen to assume the footy director position. You need FD acumen which you would assume a prominent former player, captain and then assistant coach would have.
  3. Fact, I'm told. We are well in the running!
  4. Smith won't be at Hawthorn in 21.
  5. Jack has advised the club he will sign the 4 year contract in front of him. The formalities will follow. The delay is around AFL confirmations on 2021 caps and list sizes.
  6. The money will be spent on Paul Roos as Rhys' right hand man
  7. When returning to WA from interstate, you are required to self isolate for 14 days. Only those who live at the same address may you come in to contact with.
  8. Can't specifically say to much but my information comes from someone employed by the club. I don't post everything i'm told, but this will be announced in due course so i'm coming forth now.
  9. The thought is there are players, Nietschke for example who is showing real grit and determination with his rehab, that are deserving of a spot on the list ahead of Bennell. Although it should be noted that Bennell's behaviour up until this latest indiscretion was exemplary. Still, it isn't an aberration.
  10. Realistically, none of us have any idea on the performance of Assistant coaches at the club. We aren't aware of any of their performance measures.
  11. This mail is wrong. Term's had been agreed on a contract for 2021 with Harley subject to the finalisation of list numbers not dropping below 36 (Unlikely).
  12. A really solid career. Played some outstanding games on the G. The MFC's best field kick of the last two decades for mine. Enjoy retirement Wattsy.
  13. Surprised by the surprise on Dunkley. Never got near the team in a disappointing year. Not even named emergency IIRC?
  14. 42 games for the number 42. A solid penultimate outing against the Saints.
  15. Who do the New York Yankees want to be like? No one. They create their own identity. Time we did the same.
  16. I wouldn't post something that was my personal conjecture without advising it being as such
  17. Many Demonlanders have their wish - Harmes will play in the midfield.
  18. Very interested to see how Tomlinson goes re pointed to the wing.
  19. What does he have to be positive about? ?
  20. Makes his effort in coming back on and laying a crucial tackle even more valiant.
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